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Showing 121-150 of 462
Thesis or Dissertation
Arboleda E, Verónica Rodríguez.
Modelo De Negocios De Servicios Informáticos Para Pymes
Master Thesis, Universidad Internacional SEK, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Jaramillo E, Verónica Castro.
La planificación financiera y la liquidez en la empresa DITEXTIL de la ciudad de Ambato
Grado académico, Universidad Técnica de Ambato, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Roth L, Veronica.
Detecting and adjusting for attrition bias in longitudinal survey panels
Doctor of Philosophy, 2015.
Journal Article
Masenya, Veronica, Katinka Wet, and Jan K Coetzee.
Narrating Everyday Precarity: Women's Voices from Resource Poor Areas
Qualitative Sociology Review 13, no. 1 (2017): 193-209.
Thesis or Dissertation
Villamar Villarreal, Verónica L, and Johan H Alvarez Rivera.
Revisión sistemática de los métodos farmacológicos versus los métodos quirúrgicos en la finalización del embarazo en el primer trimestre
Titulo de Especialista en Ginecologia y Obstetricia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Ecuador, 2012.
Journal Article
Rominski, Sarah D, Jody Lori, Emmanuel Nakua, Veronica Dzomeku, and Cheryl A Moyer.
When the baby remains there for a long time, it is going to die so you have to hit her small for the baby to come out: justification of disrespectful and abusive care during childbirth among midwifery students in Ghana
Health Policy and Planning 32, no. 2 (2017): 215-224.
Thesis or Dissertation
Valverde Calvache, Veronica Del Pilar.
Politicas laborales en el Estado Constitucional de Derechos en el periodo 2008-2016
Título de avogada, Quito: Universidad Central del Ecuador, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gonzalez Fonseca, Veronica Fernanda.
Propuesta de un sistema de control interno al area de servicio de metalmecanica aplicado a la Fundacion Proyecto Salesiano Chicos de la Calle ubicado en la ciudad Quito-Pichincha.
título de ingeniero en contabilidad y auditoría, Quito: Universidad Central del Ecuador, 2016.
Working Paper
Ades, Veronica.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy
(2013) Around the Globe for Women's Health.
Journal Article
Ojwang, James K, Veronica C Lee, Anthony Waruru, and Victor Ssempijja.
Using information and communications technology in a national population-based survey: the Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey 2012
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 66, no. Suppl 1 (2014): S123.
Journal Article
Lee, Veronica C, Patrick Muriithi, Ulrike Gilbert-Nandra, Andrea A Kim, Mary E Schmitz, James Odek, Rose Mokaya, Jennifer S Galbraith, and KAIS Study Group.
Orphans and vulnerable children in Kenya: results from a nationally representative population-based survey
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 66, no. Suppl 1 (2014): S89.
Journal Article
Candioti, Carlos, Gustavo Rossini, Edith Depetris de Guiguet, Oscar Costa, and Veronica Schoj.
Economic evaluation of a 100% smoke-free law on the hospitality industry in an Argentinean province
Salud Publica de Mexico 54, no. 3 (2012): 225-232.
Working Paper
Fuentes Arroyo, Patricia Veronica, Katherine Alejandra Herrera Parada, Daniela Alejandra Lavanderos Mendez, and Carla Ignacia Tapia Parada.
Factores que inciden en el bullying al interior de un establecimiento particular subvencionado y tres establecimientos municipales de la ciudad de chillán
Journal Article
Amarante, Veronica, Rodrigo Arim, and Mijail Yapor.
Desigualdad e informalidad en el Uruguay
Desigualdad e informalidad. Un analisis de cinco experiencias latinoamericanas, Santiago de Chile: CEPAL, en, acceso 23, no. 7 (2015): 2016.
Journal Article
Filardo, Veronica.
Edad al primer hijo: distancias intra-generacionales en Uruguay
Papeles de Población 23, no. 91 (2017): 229-257.
Journal Article
López-Guerrero, Martha, and Verónica Lizardi-Rojo.
