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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Curtis, Valerie, Bernadette Kanki, Simon Cousens, Ibrahim Diallo, Alphonse Kpozehouen, Morike Sangare, and Michel Nikiema. "Evidence of behaviour change following a hygiene promotion programme in Burkina Faso." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 79, no. 6 (2001): 518-527.
Working Paper
Naidoo, Seneca, Stuart Piketh, and Christopher Curtis. "Domestic Fuel Combustion in Un-electrified Low-income Settlements in South Africa."
Journal Article
Tumlinson, Katherine, Brian W Pence, Siân L Curtis, Stephen W Marshall, and Ilene S Speizer. "Quality of Care and Contraceptive Use in Urban Kenya." International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 41, no. 2 (2015): 69-79.
Journal Article
Breiding, Matthew J, Avid Reza, Jama Gulaid, Curtis Blanton, James A Mercy, Linda L Dahlberg, Nonhlanhla Dlamini, and Sapna Bamrah. "Risk factors associated with sexual violence towards girls in Swaziland." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 89, no. 3 (2011): 203-210.
Journal Article
Reza, Avid, Matthew J Breiding, Jama Gulaid, James A Mercy, Curtis Blanton, Zodwa Mthethwa, Sapna Bamrah, Linda L Dahlberg, and Mark Anderson. "Sexual violence and its health consequences for female children in Swaziland: a cluster survey study." The Lancet 373, no. 9679 (2009): 1966-1972.
Working Paper
Breiding, Matthew J, Avid Reza, Jama Gulaid, Curtis Blanton, James A Mercy, Linda L Dahlberg, Nonhlanhla Dlamini, and Sapna Bamrah. "Risk factors associated with violence towards girls in Swaziland." Bulletin of the World Health Organization.
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Reza, Avid, Basia Tomczyk, Victor M Aguayo, Noel M Zagré, Kadadé Goumbi, Curtis Blanton, and Leisel Talley. "Retrospective determination of whether famine existed in Niger, 2005: two stage cluster survey." (2008) BMJ.
Thesis or Dissertation
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Greenland, Katie, Jenala Chipungu, Roma Chilengi, and Valerie Curtis. "Theory-based formative research on oral rehydration salts and zinc use in Lusaka, Zambia." BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Boadi, Eric Kofi, Yao Li, and Victor Curtis Lartey. "Role of Bank Specific, Macroeconomic and Risk Determinants of Banks Profitability: Empirical Evidence from Ghana's Rural Banking Industry.." International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 6, no. 2 (2016): 813-823.
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Working Paper
Ratnayake, Ruwan, Jeffrey Ratto, Colleen Hardy, Curtis Blanton, Laura Miller, Mary Choi, John Kpaleyea, Pheabean Momoh, and Yolanda Barbera. "The Effects of an Integrated Community Case Management Strategy on the Appropriate Treatment of Children and Child Mortality in Kono District, Sierra Leone: A Program Evaluation." (2017)
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