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Showing 61-90 of 522
Working Paper
Tien, Marie, and Grace Chee.
Literature Review and Findings: Implementation of Waiver Policies
Working Paper
Vu, Tien Manh.
Home appliances and gender gap of time spent on unpaid housework: evidence using household data from Vietnam
Journal Article
Narama, C, M Duishonakunov, A Kaab, M Daiyrov, and K Abdrakhmatov.
The 24 July 2008 outburst flood at the western Zyndan glacier lake and recent regional changes in glacier lakes of the Teskey Ala-Too range, Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan
Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 10, no. 4 (2010): 647-659.
Journal Article
Orozumbekov, Almazbek, Turatbek Musuraliev, Biimyrza Toktoraliev, Askat Kysanov, Bakytbek Shamshiev, and Ormon Sultangaziev.
Forest rehabilitation in Kyrgyzstan
(2009) Keep Asia green.
Journal Article
Hoa, Hoang Thi, NV Toan, A Johansson, VT Hoa, B Hojer, and LA Persson.
Child spacing and two child policy in practice in rural Vietnam: cross sectional survey
(1996) BMJ.
Journal Article
Tien H, Yuan.
China's demographic dilemmas.
Population Bulletin 47, no. 1 (1992): n1.
Journal Article
Vu, Tien Manh, Hiroyuki Yamada, and Tsunehiro Otsuki.
Rise and Fall of Multinational Enterprises in Vietnam: Survival Analysis Using Census Data during 2000-2011
Asian Economic Journal 31, no. 1 (2017): 83-109.
Journal Article
Gu, Baochang, and Shuzhang Yang.
Fertility trends in rural China in the 1980s: Cohort effect versus period effect
Asia-Pacific Population Journal 6, no. 4 (1991): 3-34.
Journal Article
Ta, Thi Minh Tam, Aron Zieger, Georg Schomerus, Tien Duc Cao, Michael Dettling, Xuan Tinh Do, Aditya Mungee, Albert Diefenbacher, Matthias C Angermeyer, and Eric Hahn.
Influence of urbanity on perception of mental illness stigma: a population based study in urban and rural Hanoi, Vietnam
International Journal of Social Psychiatry 62, no. 8 (2016): 685-695.
Journal Article
Guoping, Feng.
Changing patterns in determinants of fertility decline in China in the 1980's
(1999) ISS Working Paper Series/General Series.
Working Paper
Tien, Pham Do Nhat.
Scenarios for Vietnam education on the way of building a lifelong learning system
Thesis or Dissertation
Tran, Ngoc Tien.
The determinants of job satisfaction among teachers in Vietnam
Doctor of Philosophy, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, 2014.
Working Paper
Somanathan, Aparnaa, Huong Lan Dao, and Tran Van Tien.
Integrating the poor into universal health coverage in Vietnam
Journal Article
Tran, Ngoc Tien.
Factors associated with low educational motivation among ethnic minority students in Vietnam
(2013) Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lamijo, Lamijo.
The Development of Border Regions in Southeast Asia: Cross-border Trade in the Vietnam-Lao PDR Border Areas
Master of Philosophy, Australian National University , 2016.
Journal Article
Nguyen, M. T, and T. H Nguyen.
Population programme in Viet Nam: highlights from the 1997 Demographic and Health Survey
Asia Pacific Population Journal 13, no. 3 (1998): 67-76.
Journal Article
Hoang-Van, Kinh, G. Emmanuel Guindon, Emily McGirr, Hien Nguyen-Thi-Thu, Lam Nguyen-Tuan, and Trung Dang-Vu.
Tobacco taxation in Vietnam
Journal Article
Thang, Tran Cong, Emma Samman, Karl Rich, Pham Quang Dieu, Nguyen Do Anh Tuan, Nguyen Van Thanh, and Dang Van Thu.
The participation of the poor in agricultural value chains: a case study of tea
(2004) Making markets work better for the poor.
Journal Article
Tran, Long Khanh, Nhung Trang Nguyen, Linh Ngoc Bui, and Huong Thanh Nguyen.
Estimating the burden of disease attributable to unsafe water and lack of sanitation and hygiene in Vietnam in 2008
Vietnam Journal of Public Health 1, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Pharris, Anastasia, Nguyen Thi Kim Chuc, Carol Tishelman, Ruairí Brugha, Nguyen Phuong Hoa, and Anna Thorson.
Expanding HIV testing efforts in concentrated epidemic settings: a population-based survey from Rural Vietnam
PloS One 6, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Thang, Nguyen, and Dang Nguyen Anh.
Accessibility and use of contraceptives in Vietnam
(2002) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Tuyen, Le Danh, Le Bach Mai, Muriel Figuié, Bernard Maire, Marie Claude Dop, Nguyen Dinh Chung, Nguyen Cong Khan, and Nicolas Bricas.
Trends in food consumption and in the nutritional status of urban dwellers in Vietnam, over the last twenty years
Cahiers Agricultures 13, no. 1 (2004).
Journal Article
Locke, Catherine, Nguyen Thi Ngan Hoa, and Nguyen Thi Thanh Tam.
The institutional context influencing rural-urban migration choices and strategies for young married women and men in Viet Nam
(2008) ODG-DEV, ESRC, DFID, Norwich.
Journal Article
Thuan, Nguyen Thi Bich, Curt Lofgren, Nguyen Thi Kim Chuc, and Lars Lindholm.
Are the estimates of catastrophic health expenditure among rural population too high? A comparison of studies in Vietnam
(2008) Open Public Health Journal.
Journal Article
Luc, Nguyen, Nguyen Minh Thang, Ingrid Swenson, and Pham Bich San.
Selected determinants of fertility in Vietnam: age at marriage, marriage to first birth interval and age at first birth
(1993) J. biosoc. Sci.
Nguyen, Cuong, and Hoa Nguyen.
Do Internal and International Remittances Matter to Health, Education and Labor of Children? The Case of Vietnam
Journal Article
Ngo, Anh D, Chalapati Rao, Nguyen P Hoa, Timothy Adair, and Nguyen TK Chuc.
Mortality patterns in Vietnam, 2006: Findings from a national verbal autopsy survey
BMC research notes 3, no. 1 (2010): 78.
Journal Article
Ngoc, Luu Bich, Nguyen Thi Thieng, and Nguyen Lan Huong.
The drink driving situation in Vietnam
Traffic injury prevention 13, no. 2 (2012): 109-114.
Journal Article
Nguyen, Kim-Huong, Viet-Ngu Hoang, and Kim T Nguyen.
Are Empowered Women More Likely to Deliver in Facilities? An Explorative Study Using the Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2011
International Journal of Maternal and Child Health 2, no. 2 (2014): 74-85.
Journal Article
Anh, Pham Thi Hoang, Hana Ross, Nguyen Quynh Anh, Bui Ngoc Linh, and Nguyen Thac Minh.
Direct and indirect costs of smoking in Vietnam
(2014) Tobacco Control.
Showing 61-90 of 522