
Showing 31-41 of 41
Conference Paper
Roberts, Tony. "Women's Use of Participatory Video Technology to Tackle Gender Inequality in Zambia's ICT Sector." Eighth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development. 2016.
Journal Article
Thornhill, Stephen, Eszter Vargyas, Tony Fitzgerald, and Nick Chisholm. "Household food security and biofuel feedstock production in rural Mozambique and Tanzania." Food Security 8, no. 5 (2016): 953-971.
Journal Article
Farahani, Mansoor, Natalie Price, Shenaaz El-Halabi, Naledi Mlaudzi, Koona Keapoletswe, Refeletswe Lebelonyane, Ernest Benny Fetogang, Tony Chebani, Poloko Kebaabetswe, and Tiny Masupe. "Impact of Health System Inputs on Health Outcome: A Multilevel Longitudinal Analysis of Botswana National Antiretroviral Program (2002-2013)." PloS one 11, no. 8 (2016): e0160206.
Journal Article
Rajasi, RS, Thomas Mathew, Zinia T Nujum, TS Anish, Reshmi Ramachandran, and Tony Lawrence. "Quality of life and sociodemographic factors associated with poor quality of life in elderly women in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala." Indian journal of public health 60, no. 3 (2016): 210-215.
Journal Article
Poveda, Sammia, and Tony Roberts. "Critical agency and development: applying Freire and Sen to ICT4D in Zambia and Brazil." (2017) Information Technology for Development.
Journal Article
Farahani, Mansour, Natalie Price, Shenaaz El-Halabi, Naledi Mlaudzi, Koona Keapoletswe, Refeletswe Lebelonyane, Ernest Benny Fetogang, Tony Chebani, Poloko Kebaabetswe, and Tiny Masupe. "Variation in attrition at subnational level: review of the Botswana National HIV/AIDS Treatment (Masa) programme data (2002-2013)." Tropical Medicine & International Health 21, no. 1 (2016): 18-27.
Journal Article
Lester, James, Sarah Paige, Colin A Chapman, Mhairi Gibson, James Holland Jones, William M Switzer, Nelson Ting, Tony L Goldberg, and Simon DW Frost. "Assessing Commitment and Reporting Fidelity to a Text Message-Based Participatory Surveillance in Rural Western Uganda." PloS one 11, no. 6 (2016): e0155971.
Journal Article
Dyson, Tim, and Valeria Cetorelli. "Changing views on child mortality and economic sanctions in Iraq: a history of lies, damned lies and statistics." BMJ Global Health 2, no. 2 (2017).
Book Section
Mutungi, Emmanuel, and Tony Ghaye. "Entrepreneurship in the Informal Economy." (2012) Enhancing Well-Being at the Household Level.
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