
Showing 1-11 of 11
Journal Article
Erkossa, Teklu, Seleshi Bekele Awulachew, FISUM Hagos, and Aster Denekew. "Characterization and productivity assessment of the farming systems in the upper part of the Nile Basin." Ethiopian Journal of Natural Resources 11, no. 2 (2009): 149-167.
Journal Article
Erkossa, Teklu, Seleshi Bekele Awulachew, and Denekew Aster. "Soil fertility effect on water productivity of maize in the upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia." Agricultural Sciences 2, no. 03 (2011): 238-247.
Journal Article
Belachew, Tefera, Makeda Sinaga, Ahmed Mohammed, Negash Teklu, and Kristen Stelljes. "Effectiveness of the PHE Approach for Achieving Family Planning and Fertility Outcomes in Ethiopia: A Comparative Study in the Gurage Zone." (2013) MEASURE Evaluation PRH.
Journal Article
Habte, Dereje, Sisay Teklu, Tadele Melese, and Mgaywa GMD Magafu. "Correlates of Unintended Pregnancy in Ethiopia: Results From a National Survey." PloS One 8, no. 12 (2013).
Conference Paper
Mohan, Vik, Joan Castro, Deepa Pullanikkatil, Caroline Savitzky, Negash Teklu, Roger-Mark De Souza, and Sarah Fisher. "Population Health Environment Programmes: An Integrated Approach to Development Post-2015." The 2 nd International Conference on Sustainable Development Practice. New York City, NY, USA, September 18, 2014.
Journal Article
Teklu, Tesfaye, and Yisehac Yohannes. "On Poverty in Rural Botswana: Results from a Survey of Small Villages." (1998) Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review.
Journal Article
Firdessa, Rebuma, Rea Tschopp, Alehegne Wubete, Melaku Sombo, Elena Hailu, Girume Erenso, Teklu Kiros, Lawrence Yamuah, Martin Vordermeier, Glyn R Hewinson, Douglas Young, Stephen V Gordon, Mesfin Sahile, Abraham Aseffa, and Stefan Berg. "High Prevalence of Bovine Tuberculosis in Dairy Cattle in Central Ethiopia: Implications for the Dairy Industry and Public Health." PLoS one 7, no. 12 (2012).
Journal Article
Tesfaye, Tsion, Ranjan S Karippai, and Teklu Tesfaye. "Farmers training effectiveness in terms of changes in knowledge and attitude: The case of Holeta, Melkassa and Debre zeit Agricultural Research Centres, Ethiopia." Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 2, no. 5 (2010): 89-96.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bashir, Masarra. "The Impact of Land-use change on the Livelihoods of Rural Communities: A case-study in Edd Al-Fursan Locality, South Darfur, Sudan." Doctor of Natural Science, Technical University of Dresden, 2012.
Journal Article
Alemu, Abebe, Asmamaw Atnafu, Zelalem Addis, Yitayal Shiferaw, Takele Teklu, Biniam Mathewos, Wubet Birhan, Simon Gebretsadik, and Baye Gelaw. "Soil transmitted helminths and schistosoma mansoni infections among school children in Zarima town, northwest Ethiopia." BMC Infectious Diseases 11, no. 1 (2011).
Book Section
Teller, Charles, Assefa Hailemariam, and Negash Teklu. "The Demographic Transition and Development in Africa." (2011) Barriers to Access and Effective Use of Data and Research for Development Policy in Ethiopia.
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