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Showing 31-60 of 741
Journal Article
Rodríguez, Zaira Gonzalez, Juan Antonio Leos Rodríguez, and Maria Jesica Zavala Pineda.
Impactos de los créditos agropecuarios de Financiera Nacional de Desarrollo en el bienestar de los hogares beneficiarios del valle de Mexicali
CIENCIA ergo-sum 24, no. 1 (2017): 5-17.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rodríguez Játiva D, Santiago.
Plan de negocio para la importación desde Europa y comercialización de vehículos amigables con el ambiente, bajo la modalidad de leasing, en Quito
Rodríguez Játiva, Universidad De Las Américas, 2017.
Working Paper
Rodríguez, Alfonso, Leidy Vanessa, and Juan Manuel Navas Rodríguez.
Percepciones y concepciones de las escolares gestantes sobre la clase de Educación Física.
Journal Article
Rodríguez, Lina Cruz C, and Diana Rodríguez C Pabón.
Calidad de vida de mujeres rurales jefes de hogar de familias monoparentales en la vereda La Llanerita de Villavicencio, Meta
(2016) Revista Lebret.
Journal Article
Achury-Saldana, Diana Marcela, Sandra Monica Rodriguez, Luisa Fernanda Achury-Beltran, Martha Patricia Padilla-Velasco, Jenny Marcela Leuro-Umana, Angélica Martínez Martinez, Jenny Astrid Soto-Rodriguez, Yarisselle Almonacid-Leve, Ángela María Sosa, and Liliana Enith Camargo-Becerra.
Efecto de un plan educativo en la capacidad de agencia de autocuidado del paciente con hipertensión arterial en una institución de segundo nivel
Aquichan 13, no. 3 (2013): 363-372.
Journal Article
Lavy, Victor, John Strauss, Duncan Thomas, and Philippe De Vreyer.
The impact of the quality of health care on children's nutrition and survival in Ghana
Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper 1, no. LSM106 (1995).
Journal Article
Thomas, Duncan, Victor Lavy, and John Strauss.
Public policy and anthropometric outcomes in Cote d'Ivoire
Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper 1, no. LSM89 (1992).
Efem, Iyeme, Caroline Jehu-Appiah, Sylvester Anemana, Edward Addai, Evelyn Awittor, and Victor Ankrah.
Report of the Review of Accelerated Child Survival and Development Programme in the Upper East Region of Ghana
: UNICEF, 2004.
Working Paper
Lavy, Victor, Michael Palumbo, and Steven Stern.
Quality of medical facilities, health, and labor force participation in Jamaica
Journal Article
Bossuroy, Thomas, Denis Cogneau, and Victor Hiller.
Intergenerational mobility across time in five African countries
Journal Article
Khandker, Shahidur, Victor Lavy, and Deon Filmer.
Schooling and cognitive achievements of children in Morocco: Can the government Improve outcomes?
Journal Article
Lavy, Victor, and Jennie Spratt.
Patterns of incidence and change in Moroccan literacy
Comparative Education Review 41, no. 2 (1997): 120-141.
Conference Paper
Agadjanian, Victor, and Ndola Prata.
Trends in Angola's fertility
United Nations Workshop on Fertility Decline for High Fertility Countries.
New York, USA, July 9-11, 2001.
Journal Article
Aguayo, Victor M, Shawn K Baker, Xavier Crespin, Harouna Hamani, and Aissa MamadoulTaïbou.
Maintaining high vitamin A supplementation coverage in children. lessons from Niger
Food and Nutrition Bulletin 26, no. 1 (2005): 26-31.
Journal Article
Stanton, Cynihia, John Hobcraft, Kenneth Hill, Nicaise Kodjogbe, W.T. Mapeta, Francis Munene, Moshen Naghavi, Victor Rabeza, Bounthavy Sisouphanthong, and Ounay Campbell.
Every death counts: measurement of maternal mortality via a census
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 79, no. 7 (2001): 657-664.
Conference Paper
Aguayo, Victor M, and Jay Ross.
The economic value of human milk in Francophone Africa: Why safe replacement of breastmilk in not an option for the vast majority of West African infants: A PROFILES analysis for Nutrition Policy Communication
West Africa Nutrition Focal Points Meeting.
Bamako, Mali , September 25-29, 2000.
Burkhalter, Barton R, Victor M Aguayo, Serigne M Diene, Margaret B Parlato, and Jay S Ross.
A data-based approach to nutrition advocacy and policy development
Arlington, USA: BASICS, 1998.
Conference Paper
Agadjanian, Victor, Lesia Nedoluzhko, and Premchand Dommaraju.
Diverging economic fortunes and fertility dynamics in Central Asia: Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan compared
International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development: Session C-04. Demographic processes in CIS - 1.
Moscow, Russia, 2011.
Journal Article
Hayford, Sarah R, and Victor Agadjanian.
Providers' views concerning family planning service delivery to HIV-positive women in Mozambique
Studies in family planning 41, no. 4 (2010): 291-300.
Journal Article
Yabiku, Scott T, Victor Agadjanian, and Arusyak Sevoyan.
Husbands' labour migration and wives' autonomy, Mozambique 2000-2006
Population studies 64, no. 3 (2010): 293-306.
Abeykoon, A. T, Soma Silva, and Victor de Silva.
Population studies in Sri Lanka and Indonesia based on the1987 Sri Lanka Demographic and Health Survey and the 1987 National Indonesia Contraceptive Prevalence Survey
: Measure DHS, 1990.
Working Paper
Victor, Voronov V, and Krasko D Vadim.
Consumer behaviour factors of households in the modern conditions of Latvia
Silaen, Victor.
Dokter Johannes Leimena, Negarawan Sejati dan Politisi Berhati Nurani
: BPK Gunung Mulia, 2007.
Working Paper
Torres, Haroldo G, Danilo França, Jacqueline Teixeira, Rafael Camelo, and Edgard Fusaro.
O que Pensam os Jovens de Baixa Renda Sobre a Escola: Projeto de Pesquisa Desenvolvido Pelo CEBRAP com o Apoio da Fundação Victor Civita
Journal Article
Bashiru, Motin, Victor Fred Ohene, Moses Dumayiri, and Gordon Terkpeh Sabutey.
Growth Determinants of Farm Enterprises in Ghana: Evidence from Eastern Region
International Journa of Innovative research and Studies.
Altimir, Oscar, Joel Bergsman, Cesar Zazueta, Socrates Rizzo, Victor Maldonado, Juan Diez Canedo, Gabriel Vera, Jesus Cervantes, Octavio Gomez, Enrique Arnaud, and others.
Distribucion del ingreso en Mexico: ensayos
Journal Article
Urquidi, Victor L, and Adalberto Garcia Rocha.
La construccion de vivienda y el empleo en Mexico
(1973) Demografia y economia.
Garcia Guerrero, Victor Manuel.
Proyecciones y politicas de poblacion en Mexico
: El Colegio de Mexico AC, 2014.
Journal Article
Rivera, Sara B, and Víctor B Solo de Zaldívar.
El Enigma del Voto Etnico o las Tribulaciones del Movimiento Indígena: Reflexiones Sobre los Resultados de la Primera Vuelta Electoral (2006) en Jas Provincias de la Sierra
(2006) Ecuador Debate.
Working Paper
Castro, Luis, Victor Aguiar, and Mayra Sáenz.
Análisis de la Reforma Tributaria en el Ecuador, 2001-2012
CEPAL: Macroeconomía del Desarrollo , no. 143 (2014).
Showing 31-60 of 741