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Showing 331-360 of 646
Journal Article
Kumar, Arjun.
Access to Basic Amenities Aspects of Caste, Ethnicity and Poverty in Rural and Urban India — 1993 to 2008-2009
Journal of Land and Rural Studies 2, no. 1 (2014): 127-148.
Journal Article
Ittyerah, Miriam, and Nimisha Kumar.
The actual and ideal self-concept in disabled children, adolescents and adults
Psychology & Developing Societies 19, no. 1 (2007): 81-112.
Working Paper
Guchhait, Sanat Kumar, and Abhik Dasgupta.
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Population Growth of Howrah District in India: An Experience in the 20 th Century
(2012) Journal of Humanities and Social Science .
Journal Article
Shukla, Ankita, Kaushalendra Kumar, and Abhishek Singh.
Association between Obesity and Selected Morbidities: A Study of BRICS Countries
PloS one 9, no. 4 (2014).
Working Paper
Ark, Bart, Abdul Azeez Erumban, Vivian Chen, and Utsav Kumar.
The Cost Competitiveness of the Manufacturing Sector in China and India: An Industry and Regional Perspective
Varma, Uday Kumar, and SK Sasikumar.
Information and communication technology and decent work: Study of India’s experience
Journal Article
Mandal, Sabuj Kumar, and S Madheswaran.
Causality between energy consumption and output growth in the Indian cement industry: An application of the panel vector error correction model (VECM)
Energy Policy 38, no. 11 (2010): 6560-6565.
Journal Article
Chandra, Nirmal Kumar.
Tata Motors in singur: a step towards industrialisation or pauperisation?
Economic and Political Weekly 43, no. 50 (2008): 36-51.
Working Paper
Hashim, Danish A, Ajay Kumar, and Arvind Virmani.
Impact of Major Liberalization on Productivity: The J-Curve Hypothesis
(2009) DEA Ministry of Finance Working Paper.
Working Paper
Ganesh Kumar, A, Manoj K Panda, and Mary E Burfisher.
Reforms in Indian agro-processing and agriculture sectors in the context of unilateral and multilateral trade agreements
Journal Article
Shrestha, Ram M, S S Kumar, Sudhir Sharma, and Monaliza J Todoc.
Institutional reforms and electricity access: Lessons from Bangladesh and Thailand
Energy for Sustainable Development 8, no. 4 (2004): 41-53.
Journal Article
Shrestha, Ram M, S Kumar, Samuel Martin, and Arjun Dhakal.
Modern energy use by the urban poor in Thailand: a study of slum households in two cities
Energy for Sustainable development 12, no. 4 (2008): 5-13.
Giridhar, G, K M Sathyanarayana, M Alam, K S James, and S Kumar.
Population Ageing in India
: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Working Paper
Kumar, Sunil, and Tushar K Das.
Rural to Urban Migration in Delhi: a Socio-Economic Aspect
International Journal of Management Research and Review 2, no. 11 (2012): 1881-1894.
Working Paper
Kumar, Balbir.
Girls Education at School level in India: Opportunities and Challenges
Gian Jyoti E-Journal 3, no. 4 (2013): 30-36.
Journal Article
Madan Kumar, PD, Poorni S, Ramachandran S, and others.
Tobacco use among school children in Chennai city, India
Indian journal of cancer 43, no. 3 (2006): 127.
Journal Article
Dahal, Sushma, Sabeena Maharjan, Raj Kumar Subedi, and Juna Maharjan.
Role of Media in Provoking Cigarette Smoking among Adolescents in Urban Nepal
Health 7, no. 01 (2015): 98.
Working Paper
Kumar, S, S A Gaikwad, A V Shekdar, P S Kshirsagar, and R N Singh.
Estimation method for national methane emission from solid waste landfills
Atmospheric Environment 38, no. 21 (2004): 3481-3487.
Working Paper
Kumar, Naresh.
Aspects of the Production of the Gender Atlas of India with ARC/INFO™
The Cartographic Journal 33, no. 1 (1996): 27-38.
Working Paper
Kumar, Utsav.
India's Demographic Transition: Boon or Bane?
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies 1, no. 1 (2014): 186-203.
Working Paper
Kumar, Ganesh.
Child labour: Determinants, dimensions and policies in India
Economic Affairs 58, no. 4 (2013): 417-429.
Working Paper
Kumar, Utsav.
India’s Demographic Transition: Boon or Bane? A State-Level Perspective
Working Paper
Kumar, Sandeep, and Sujan Singh.
District-wise Growth of Population in Western Himalayan States of India, 1981-2011
Science Park.
Working Paper
Kumar, Ashwani, and K C Das.
Drinking Water and Sanitation Facility in India and Its Linkages with Diarrhoea among Children under Five: Evidences from Recent Data
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention 3, no. 4 (2014): 50-60.
Working Paper
Kumar, Monu.
Correlation Between Female Literacy & Child Sex Ratio in Haryana (2011): A Georaphical Analysis
International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences.
Working Paper
Kumar P, Nomita.
Research Notes and Communications Trends and Determinants of Female Employment in Agriculture: an Inter-District Analysis in Rural Uttar Pradesh
Indian Journal of Labour Economics 50, no. 2 (2007).
Working Paper
Kumar, Pankaj.
An Empirical Study on Performance of Indian MSME
Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation 10, no. 4 (2014): 367-375.
Working Paper
Kumar, Sandeep, and Randhir S Sangwan.
Urban Growth, Land Use Changes and Its Impact on Cityscape in Sonipat City Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, Haryana, India
International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS 2, no. 1 (2013): 326-326.
Working Paper
Kumar, Satish, and M K Bhasin.
Sero-genetic profile and phylogenetic relationships of tribes of Rajasthan
Anthropologist 13, no. 2 (2011): 83-93.
Working Paper
Swami S, Kumar.
The Genesis and Growth of Slums in Bhubaneswar: A Case Study of Saliasahi Slum
(2014) India Journal.
Showing 331-360 of 646