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Showing 121-150 of 690
Journal Article
Mandal, Ram Asheshwar, Ishwar Chandra Dutta, Pramod Kumar Jha, Siddhi Bir Karmacharya, Bijay Kumar Yadav, and Roshan Raj Kafle.
CO2 and CH4 Emission from Domestic Fuel and Livestock Keeping in Tarai and Bhawar in Nepal: A Household-level Analysis
Environment and Natural Resources Journal 11, no. 1 (2013): 1-11.
Aryal, Krishna Kumar, Sushhama Neupane, Guna Raj Lohani, Erik Jors, Dinesh Neupane, Puspa Raj Khanal, Bijay Kumar Jha, Meghnath Dhimal, Baivab Man Shrestha, and Bihungum Bista.
Health effects of pesticide among vegetable farmers and the adaptation level of integrated pest management program in Nepal, 2014
Kathmandu, Nepal: Nepal Health Research Council, 2016.
Journal Article
Pant, Dhan Kumar, Tenzin Tenzin, Rakesh Chand, Barun Kumar Sharma, and Padam Raj Bist.
Spatio-temporal epidemiology of Japanese encephalitis in Nepal, 2007-2015
PloS one 12, no. 7 (2017).
Journal Article
Sah, Ram Bilakshan, Kumar Gaurav, Dharani Dhar Baral, Nilambar Jha, and Paras Kumar Pokharel.
Burden of Teenage pregnancies in hilly area of eastern region of Nepal
Journal of Nobel Medical College 3, no. 1 (2015): 13-19.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mitra, Shabana.
Topics in measurement: Multidimensional poverty and polarization
PhD, Economics, Vanderbilt University, 2011.
Mitra, Barun, Kendra Okonski, and Mohit Satyanand.
Keeping the water flowing: Understanding the role of institutions, incentives, economics, and entrepreneurship in ensuring access and optimising utilisation of water
New Delhi, India: ACADEMIC FOUND, 2007.
Journal Article
Agarwal, Ankush, and Arup Mitra.
Agriculture and its integration with National Accounts Statistics: The Indian case
Agricultural Journal 7, no. 5 (2012): 343-353.
Mitra, Arup.
Insights into inclusive growth, employment and wellbeing in india
New Delhi, India: Springer India, 2013.
Journal Article
Mitra, Sophie, and Usha Sambamoorthi.
Employment of Persons with Disabilities: Evidence from the National Sample Survey
Economic and Political Weekly 41, no. 3 (2006): 199-203.
Journal Article
Mitra, Sophie.
Disability screening and labor supply: Evidence from South Africa
American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 99, no. 2 (2009): 512-516.
Mitra, Saumya.
The Caucasian tiger: sustaining economic growth in Armenia
: World Bank Publications, 2007.
Rama, Martin, Tara Beteille, Yue Li, Pradeep K Mitra, and John L Newman.
Inequality in South Asia
: World Bank Publications, 2013.
Nayar, Reema, Pablo Gottret, Pradeep Mitra, Gordon Betcherman, Yue M Lee, Indhira Santos, Mahesh Dahal, and Maheshwor Shrestha.
More and Better Jobs in South Asia
: World Bank Publications, 2012.
Mitra, Asok.
India's population: aspects of quality and control
: Abhinav Publications, 1978.
Working Paper
Mitra, Arup.
Urban Poverty: a rural spill-over?
(1992) Indian Economic Review.
Working Paper
Bhattacharya, B B, and Arup Mitra.
Industry-Agriculture Growth Rates: Widening Disparity: An Explanation
Economic and Political Weekly 24, no. 34 (1989): 1963-1970.
Mitra K, S.
Power, Protest and Participation: Local Elites and Development in India
: Routledge, 2002.
Working Paper
Sharma, C, A Dasgupta, and A P Mitra.
Future scenarios of inventories of GHGs and urban pollutants from Delhi and Calcutta
Population 839, no. 1001 (2002).
Conference Paper
Dupont, V, and A Mitra.
Population Distribution, Growth and Socio-Economic Spatial Patterns in Delhi
13th European Conference of Modern South Asian Studies .
Toulouse, France, 1991.
Working Paper
Mitra, Arup, and Mayumi Murayama.
Rural to Urban Migration: A District-Level Analysis for India
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 5, no. 2 (2009): 35-52.
Chakraborty, Pinaki, Lekha Chakraborty, and Sona Mitra.
Financing Human Development in Kerala: Issues and Challenges
New Delhi, India: National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, 2010.
Working Paper
Mitra, Sophie, and Usha Sambamoorthi.
Wage differential by disability status in an agrarian labour market in India
Applied Economics Letters 16, no. 14 (2009): 1393-1398.
Working Paper
Zaidi, Salman, Asad Alam, Pradeep Mitra, and Ramya Sundaram.
Satisfaction with Life and Service Delivery in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Some Insights from the 2006 Life in Transition Survey
World Bank WP , no. 162 (2009).
Journal Article
Baqui, A.H., R.E. Black, S.E. Arifeen, K. Hill, S.N. Mitra, and A. Al Sabir.
Causes of childhood deaths in Bangladesh: results of a nationwide verbal autopsy study
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 76, no. 2 (1998): 161-171.
Journal Article
Baqui, A H, AA Sabir, N Begum, SE Arifeen, SN Mitra, and RE Black.
Causes of childhood deaths in Bangladesh: an update
Acta Paediatrica 90, no. 6 (2001): 682-690.
Journal Article
Hassan, Fatma, Laura S Sadowski, Shrikant I Bangdiwala, Beatriz Vizcarra, Laurie Ramiro, Cristiane S De Paula, Isabel S Bordin, and M.K. Mitra.
Physical intimate partner violence in Chile, Egypt, India and the Philippines
Injury control and safety promotion 11, no. 2 (2004): 111-116.
Working Paper
Bhanumurthy, and Mitra.
Globalization, growth and poverty in India
(2006) Research Paper No. 2006/41 .
Working Paper
Mitra, Arup.
Impact of Trade on Service Sector Employment in India
(2009) Institute of Economic Growth.
Working Paper
Mitra, Arup.
The Indian labour market: An overview
(2008) ILO Asia-Pacific Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Alam, Moneer, and Arup Mitra.
Labour Market Vulnerabilities and Health Outcomes: Older Workers in India
Journal of Population Ageing 5, no. 4 (2012): 241-256.
Showing 121-150 of 690