
Showing 9841-9870 of 10335
Thesis or Dissertation
Sunde, Tafirenyika. "A small macro-econometric model for Namibia emphasising the dynamic modelling of the wage-price, productivity and unemployment relationship." Doctor of Literature and Philosophy, University of South Africa, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mukuvari, Itai. "Measuring the recovery of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem: an application of the DPSIR framework." Master of Science, University of South Africa, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Helao, Tuhafeni. "An evaluation of good governance and service delivery at Sub-national level in Namibia: the case of the Oshana region." Doctor of Public Administration, University of South Africa, 2015.
Mezzadri, Alessandra, and Ravi Srivastava. Labour regimes in the Indian garment sector: capital-labour relations, social reproduction and labour standards in the National Capital Region. : the Centre for Development Policy and Research, 2015.
Journal Article
Bhattacharjea, Aditya, and Fiyanshu Sindhwani. "Competition issues in the Indian pharmaceuticals sector." (2014) Center for Development Economics, Delhi School of Economics. New Delhi: CUTS-CIRC.
Working Paper
Dasgupta, Shyamasree, Himachal Pradesh Mandi, Shivam Satija, and Prateek Gauba. "The Pattern of Inter-Fuel Substitution in Energy Intensive Manufacturing Industries in India during 2000-01 - 2011-12." (2017) Indian Institute of Technology.
Journal Article
Wilunda, Calistus, Chiara Scanagatta, Giovanni Putoto, Risa Takahashi, Francesca Montalbetti, Giulia Segafredo, and Ana P Betrán. "Barriers to Institutional Childbirth in Rumbek North County, South Sudan: A Qualitative Study." PloS one 11, no. 12 (2016).
Conference Paper
Jacob, Sergot, Sami Aburoza, Deng Hoc D Yai, Lyndsay Bird, Naoko Arakawa, Anna Azaryeva, Education Peacebuilding, Marie-Claude Rouillard, and Chloé Chimier. "Education & Development Post 2015: Reflecting, Reviewing, Re-Visioning. Rebuilding Resilience In A Changing World: Conflict And Crisis Sensitive Approaches To Planning And Programming For Education Systems." 12th Ukfiet International Conference On Education And Development. September 10-12, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pila Cárdenas N, Mayra. "Ecuador como destino turístico emergente: orígenes y evolución reciente de la actividad." Grado de Turismo, Universidad de Sevilla, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sebastián L, Campaña Marco. "La Experiencia Laboral Y Su Incidencia En La Vinculación En El Campo Profesional De Los Nuevos Graduados De La Universidad Indoamerica De Ambato Modalidad Presencial." Grado de Magister, Universidad Tecnológica “Indoamérica”, 2017.
Journal Article
Yamoah, Emmanuel Erastus, and Kwame Adom. "Empirical Investigation of Service Quality in Ghanaian Hospitals." European Journal of Business and Management 6, no. 18 (2014): 157-178.
Thesis or Dissertation
Córdova Cabezas-Borja E, Ximena. "Estrategias de marketing para una empresa que compite en el mercado de servicios contables, en la ciudad de Quito. Caso: Corporación Edi-Ábaco Cía. Ltda.." Título De Ingeniería Comercial, Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Ecuador, 2013.
Journal Article
Rodríguez, Zaira Gonzalez, Juan Antonio Leos Rodríguez, and Maria Jesica Zavala Pineda. "Impactos de los créditos agropecuarios de Financiera Nacional de Desarrollo en el bienestar de los hogares beneficiarios del valle de Mexicali." CIENCIA ergo-sum 24, no. 1 (2017): 5-17.
Journal Article
Contreras, Dante, and Elvia Tapia. "Trayectoria Negativa de la Clase Media: Mexico 2002-2012." (2016) Revista Estudios de Politicas P´ublicas.
Journal Article
Oyekale S, Abayomi. "Assessment of primary health care facilities’ service readiness in Nigeria." (2017) BMC health services research.
Journal Article
Zidana, Richard. "Exploring Alternative Sources of Financing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) In Malawi: Lessons from Elsewhere." International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations 3, no. 2 (2015): 455-460.
Journal Article
Corduneanu-Huci, Cristina. "Taming corruption: rent potential, collective action, and taxability in Morocco." Business and Politics 18, no. 3 (2016): 297-335.
Journal Article
Perovic, Jelena, and Rafael Obregon. "Communication for development and social change: influencing social norms for an inclusive society in Montenegro." Commons 6, no. 1 (2017): 130-147.
Thesis or Dissertation
Correia, Carlos Chipala. "Investimento na Educação e Desenvolvimento Economico: O caso de Angola." Mestre em Finanças, Univercidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, 2017.
Working Paper
Renaudin, Philippe, Mohamed Ould M Abdelkader, Sidi Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz, Mohamed Ould M Mujtaba, Mohamed Ould M Saleck, Charles Vangeenderhuysen, and Alain Prual. "Risk sharing as solution for providing access to emergency obstetric care: experiences with obstetric risk insurance in Mauritania." (2008)
Thesis or Dissertation
Macías Mera J, Magaly Jacqueline. "Análisis de la gestión ambiental realizada por el gobierno seccional en la ciudad de Guayaquil año 2014." Título De Economísta, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Perez J, Hugo Pumagualli. "Estudio del reciclaje de botellas plásticas pet para el cantón Samborondón." Grado de Magister, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chimbolema G, Nancy Rea. "Proyecto de factibilidad para la creación de una microempresa dedicada a la comercialización de focos ahorradores marca EVLITE, ubicada en Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas." Título De Ingeniera En Administración Pública, Universidad Central Del Ecuador, 2016.
Journal Article
Samaraweera, Dilhar, and Shiromi Maduwage. "Meeting the current and future health-care needs of Sri Lanka’s ageing population.." WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health 5, no. 2 (2016): 96-101.
Jimenez, Raul, and Ariel Yepez-Garcia. Understanding the Drivers of Household Energy Spending: Micro Evidence for Latin America. : Inter-American Development Bank, 2017.
Showing 9841-9870 of 10335