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Showing 31-60 of 99
Journal Article
Pienkowski, Thomas, Borame L Dickens, Haoyang Sun, and Luis R Carrasco.
Empirical evidence of the public health benefits of tropical forest conservation in Cambodia: a generalised linear mixed-effects model analysis
The Lancet Planetary Health 1, no. 5 (2017): e180-e187.
Thesis or Dissertation
Carrasco, Carlos Geovanny G, and Jonathan Leon A Flores.
Diseño e implementación de un sistema electrónico de supervisión e identificación vehicular con una comunicación inalámbrica
Grado académico, Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo, 2017.
Journal Article
Bermedo-Carrasco, Silvia, Cindy Xin Feng, Juan Nicolas Pena-Sanchez, and Rein Lepnurm.
Predictors of having heard about human papillomavirus vaccination: Critical aspects for cervical cancer prevention among Colombian women
Gaceta sanitaria 29, no. 2 (2015): 112-117.
Journal Article
Bermedo-Carrasco, Silvia, and Cheryl L Waldner.
The role of socio-demographic factors in premature cervical cancer mortality in Colombia
BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Bermedo-Carrasco S, Silvia.
Cervical cancer inequities in Colombia
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Saskatchewan, 2017.
Journal Article
Carrasco, Maria Augusta, Trang Quynh Nguyen, and Michelle R Kaufman.
Low Uptake of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Among High Risk Men in Malawi
(2016) AIDS and Behavior.
Journal Article
Kaufman, Michelle R, Rajiv N Rimal, Maria Carrasco, OlaOluwa Fajobi, Anthony Soko, Rupali Limaye, and Glory Mkandawire.
AIDS Impact/SEISIDA Special Issue: Using Social and Behavior Change Communication to Increase HIV Testing and Condom Use: The Malawi BRIDGE Project
AIDS care 26, no. sup1 (2014): S46-S49.
Journal Article
Carrasco, Sandra, Chiho Ochiai, and Kenji Okazaki.
A Study on Housing Modifications in Resettlement Sites in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 15, no. 1 (2016): 25-32.
Conference Paper
Pavlov, Tania, Vladimir Grecic, and Vladimir Petronijevic.
Migration and development: Creating regional labour market and labour migrants circulation as response to regional market demands Serbia
Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina, Tania Sainz, and Susan Pozo.
Remittances and healthcare expenditure patterns of populations in origin communities: evidence from Mexico
: BID-INTAL, 2007.
Wahed, Tania, Abbas Bhuiya, Mushtaque A R Chowdhury, Syed Masud Ahmed, and Abbas Bhuiya.
Use of household income and consumption data as a measure of poverty in rural Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh: Parallel Printers, 2007.
Working Paper
Manso, Antonio P, and Tania P Diego.
Participación Electoral y Posicionamiento Político de los Inmigrantes Ecuatorianos en la Comunidad de Madrid
Thesis or Dissertation
Alay, Tania Boni M, Melissa Salazar J Coronel, and Glenda Tigrero K Del Pezo.
Implementacion de una Agencia de Desarrollo Empresarial en la Peninsula de Santa Elena
Thesis, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral, 2003.
Journal Article
Aillon-Gomez, Tania.
Perspectivas de género y limitaciones estructurales
Nueva Sociedad , no. 135 (1995).
Baghdadli, Ilhem, Bernard Harborne, and Tania Rajadel.
Breaking the Cycle: A Strategy for Conflict-sensitive Rural Growth in Burundi: Main Report
: World Bank Publications, 2008.
Baghdadli, Ilhem, Richard Harborne, and Tania Rajadel.
Rompre le Cercle Vicieux: Une Stratégie pour Promouvoir la Croissance dans un Milieu Rural Sensible aux Conflits au Burundi
: World Bank Publications, 2008.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mero K, Tania Sotomayor.
Desarrollo local y turismo del cantón Salinas 2010
Título de economista, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2011.
Pierre, Gaelle, Maria Laura Sanchez Puerta, Alexandria Valerio, and Tania Rajadel.
STEP skills measurement surveys: innovative tools for assessing skills
Working Paper
Keulder, Christiaan, and Tania Wiese.
Democracy without democrats? Results from the 2003 Afrobarometer survey in Namibia
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 47 , no. 47 (2005).
Journal Article
Velásquez Hurtado, José Enrique, Lourdes Kusunoki Fuero, Paredes Quiliche, Tania Gisella, Raquel Hurtado La Rosa, Ángel Martín Rosas Aguirre, and Walter Eduardo Vigo Valdez.
Mortalidad neonatal, análisis de registros de vigilancia e historias clínicas del año 2011 neonatales en Huánuco y Ucayali, Perú
Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica 31, no. 2 (2014): 228-236.
Journal Article
Khanal, Vishnu, Mandira Adhikari, Rajendra Karkee, and Tania Gavidia.
Factors associated with the utilisation of postnatal care services among the mothers of Nepal: analysis of Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2011
BMC women's health 14, no. 1 (2014): 19.
Journal Article
Khanal, Vishnu, Tania Gavidia, Mandira Adhikari, Shiva R Mishra, and Rajendra Karkee.
Poor Thermal Care Practices among Home Births in Nepal: Further Analysis of Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2011
PloS one 9, no. 2 (2014).
Journal Article
Perera, Priyantha J, Nishadhi T Abeyweera, Meranthi P Fernando, Tania D Warnakulasuriya, and Nayomi Ranathunga.
Prevalence of dental caries among a cohort of preschool children living in Gampaha district, Sri Lanka: A descriptive cross sectional study
BMC Oral Health 12, no. 1 (2012): 49.
Conference Paper
Strohaecker M, Tânia.
O Planejamento Territorial no Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul
XIV Encontros Nacionais da ANPUR.
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Maio 23-27, 2011.
Working Paper
Cacciamali, Maria C, Tânia T Lima , and Fábio Tatei.
Determinantes da Duração do Desemprego no Brasil em Crises Econômicas
Journal Article
Soto, Hugo, Tania Tibaduiza, Marleny Montilla, Omar Triana, Diana Carolina Suarez, Mariela Torres Torres, Maria Teresa Arias, and Ligia Lugo.
Investigación de vectores y reservorios en brote de Chagas agudo por posible transmisión oral en Aguachica, Cesar, Colombia
Cadernos de saude publica 30, no. 4 (2014): 746-756.
Thesis or Dissertation
Salguero Verdesoto, Patricia I, and Tania L Medina Puetate.
Soberanía Alimentaria: Producción Sana y la Importación de una Buena Nutrición en las Familias de los Barrios de Cotogchoa y Jatunpungo Ubicados en las Parroquias de Cotogchoa y Sangolquí, Cantón Rumiñahui, Provincia de Pichincha. 2009-2010
Titulo de Licenciadas, Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Guerra Rosero E, Tania.
Gender Earnings Gap in urban Ecuador: Looking beyond Averages
Master Thesis, Lund University, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Armijos Suquilanda, Tania M, and Carmen R Quizhpe Quizhpe.
Rol del Sistema Financiero en los Procesos de Centralización del Capital de los Cantones Chilla, Atahualpa y Portovelo
Thesis, Universidad Central de Loja, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Alvarado Cedeño A, Tania.
Estructura y Dinámica del Subempleo en la Ciudad de Guayaquil 2009-2010
Thesis, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2011.
Showing 31-60 of 99