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Showing 361-390 of 1652
Journal Article
Kalinda, Thomas, and Robert Tembo.
Sexual practices and levirate marriages in Mansa District of Zambia
(2010) Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality.
Journal Article
Hounton, Sennen H, Issiaka Sombie, John Townend, Thomas Ouedraogo, Nicolas Meda, and Wendy J Graham.
The tip of the iceberg: evidence of seasonality in institutional maternal mortality and implications for health resources management in Burkina Faso
Scandinavian journal of public health 36, no. 3 (2008): 310-317.
Journal Article
Lutalo, Thomas, Medi Kidugavu, Maria Wawer, David Serwadda, Laurie Zabin, and Ronald Gray.
Trends and determinants of contraceptive use in Rakai District, Uganda, 1995-98
Studies in Family Planning 31, no. 3 (2000): 217-227.
Working Paper
Strauss, John, and Duncan Thomas.
Health over the life course
(2007) California Center for Population Research On-Line Working Paper Series .
Chen, Susan, and David Guilkey.
The effect of facility characteristics on choice of family planning facility in rural Tanzania
Washington, USA: MEASURE Evaluation, Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002.
Journal Article
Thomas, Duncan, and John Maluccio.
Fertility, Contraceptive Choice, and Public Policy in Zimbabwe
The World Bank Economic Review 10, no. 1 (1996): 189-222.
Journal Article
Nawrotzki, Raphael J, Lori M Hunter, and Thomas W Dickinson.
Rural livelihoods and access to natural capital: differences between migrants and non-migrants in Madagascar
Demographic Research 26, no. 24 (2012): 661-700.
Journal Article
Thomas J, Jayne.
India’s labour market during the 2000s
Economic & Political Weekly 47, no. 51 (2012): 39-51.
Journal Article
Thomas J, Jayan.
Locked in a low-skill equilibrium? Trends in labour supply and demand in India
Indian Journal of Labour Economics 54, no. 2 (2011): 195-218.
Journal Article
Thomas, Anne, Bonnie Tran, Marcus Cranston, Malerato Brown, Rajiv Kumar, and Matsotetsi Tlelai.
Voluntary medical male circumcision: a cross-sectional study comparing circumcision self-report and physical examination findings in Lesotho
(2011) PLoS One.
Working Paper
Bonschab, Thomas, and Rainer Klump.
Operationalizing pro-poor growth: case study Vietnam
Journal Article
Thomas, Timothy, Luc Christiaensen, Quy Toan Do, and Le Dang Trung.
Natural disasters and household welfare: evidence from Vietnam
(2010) World.
Journal Article
Thomas, M Benson.
Changes in mortality in Kerala, India: Some emerging concerns
Universal Journal of Education and General Studies 1, no. 8 (2012): 234-241.
Journal Article
Thomas B, M.
Changes in mortality in Kerala, India: Some emerging concerns
Universal Journal of Education and General Studies 1, no. 8 (2012): 234-241.
Working Paper
Andrén, Thomas, and Daniela Andrén.
Occupational gender composition and wages in Romania: from planned equality to market inequality?
IZA Discussion Paper Series IZA Discussion Paper, no. No. 3152 (2007).
Working Paper
Andrén, Thomas, and Daniela Andrén.
Gender and occupational wage gaps in Romania: from planned equality to market inequality?
Working Paper
Wolf, Thomas P, Carolyn Logan, Jeremiah Owiti, and Paul Kiage.
A new dawn? Popular optimism in Kenya after the transition
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 33 , no. 33 (2004).
Working Paper
Logan, Carolyn, Thomas P Wolf, and Robert Sentamu.
Kenyans and democracy: What do they really want from it anyway?
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 70 , no. 70 (2007).
Journal Article
Eisele, Thomas P, David A Larsen, Neff Walker, Richard E Cibulskis, Joshua O Yukich, Charlotte M Zikusooka, and Richard W Steketee.
Estimates of child deaths prevented from malaria prevention scale-up in Africa 2001-2010
Malaria Journal 11, no. 93 (2012): 0-0.
Working Paper
Mihrete, Thomas S, Getahun A Alemie, and Alemayehu S Teferra.
Environmental and Socio-Economic Determinants of Childhood Diarrhea among under five Children in Benishangul Gumuz Region, North West Ethiopia
Journal Article
Hodgins, Stephen, Thomas Pullum, and Leanne Dougherty.
Understanding where parents take their sick children and why it matters: a multi-country analysis
Global Health: Science and Practice 1, no. 3 (2013): 328-356.
Working Paper
Coulombe, Harold, and Thomas Otter.
Mongolia Census-Based Poverty Map: Region, Aimag and Soum Level Results
Journal Article
Duncan, Thomas, Elizabeth Frankenberg, and James P Smith.
Lost but not forgotten: Attrition and follow-up in the Indonesia Family Life Survey
Journal of Human Resources 36, no. 3 (2001): 556-592.
Journal Article
Spoorenberg, Thomas.
An evaluation of the recent fertility changes in Afghanistan: a parity-specific analysis
Journal of Population Research 30, no. 2 (2013): 133-149.
Journal Article
Beegle, Kathleen, Elizabeth Frankenberg, and Duncan Thomas.
Bargaining power within couples and use of prenatal and delivery care in Indonesia
Studies in family planning 32, no. 2 (2001): 130-146.
Journal Article
Frankenberg, Elizabeth, Wayan Suriastini, and Duncan Thomas.
Can expanding access to basic healthcare improve children's health status? Lessons from Indonesia's ‘midwife in the village’programme
Population Studies 59, no. 1 (2005): 5-19.
Journal Article
Angeles, Gustavo, David K Guilkey, and Thomas A Mroz.
The effects of education and family planning programs on fertility in Indonesia
Economic Development and Cultural Change 54, no. 1 (2005): 165-201.
Working Paper
Jenkins, Stephen P, and Thomas Siedler.
Using household panel data to understand the intergenerational transmission of poverty
(2007) Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des DIW.
Working Paper
Theros, Marika, and Mary Kaldor.
Building Afghan peace from the ground up
Journal Article
Thomas, Duncan, and Elizabeth Frankenberg.
Health, nutrition and prosperity: a microeconomic perspective
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 80, no. 2 (2002): 106-113.
Showing 361-390 of 1652