
Showing 31-34 of 34
Journal Article
Cecchini, Simone, and Bernardo Atuesta. "Programas de transferencias condicionadas en América Latina y el Caribe." (2017) CEPAL - Serie Políticas Sociales.
Conference Paper
Raudino, Simone. "The Role of Value Formation Processes and Empirical Experiences in Shaping Trade Liberalization Preferences: The Case of Afghanistan." 24th World Congress of Political Science. Poznań, Poland, July 23-28, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kiishweko, Rose Rutagemwa. "Albinism in Tanzanian higher education: a case study." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Sussex, 2017.
Working Paper
Collin, Matthew, Stefan Dercon, Simone Lombardini, Justin Sandefur, and Andrew Zeitlin. "Slum-Upgrading in Tanzania: Public Infrastructure and Private Property Rights." (2012)
Showing 31-34 of 34