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Showing 121-150 of 834
Journal Article
Pokhrel, Subhash, and Rainer Sauerborn.
Household decision-making on child health care in developing countries: the case of Nepal
(2004) Health Policy and Planning.
Journal Article
Pokhrel, Subhash.
Determinants of parental reports of children's illnesses: Empirical evidence from Nepal
Social Science & Medicine 65, no. 6 (2007): 1106-.
Journal Article
Pokhrel, Subhash, Budi Hidayat, Steffen Flessa, and Rainer Sauerborn.
Modelling the effectiveness of financing policies to address underutilization of children's health services in Nepal
Journal Article
Ray C, Subhash.
Did India's economic reforms improve efficiency and productivity? A nonparametric analysis of the initial evidence from manufacturing
Indian Economic Review XXXVIII, no. 1 (2002): 23-57.
Journal Article
Mukherjee, Kankana, and Subhash C Ray.
Technical efficiency and its dynamics in Indian manufacturing: an inter-state analysis
(2005) Indian Economic Review.
Working Paper
Ray, Subhash C, and Anasua Bhattacharya.
Surplus Labor in Indian Manufacturing: Evidence from the Annual Survey of Industries
University of Connecticut Economics Working Papers , no. 200314 (2003).
Journal Article
Ray C, Subhash.
Are Indian Firms too Small? A Nonparametric Analysis of Cost Efficiency and the Optimal Organization of the Indian Manufacturing Industry
Indian Economic Review XXXXIV, no. 1 (2009): 49-67.
Working Paper
Deb, Arnab K, and Subhash C Ray.
Economic reforms and total factor productivity growth of Indian manufacturing: An inter-state analysis
(2013) University of Connecticut Department of Econommics Working Paper Series.
Working Paper
Tuteja, Usha.
Assessment of Marketable and Marketed Surplus of Major Food-grains in Haryana
Working Paper
Ray, Subhash C, and Kankana Mukherjee.
Does the presence of surplus labor hinder production in Indian manufacturing?
(2003) University of Connecticut Economics Working Papers.
Working Paper
Chand, Subhash, Sharwan Singh, Shinoj Parappurathu, Dam S Roy, and Anjani Kumar.
Explaining the status and scope of ecotourism development for livelihood security: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 22, no. 4 (2015): 335-345.
Journal Article
Shakya, Arati, Devendra Shrestha, Henish Shakya, Subhash Chandra Shah, and Ajaya Kumar Dhakal.
Clinical profile and outcome of neonates admitted to the Neonatal Care Unit at a teaching hospital in Lalitpur, Nepal
Journal of Kathmandu Medical College 3, no. 4 (2015): 144-148.
Journal Article
Poyekar, Subhash, Deepali Ambike, and Swati Raje.
Nutritional status of preschool children-a school based study
Pediatric Review: International Journal of Pediatric Research 3, no. 10 (2016).
Journal Article
Zaidi, Syed Mohammad Asad, Saira Khowaja, Vijay Kumar Dharma, Aamir J Khan, and Subhash Chandir.
Coverage, timeliness, and determinants of immunization completion in Pakistan: evidence from the Demographic and Health Survey (2006-07)
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 10, no. 6 (2014): 1712-1720.
Journal Article
Yadav, Jeetendra, Subhash Gautam, and Kh Jitenkumar Singh.
Prevalence and correlates of alcohol consumption in Northeast states, India (evidence from district levels household survey: 2012-13)
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health 4, no. 1 (2016): 30-37.
Working Paper
Ray, Subhash, and Kankana Mukherjee.
A Reverse Directional Distance Function to Reconcile Between Competing Efficiency Goals: An Application to Indian Manufacturing
(2017) University of Connecticut.
Journal Article
Bini L, Danton Camargo.
Formação Sócioespacial da Região de Araçatuba na Primeira Metade do Século XX
GEOUSP: Espaço e Tempo , no. 28 (2010).
Journal Article
Goldani M, Ana.
As Famílias Brasileiras: Mudanças e Perspectivas
Cadernos de Pesquisa , no. 91 (2013).
Working Paper
Das, B M, Priya B Das, Renuka Das, H Walter, and Heidi Danker-Hopfe.
Anthropological studies in Assam, India: Observations on the Kalitas
(1986) Anthropologischer Anzeiger.
Journal Article
Souza, João Paulo, Mary Angela Parpinelli, Eliana Amaral, and Guilherme Cecatti.
Assistência obstétrica e complicações graves da gestação na América Latina e Caribe: análise das informações obtidas a partir de inquéritos demográficos de saúde
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 21, no. 6 (2007): 396-401.
Thesis or Dissertation
Veríssimo, Paulo Ferreira.
Capital Social e Políticas Públicas: Análise da implementação do Programa de Luta Contra a Pobreza no Meio Rural nos municípios de São Miguel e Tarrafal
Universidade de Cabo Verde, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Batista, Fagner Felipe Silva.
Moçambique, do seu passado colonial ao sistema de eleições multipartidárias: os desafios do pós-operação de manutenção de paz para o país
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2014.
Working Paper
Castelo, Vanda Isabel.
Análise do Custo e do Acesso da Cesta Básica para Pessoas Vivendo com HIV/SIDA (PVHS) na Mitigação do Impacto Socioeconómico do HIV/SIDA Estudo de Caso na Província de Maputo
Journal Article
Munguambe, Pedro Jorge.
Análise do processo de concepcão do plano de accão para a reducão dea pobreza absoluta 2001-2005 (PARPA I)
Journal Article
Tvedten, Inge, Margarida Paulo, and Georgina Montserrat.
Políticas de Género e Feminização da Pobreza em Moçambique
CMI Report 2008, no. 13 (2008).
Conference Paper
Strohaecker M, Tânia.
O Planejamento Territorial no Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul
XIV Encontros Nacionais da ANPUR.
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Maio 23-27, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Magarotto G, Mateus.
Sistemas de Informação Geográfica Orientados para o Ordenamento do Litoral. o Caso da Boa Viagem-Recife-PE-Brasil
Mestre, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2012.
Working Paper
Cavalcante, Luiz R, and Fernanda De Negri.
Produtividade no Brasil: Uma Análise do Período Recente
IPEA , no. 1955 (2014).
Journal Article
Neto, João H, and João Saboia.
A Distribuição Funcional da Renda no Brasil: Análise dos Resultados Recentes e Estimação da Conta da Renda nos Anos de Informações Preliminares do Sistema de Contas Nacionais
Journal Article
Feitosa, Caroline Moura Costa M, Raquel P Belo, Edna B Amaral, and Teâgela O Lima.
Trabalho e Gênero: Um Levantamento Sobre as Profissões e Gênero na Cidade de Parnaíba-PI
Perspectivas em Psicologia 17, no. 1 (2013): 83-100.
Showing 121-150 of 834