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Working Paper
Dhakal, Dns, Ahmad Payab, and Glenn Jenkins. "Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Family Farm Model in Far-West/Mid-West Terai in Nepal paddy Cultivation." (2012)
Journal Article
Chunga, Richard M, Jeroen HJ Ensink, Marion W Jenkins, and Joe Brown. "Adopt or Adapt: Sanitation Technology Choices in Urbanizing Malawi." PloS one 11, no. 8 (2016).
Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
Chasi Bustillos, Patricia Aracelly, and Evelyn Michelle Navas Lopez. "La inversion extranjera directa y su incidencia en la formacion bruta de capital fijo (FBKF), en el sector comercial de la economia ecuatoriana. Modelo econometrico para pronosticar la FBKF 2016-2017.." título de ingeniero en finanzas, contador público–auditor, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE Extension Latacunga. Carrera de Ingeniera en Finanzas y Auditoria., 2017.
Journal Article
Jenkins, Rachel, Caleb Othieno, Linnet Ongeri, Bernards Ogutu, Peter Sifuna, James Kingora, David Kiima, Michael Ongecha, and Raymond Omollo. "Adult Psychotic Symptoms, Their Associated Risk Factors and Changes in Prevalence in Men and Women over a Decade in a Poor Rural District of Kenya." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12, no. 5 (2015): 5310-5328.
Journal Article
Sadik, Sabah, Marie Bradley, Saad Al-Hasoon, and Rachel Jenkins. "Public perception of mental health in Iraq." International journal of mental health systems 4, no. 1 (2010).
Journal Article
Jenkins, Rachel, Raymond Omollo, Michael Ongecha, Peter Sifuna, Caleb Othieno, Linnet Ongeri, James Kingora, and Bernhards Ogutu. "Prevalence of malaria parasites in adults and its determinants in malaria endemic area of Kisumu County, Kenya." Malaria journal 14, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Jenkins, Rachel, Caleb Othieno, Linnet Ongeri, Peter Sifuna, Michael Ongecha, James Kingora, David Kiima, Raymond Omollo, and Bernhards Ogutu. "Common mental disorder in Nyanza province, Kenya in 2013 and its associated risk factors - an assessment of change since 2004, using a repeat household survey in a demographic surveillance site." (2015) BMC psychiatry.
Journal Article
Mbatia, Joseph, and Rachel Jenkins. "Development of a mental health policy and system in Tanzania: an integrated approach to achieve equity." Psychiatric Services 61, no. 10 (2010): 1028-1031.
Journal Article
Jenkins, Marion W, Oliver Cumming, and Sandy Cairncross. "Pit latrine emptying behavior and demand for sanitation services in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania." International journal of environmental research and public health 12, no. 3 (2015): 2588-2611.
Journal Article
Miller-Petrie, Molly K, Lindsay Voigt, Lyn McLennan, Sandy Cairncross, and Marion W Jenkins. "Infant and young child feces management and enabling products for their hygienic collection, transport, and disposal in Cambodia." The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 94, no. 2 (2016): 456-465.
Journal Article
Owusu, Alex Barimah, Stephen Abrokwah, and Stephen Frimpong. "Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Street Hawking: A Case Study of the Accra Metropolitan Area." Journal of Geography and Geology 5, no. 4 (2013): 169-180.
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Conference Paper
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Working Paper
Alderman, Harold, Sudarshan Canagarajah, and Stephen D Younger. "Consequence of Permanent Lay-Off from the Civil Service: results from a Survey of Retrenched Workers in Ghana." (1993)
Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
Sahn, David E, and Stephen D Younger. "Living standards in Africa." (2007) Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program Working Paper .
Working Paper
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Working Paper
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