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Showing 61-90 of 165
Working Paper
Nilsson, Sylvia.
Seroprevalence of Japanese Encephalitis Virus in pigs and dogs in the Mekong Delta
Journal Article
Ha, Vu Song, Andrea Whittaker, and Sylvia Rodger.
Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Hanoi, Vietnam
Journal of Child and Family Studies 26, no. 5 (2017): 1334-1344.
Journal Article
Ha, Vu Song, Andrea Whittaker, Maxine Whittaker, and Sylvia Rodger.
Living with autism spectrum disorder in Hanoi, Vietnam
(2014) Social Science & Medicine.
Journal Article
Chalu, Henry, Razack Lokina, Sylvia Temu, Judika King’ori, and Agnes G Mwakaje.
The impact of reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) on forest-dependent livelihoods by gender in Tanzania and the role of the institutional framework for equitable benefits
International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 5, no. 3 (2013): 165-175.
Kamupingene, Gift T, and Sylvia K Katjepunda.
Assessment of Agricultural information needs in African, Caribbean & Pacific (ACP) States: Country Study: Namibia
Thesis or Dissertation
Shilongo, Sylvia Liileimo.
Housing allowances for government employees in the Namibian public service: a case study of Khomas region
Master of Public Administration, University of South Africa, 2015.
Journal Article
Okafor, Uchenna Onyekachi, Rik Crutzen, Okekearu Ifeanyi, Sylvia Adebajo, and Hubertus Borne.
HIV prevalence and high-risk behaviour of young brothel and non-brothel based female sex workers in Nigeria
BMC Research Notes 10, no. 1 (2017): 380.
Journal Article
Oginni, Ayodeji B, Sylvia B Adebajo, and Babatunde A Ahonsi.
Trends and determinants of comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adolescents and young adults in Nigeria: 2003-2013
African Journal of Reproductive Health 21, no. 2 (2017): 26-34.
Journal Article
Maluma, Sylvia, Aubrey C Kalungia, Audrey Hamachila, Jimmy Hangoma, and Derick Munkombwe.
Prevalence of Traditional Herbal Medicine use and associated factors among pregnant women of Lusaka Province, Zambia
Journal of Preventive and Rehabilitative Medicine 1, no. 1 (2017): 5-11.
Thesis or Dissertation
Vázquez L, Ana Ramírez.
Canto De Sirenas: Habitar La Policía Con Voz Y Cuerpo De Mujer En Ciudad Juárez, 2008-2014
Grado de Maestra, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, 2014.
Working Paper
Israel-Akinbo, Sylvia, Jen Snowball, and Gavin Fraser.
An Investigation of Multidimensional Energy Poverty amongst South African Low-income Households.
Journal Article
Namisi, Francis, Leif Edvard Aarø, Sylvia Kaaya, Lusajo J Kajula, Gad P Kilonzo, Hans Onya, Annegreet Wubs, and Catherine Mathews.
Adolescents’ communication with parents, other adult family members and teachers on sexuality: effects of school-based interventions in South Africa and Tanzania
AIDS and Behavior 19, no. 12 (2015): 2162-2176.
Journal Article
Trevisan, Chiara, Brecht Devleesschauwer, Veronika Schmidt, Andrea Sylvia Winkler, Wendy Harrison, and Maria Vang Johansen.
The societal cost of Taenia solium cysticercosis in Tanzania
(2017) Acta Tropica.
Journal Article
Anderson, Kathryn H, and Charles M Becker.
Post-Soviet pension systems, retirement, and elderly poverty: Findings from the Kyrgyz Republic
(1999) MOCT-MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies.
Heppner, Kevin, and Joe Becker.
My gun was as tall as me: child soldiers in Burma
: Human Rights Watch, 2002.
Journal Article
Becker, S, M B Hossain, E Thomson, and Center.
Disagreement in spousal reports of current contraceptive use in sub-Saharan Africa
Journal of biosocial science 38, no. 6 (2006): 779.
Conference Paper
Becker, Charles M, Dina S Urzhumova, and Ai-Gul S Seitenova.
Mortality recovery and stabilization in Kazakhstan, 1995-2001
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America.
Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 14, 2003.
Journal Article
Becker, Stan.
Measuring unmet need: Wives, husbands or couples?
International Family Planning Perspectives 25, no. 4 (1999): 172-180.
Diehl, Eva, Cornelia Becker, and Helen Prytherch.
Gender Mainstreaming in Health - Lessons Learned from the “Tanzanian German Programme to Support Health”
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Tanzania German Programme to Support Health (TGPSH) , 2009.
Mills, Edwin S, and Charles M Becker.
Studies in Indian urban development
: Oxford University Press, 1986.
Book Section
Albertani, Helena Becker M, and Marcelo Sodelli.
Prevenção ao Uso de Alcool e Outras Drogas no Contexto Escolar
(2014) Drogas e Educação: A Escola (Real) e a Prevenção (Possível).
Glassman, Amanda, Loren Becker, and Chinyere Bun.
Monitoring the quality of public spending in the social sectors in developing countries: Lessons from public expenditure tracking surveys and other sources
Working Paper
Lindsey, P, V Nyirenda, J Barnes, M Becker, C Tambling, A Taylor, and F Watson.
Zambian game management areas. The reasons why they are not functioning as ecologically or economically productive buffer zones and what needs to change for them to fulfil that role
Journal Article
Glewwe, Paul.
The relevance of standard estimates of rates of return to schooling for education policy: A critical assessment
Journal of Development Economics Volume 51, no. 2 (1996): 267-290.
Working Paper
Ahene-Codjoe A, Ama.
The effects of education on fertility change in Ghana: A decomposition analysis
Journal Article
Becker, Charles M, Damira I Bibosunova, Grace E Holmes, and Margarita M Ibragimova.
Maternal care vs. economic wealth and the health of newborns: Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic and Kansas City, USA
World Development 26, no. 11 (1998): 2057-2072.
Working Paper
Becker, Charles M, and Sergey Paltsev.
Macro-Experimental economics in the Kyrgyz Republic: social security sustainability and pension reform
Comparative Economic Studies 43, no. 3 (2001): 1-34.
Journal Article
Viswanathan, Kavitha, Stan Becker, Peter M Hansen, Dhirendra Kumar, Binay Kumar, Haseebullah Niayesh, Gilbert H Peters, and David Burnham.
Infant and under-five mortality in Afghanistan: current estimates and limitations
(2010) {Bulletin of the World Health Organization}.
Journal Article
Bairagi, R, S Becker, A Kantner, K B Allen, A Datta, and K Purvis.
An evaluation of the 1993-94 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey within the Matlab area
Asia-Pacific population research abstracts East-West Center, Program on Population , no. 11 (1997).
Journal Article
Mullany, Britta C, Michelle J Hindin, and Stan Becker.
Can women's autonomy impede male involvement in pregnancy health in Katmandu, Nepal?
Social Science & Medicine 61, no. 9 (2005): 1993-2006.
Showing 61-90 of 165