La mujer mexicana educada en valores para su inserción laboral sin discriminación
Opción 32, no. 13 (2016): 815-839.
Journal Article
Amarante, Veronica, and Marcela Gomez.
El proceso de formalización en el mercado laboral uruguayo
(2016) CEPAL - Serie Estudios y Perspectivas.
Journal Article
Filardo, Veronica.
Comprehensiveness in the Analysis of Educational Paths
Educação & Realidade 41, no. 1 (2016): 15-40.
Journal Article
Amarante, Veronica.
Inequality and Household Size: A Microsimulation for Uruguay
International Journal of Microsimulation 10, no. 1 (2017): 73-105.
Working Paper
Amarante, Veronica, Maira Colacce, and Victoria Tenenbaum.
National Care System in Uruguay
(2017) UNU-WIDER.
Journal Article
Jang, Juyoung, Veronica Deenanath, and Catherine A Solheim.
Family Members’ Transnational Migration, Community Contexts, and Psychological Distress in Mexican Families
Family Science Review 20, no. 2 (2015): 94-112.
Conference Paper
Dougherty, Sean, Veronica Frisancho, and Kala Krishna.
India Policy Forum
India Policy Forum (IPF).
New Delhi, India, 06 16-17, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sovero T, Veronica.
Topics in Household Decision-Making: Risk Preferences and Investments in Children: Evidence from Mexico. HIV Testing and Belief Revision: What Do You Learn About Your Past and Future? Knowledge of HIV-Negative Status and Household Decision-Making
Degree Doctor of Philosophy, University of California, 2013.
Journal Article
Lopez-Teros, Veronica, Justin Chileshe, Nicole Idohou-Dossou, Tetra Fajarwati, Gabriel Medoua Nama, Sam Newton, Malavika Vinod Kumar, Zhixu Wang, Emorn Wasantwisut, and Janet R Hunt.
International Experiences in Assessing Vitamin A Status and Applying the Vitamin A-Labeled Isotope Dilution Method
International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 84, no. 1 (2014): 40-51.
Journal Article
Moyer, Cheryl A, Sarah Rominski, Emmanuel Kweku Nakua, Veronica Millicent Dzomeku, Peter Agyei-Baffour, and Jody R Lori.
Exposure to disrespectful patient care during training: data from midwifery students at 15 midwifery schools in Ghana
(2016) Midwifery.
Journal Article
Corral, Alvaro, Francisco Izurieta, Veronica Guayanlema, Juan P Díaz, Henry Acurio, and Paola Quintana.
Assessment opportunities for energy efficiency in Ecuadorian road transport
Dyna 84, no. 200 (2017): 309-315.
Journal Article
Opanga, Yvonne, Lydia Kaduka, Zipporah Bukania, Richard Mutisya, Ann Korir, Veronica Thuita, Moses Mwangi, Erastus Muniu, and Charles Mbakaya.
Nutritional status of cancer outpatients using scored patient generated subjective global assessment in two cancer treatment centers, Nairobi, Kenya
BMC Nutrition 3, no. 63 (2017).
Thesis or Dissertation
Obunga A, Veronica A.
Effect Of Structured Newborn Clinical Evaluation By Paediatric Residents At Kenyatta National Hospital On Rehospitalization Rates Within The First Month Of Life
Master Thesis, University of Nairobi, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Castano Amaya, Alejandra, Monica Jaramillo Quintero, Angela Ariana Quinones Toro, Alejandra Salazar Ramirez, and Veronica Tabares Ocampo.
Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de autocuidado en las mujeres estudiantes de la UCM a la toma de la citología vaginal
profesionales en Enfermería, Universidad Católica de Manizales, 2015.
Journal Article
Maliro, Moses FA, Veronica F Guwela, Jacinta Nyaika, and Kevin M Murphy.
Preliminary studies of the performance of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) genotypes under irrigated and rainfed conditions of central Malawi
(2017) Frontiers in Plant Science.
Showing 121-150 of 462