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Showing 61-90 of 134
Thesis or Dissertation
Tim, Taryn Nicole Ho.
Predicting hiv status using neural networks and demographic factors
Masters, University of Johannesburg, 2007.
Journal Article
Rigby, Neville, Rachel Leach, Tim Lobstein, Rachel Huxley, and Shiriki Kumanyika.
Epidemiology and social impact of obesity
(2009) Obesity: Science to Practice.
Journal Article
Pagel, Christina, Audrey Prost, Sonia Lewycka, Sushmita Das, Tim Colbourn, Rajendra Mahapatra, Kishwar Azad, Anthony Costello, and David Osrin.
Intracluster correlation coefficients and coefficients of variation for perinatal outcomes from five cluster-randomised controlled trials in low and middle-income countries: results and methodological implications
Trials 12, no. 151 (2011).
Journal Article
McGinn, Therese, Judy Austin, Grace Kodindo, and Tim Ensor.
Trends in maternal outcomes and utilisation in Zambia: evidence from secondary sources
(2010) Mobilizing access to maternal health services in Zambia.
Journal Article
Heaton, Tim B, Renata Forste, John P Hoffmann, and Dallan Flake.
Cross-national variation in family influences on child health
Social science & medicine 60, no. 1 (2005): 97-108.
Journal Article
Madanat, Hala, Kirk Dearden, Tim Heaton, and Renata Forste.
Impact of health-related family factors on school enrollment in Bolivia: implications for health education
(2005) Internati onal Electronic Journal of Health Education.
Working Paper
Nghiem, Hong Son, Tim Coelli, and Prasada Rao.
The efficiency of microfinance in Vietnam: evidence from NGO schemes in the North and the Central Regions
Journal Article
Epprecht, Michael, Andreas Heinimann, Nicholas Minot, Daniel Muller, and Tim Robinson.
From statistical data to spatial knowledge—informing decision-making in Vietnam
Information Development 23, no. 2-3 (2007): 193.
Working Paper
Posel, Dorrit, and Tim Hinks.
Trusting neighbours or strangers in a racially divided society: Insights from survey data in South Africa
Journal Article
Müller, Tim.
Religiosity and attitudes towards the involvement of religious leaders in politics: A multilevel-analysis of 55 societies
World Values Research 2, no. 1 (2009): 1-29.
Journal Article
Pomeroy, Emma, Jay T Stock, Sanja Stanojevic, Jaime J Miranda, Tim J Cole, and Jonathan C Wells.
Trade-offs in relative limb length among peruvian children: extending the thrifty phenotype hypothesis to limb proportions
PLoS ONE 7, no. 12 (2012): 0-0.
Journal Article
Baker, Tim, Edwin Lugazia, Jaran Eriksen, Victor Mwafongo, Lars Irestedt, and David Konrad.
Emergency and critical care services in Tanzania: a survey of ten hospitals
BMC health services research 13, no. 1 (2013): 140.
Book Section
Hinks, Tim, and Simon Davies.
Happiness Across Cultures
(2012) Views of Happiness and Quality of Life in Non-Western Cultures. Life Satisfaction in Malawi.
Journal Article
Sumner, Cate, and Tim Lindsey.
Courting Reform: Indonesia's Islamic Courts and Justice for the Poor
International Journal for Court Administration 4, no. 1 (2011): 3-16.
Working Paper
Dyson, Tim.
The preliminary demography of the 2001 census of India
Population and Development Review 27, no. 2 (2001): 341-356.
Journal Article
Colbourn, Tim, Anni-Maria Pulkki-Brännström, Bejoy Nambiar, Sungwook Kim, Austin Bondo, Lumbani Banda, Charles Makwenda, Neha Batura, Hassan Haghparast-Bidgoli, and Rachael Hunter.
Cost-effectiveness and affordability of community mobilisation through women’s groups and quality improvement in health facilities (MaiKhanda trial) in Malawi
(2015) Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation.
Journal Article
Aantjes, Carolien J, Tim KC Quinlan, and Joske FG Bunders.
Practicalities and challenges in re-orienting the health system in Zambia for treating chronic conditions
BMC health services research 14, no. 295 (2014).
Journal Article
Quayyum, Zahidul, Mohammad Nasir Uddin Khan, Tasmeen Quayyum, Hashima E Nasreen, Morseda Chowdhury, and Tim Ensor.
Can community level interventions have an impact on equity and utilization of maternal health care. Evidence from rural Bangladesh
(2013) International Journal for Equity in Health.
Journal Article
Mitchell, Colter, Xuaning Fu, Tim B Heaton, and Cardell K Jacobson.
Urbanization, Education and Racial Intermarriage in Brazil
International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 47, no. 2 (2010): 273-294.
Working Paper
Khalifa, Najat, Tim Hardie, Shahid Latif, Imran Jamil, and Dawn-Marie Walker.
Beliefs about Jinn, black magic and the evil eye among Muslims: age, gender and first language influences
International Journal of Culture and Mental Health 4, no. 1 (2011): 68-77.
Working Paper
Pereira, Rafael Moraes H, and Tim Schwanen.
Tempo de Deslocamento Casa-Trabalho no Brasil (1992-2009): Diferenças entre Regiões Metropolitanas, Níveis de Renda e Sexo
IPEA , no. 1813 (2013).
Working Paper
Hoefele, Andreas, Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr, and Zhihong Yu.
Payment choice in international trade: Theory and evidence from cross-country firm level data
Oakes, Tim.
The Political Economy of China's Provinces: Comparative and Competitive Advantage
: Psychology Press, 1999.
Lagibalavu, Maciu, Subodh Sharma, and Krishna Swamy.
Fiji Fisheries Resources Profiles
Working Paper
Ross, Nicholas, Paulo Santos, and Tim Capon.
Risk, ambiguity and the adoption of new technologies: Experimental evidence from a developing economy
Zhang, Xiao-Bo, Tim Mount, and Richard N Boisvert.
Food Demand in China: Lessons from Guangdong Province
: Department of Agricultural, Resource, and Managerial Economics, Cornell University, 1998.
Journal Article
Salehmohamed, Asifa, and Tim Rowland.
Whole-class interactions and code-switching in secondary mathematics teaching in Mauritius
Mathematics Education Research Journal 26, no. 3 (2014): 555-577.
Journal Article
Mulder, Monique Borgerhoff, Ryan Schacht, Tim Caro, Jacqueline Schacht, and Barnabas Caro.
Knowledge and attitudes of children of the Rupununi: Implications for conservation in Guyana
Biological Conservation 142, no. 4 (2009): 879-887.
Journal Article
Johnson, Tim, and Nicholai Lidow.
Band of Brothers (and Fathers and Sisters and Mothers…) A Research Note Estimating Rates of Military Participation among Liberians Living with Relatives in the Military
(2014) Armed Forces & Society.
Journal Article
Hagopian, Amy, Riyadh Lafta, Jenan Hassan, Scott Davis, Dana Mirick, and Tim Takaro.
Trends in Childhood Leukemia in Basrah, Iraq, 1993–2007
American Journal of Public Health 100, no. 6 (2010): 1081-1087.
Showing 61-90 of 134