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Showing 211-240 of 9395
Thesis or Dissertation
Gupta, Anjali Clare.
Conservation's Complexities: A Study of Livelihoods and People-Park Relations around Chobe National Park, Botswana
Doctor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley, 2012.
Working Paper
Smith Thompson, Robert.
People’s Republic of CHINA
(2006) Asian Development Bank.
Thesis or Dissertation
Katisi, Masego.
The power of context in health partnerships: Exploring synergy and antagony between external and internal ideologies in mplementing Safe Male Circumcision (SMC) for HIV prevention in Botswana
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Bergen, 2017.
Oosterhoff, Pauline, and Emily Kageha Igonya.
Constitutional Reforms and Access to HIV Services for Women in Low-resource Settings in Nairobi, Kenya
Thesis or Dissertation
Ewoudou, Jacques.
Understanding economic decision-making under social norms prescribing behaviours
Doctor of Philosophy, Universite de Montreal, 2008.
Journal Article
Coulombe, Harold, and Andrew McKay.
An assessment of trends in poverty in Ghana 1988 - 1992
Poverty and Social Policy Discussion Paper , no. 81 (1995).
Working Paper
Ferrara L, Eliana.
Ethnicity and Reciprocity: A Model of Credit Transactions in Ghana
Working Paper
Anderson, Edward.
Growth incidence analysis for non-income welfare indicators: evidence from Ghana and Uganda
(2005) Background Paper for the Chronic Poverty Report 2008- 09.
Working Paper
Pemsl, Diemuth E, Madan M Dey, Ferdinand J Paraguas, and Manik L Bose.
Determining high potential aquaculture production areas - Analysis of key socio-economic adoption factors
Thesis or Dissertation
Eghan, Matthew Kobina.
Review of the Village Infrastructure Project (Vip) As A Rural Poverty Alleviation Strategy In Ghana: A Case Study Of The Asante-Akim South District of The Ashanti Region
Department Of Geography And Rural Development, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science And Technology, 2006.
Journal Article
Grosh, Margaret E, and Paul Glewwe Glewwe.
Data watch: The World Bank's Living Standards Measurement Study household surveys
Journal of Economic Perspectives 12, no. 1 (1998): 187-196.
Thesis or Dissertation
Achievable food security: How market failures lead to poor economic conditions and what can be done about them
MA thesis, Harvard University, 2006.
Journal Article
Gibson, John, and David McKenzie.
Using global positioning systems in household surveys for better economics and better policy
World Bank Research Observer 22, no. 2 (2007): 217-241.
Journal Article
Crivellaro, Elena.
Non traditional family structures and health outcomes for children in Ivory Coast.
Journal Article
Cox, Donald, and Marcel Fafchamps.
Extended family and kinship networks: economic insights and evolutionary directions
(2007) Handbook of Development Economics.
Chaudhuri, Shubham, and Alexander S Pfaff.
Economic growth and the environment: What can we learn from household data?
Journal Article
BenYishay, Ariel.
Civil liberties, mobility, and economic development
Journal Article
Kishore, Nawal, and Guna Raj Shrestha.
A way forward to promote Ecosan programme in Nepal
Working Paper
Houssou, Nazaire, and Manfred Zeller.
Targeting the poor and smallholder farmers empirical evidence from Malawi
(2009) Discussion Paper No. 1/2009.
Journal Article
Ravallion, Martin.
How well can method substitute for data? Five experiments in poverty analysis
World Bank Research Observer 11, no. 2 (1996): 199-2.
Journal Article
Osili, Una Okonkwo, and Bridget T Long.
Universal primary education and fertility: a Nigerian experiment
Journal Article
Parkhurst O, Justin.
Understanding the correlations between wealth, poverty and human immunodeficiency virus infection in African countries
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 88, no. 7 (2010): 519-526.
Journal Article
McCann, Margaret F, Deborah E Bender, and Maria C Rangel-Sharpless.
Infant feeding in Bolivia: A critique of the World Health Organization indicators applied to Demographic and Health Survey Data
International Journal of Epidemiology 23, no. 1 (1994): 129-137.
Journal Article
Berhane, Araia, and Andeberhan Tesfazio.
Knowledge and coverage of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) in Eritrea
Journal of the Eritrean Medical Association 1, no. 1 (2010).
Journal Article
Witter, Sophie, Sam Adjei, Margaret Armar-Klemesu, and Wendy Graham.
Providing free maternal health care: ten lessons from an evaluation of the national delivery exemption policy in Ghana
(2009) Global Health Action.
Journal Article
Buckshee, K.
Impact of roles of women on health in India
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 58, no. 1 (1997): 35-42.
Journal Article
Pallikadavath, Saseendran, Abdoulie Sanneh, Jenny M Mcwhirter, and R. William Stones.
Rural women's knowledge of AIDS in the higher prevalence states of India: reproductive health and sociocultural correlates
Health promotion international 20, no. 3 (2005): 249.
Working Paper
Jaeni, Nur, Peter McDonald, and Iwu D Utomo.
Determinants of Unintended Pregnancy among Ever-Married Women in Indonesia: An Analysis of the 2007 IDHS
(2009) Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute, Australian National University.
Journal Article
Ibrahim, Nuraddis, Tilahun Berhanu, Benti Deressa, and Tadele Tolosa.
Survey of prevalence of helminth parasites of donkeys in and around Hawassa Town, Southern Ethiopia
Global Veterinaria 6, no. 3 (2011): 223-227.
Journal Article
Molyneaux, John W, Charles Lerman, E. Srihartati P Pandi, and Soni Trisno Wibisono.
Correlates of contraceptive method choice in Indonesia
(1990) The population Council, Demographic and Health Surveys ADHSU Program.
Showing 211-240 of 9395