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Working Paper
Banerjee, Tapati Bhadra, and Pritam Chanda. "Impact of National Child Labor Policy ‘on Child Labors of West Bengal." Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities 5, no. 3 (2015): 321-328.
Working Paper
Roy, Tapati, Dipak Mukherji, Prasun Mookerjee, and Krishna M Roy. "A comparative microdemographic study of the three ethnic groups in an island area in the sundarbans, West Bengal." (1990) Indian Anthropologist.
Journal Article
Bhatnagar, Tarun, Tapati Dutta, John Stover, Sheela Godbole, Damodar Sahu, Kangusamy Boopathi, Shilpa Bembalkar, Kh Jitenkumar Singh, Rajat Goyal, and Arvind Pandey. "Fitting HIV prevalence 1981 onwards for three Indian States using the goals model and the estimation and projection package." PloS one 11, no. 10 (2016).
Journal Article
Sahu, Damodar, Tapati Dutta, Sanjay Kumar, Nihar Ranjan Mishra, Sharmila Neogi, Subrato Mondal, Anju Dadhwal-Singh, and Marta Levitt-Dayal. "Effects of Women’s Autonomy and Male Involvement on Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Service Utilization in Uttar Pradesh." Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 6, no. 11 (2016): 260-271.
Journal Article
Kumar, Santosh, Ramona Molitor, and Sebastian Vollmer. "Drought and Early Child Health in Rural India." Population and Development Review 42, no. 1 (2016): 53-68.
Journal Article
Bhadra, Chandra, and Mani T Shah. "Nepal: country gender profile." (2007)
Journal Article
Al-Sabir, Ahmed, S.N. Mitra, Shahidul Islam, Anne Cross, Subrata Bhadra, and Sushil Kumar. "Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey, 2004." (2005) NIPORT, Mitra and Associates and ORC Macro International Inc.
Working Paper
Bhadra, Mita. "Changing age at marriage of girls in India." International Journal of Anthropology 15, no. 1 (2000): 33-50.
Journal Article
Sitrin, Deborah, Tanya Guenther, Peter Waiswa, Sarah Namutamba, Gertrude Namazzi, Srijana Sharma, KC Ashish, Sayed Rubayet, Subrata Bhadra, and Reuben Ligowe. "Improving newborn care practices through home visits: lessons from Malawi, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Uganda." (2015) Global health action.
Conference Paper
Das, S, T Bhadra, and S Hazra. "Water for Agriculture in a Vulnerable Delta: A Case Study of Indian Sundarban." American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2015. 2015.
Working Paper
Hazra, Sugata, Tuhin Bhadra, and SP Sinha Roy. "Sustainable Water Resource Management in the Indian Sundarban Delta." (2015)
Journal Article
Banerjee, Abhijit V, and Esther Duflo. "The economic lives of the poor." Journal of Economic Perspectives 21, no. 1 (2007): 141-167.
Working Paper
Morella, Elvira, Vivien Foster, and Sudeshna G Banerjee. "Climbing the ladder: The state of sanitation in sub-Saharan Africa." (2008)
Banerjee, Sudeshna, Heather Skilling, Vivian Foster, Cecilia Briceno-Garmendia, Elvira Morella, and Tarik Chfadi. Ebbing water, surging deficits: urban water supply in Sub-Saharan Africa. : World Bank, 2008.
Banerjee, Sudeshna Ghosh, and Elvira Morella. Africa's Water and Sanitation Infrastructure: Access, Affordability, and Alternatives. Washington DC, USA: World Bank Publications, 2011.
Working Paper
Wodon, Quentin, Sudeshna G Banerjee, Amadou B Diallo, and Vivien Foster. "Is low coverage of modern infrastructure services in African cities due to lack of demand or lack of supply?." (2009) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper .
Journal Article
Soliman, Amr, Katharine Allen, An-Chi Lo, Mousumi Banerjee, Ahmed Hablas, Abdellatif Benider, Nadya Benchekroun, Salwa Samir, Hoda G Omar, Sofia Merajver, and Patricia Mullan. "Differences in reliability of reproductive history recall among women in North Africa." (2009) International Electronic Journal of Health Education.
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Journal Article
Chaudhuri, Sarbajit, and Dibyendu Banerjee. "FDI in Agricultural Land, Welfare and Unemployment in a Developing Economy." Research in Economics 64, no. 4 (2010): 229-239.
Book Section
Banerjee, Amalesh, Bimal J Dep, Keya Sengupta, and B. Dhatta Ray. "Globalization and north east India." (2008) Chapter 11. Reform and inclusive growth of north east economy.
Rajakumar, P, Shiv Kumar, Shveta Uppal, Gautam Ganguly, and Benoy Banerjee. Position paper: National focus group on: Education of children with special needs. New Delhi, India: Publication Department by the Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2006.
Journal Article
Banerjee, Abhijit, Bengt Holmstrom, and Zaki Wahhaj. "Essays on microeconomics of the household." (2006)
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Book Section
Banerjee, Arindam, Peter Utting, Sharha Razavi, and Rebecca V Buchholz. "The Global Crisis and Transformative Social Change." (2012) 9. From agrarian crisis to global economic crisis: Neoliberalism and the Indian peasantry.
Book Section
Banerjee, Nirmala. "Reform and employment." (2002) 7. Economic reforms: Where are the women?.
Working Paper
Banerjee, Sudeshna G, Amadou B Diallo, Vivien Foster, and Quentin T Wodon. "Trends in household coverage of modern infrastructure services in Africa." (2009) World Bank Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Dey, S., A. Hablas, I.A. Seifeldin, K. Ismail, M. Ramadan, H. El-Hamzawy, M.L. Wilson, M. Banerjee, P. Boffetta, and J. Harford. "Urban-rural differences of gynaecological malignancies in Egypt (1999 - 2002)." BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 117, no. 3 (2010): 348-355.
Journal Article
Thind, Amardeep, Amir Mohani, Kaberi Banerjee, and Fred Hagigi. "Where to deliver? Analysis of choice of delivery location from a national survey in India." BMC Public Health 8, no. 1 (2008): 29.
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