
Showing 1-30 of 75
Thesis or Dissertation
Chima, Christopher Ifechukwude. "Monitoring and modelling of urban land use in Abuja Nigeria, using geospatial information technologies." Doctor of Philosophy, Coventry University, 2012.
Journal Article
Pir, Mohamad Poudineh, Maryam Karimian Bostani, and Gholam Reza Miri. "How the Adults Spend Their Leisure Time in Zabol." MAGNT Research Report.
Journal Article
Glickman, Leslie B, George Chimatiro, Laurie Neely, Nicole White, Shannon Walters, and Megan Warres. "Community reintegration of patients with neurological disorders post discharge from the Kachere Rehabilitation Centre, Malawi." (2015) The Journal of Global Health.
Journal Article
Hadwiger, Stephen C, and Mariquit Hadwiger. "Filipino professional birth attendants' perceptions about maternal services and childbirth at home." (2012)
Working Paper
Deka, Jyotishman, Om Prakash Tripathi, and Mohamed Latif Khan. "Urban growth trend analysis using Shannon Entropy approach-A case study in North-East India." International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 2, no. 4 (2011): 1062-1068.
Journal Article
Sarvestani, Mahdi Sabet, Ab Latif Ibrahim, and Pavlos Kanaroglou. "Three decades of urban growth in the city of Shiraz, Iran: A remote sensing and geographic information systems application." Cities 28, no. 4 (2011): 320-329.
Journal Article
Dridi, Hadda, Abdelhalim Bendib, and Mahdi Kalla. "Analysis Of Urban Sprawl Phenomenon In Batna City (Algeria) By Remote Sensing Technique." Annals of the University of Oradea, Geography Series 25, no. 2 (2015): 211-220.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mutalemwa, Regina. "Influence of different land use types on bird and tree species diversity around lake Victoria basin in Bukoba municipality, Tanzania." Master of Science, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2015.
Working Paper
Mohiddin, Lili, Laura Phelps, and Tamsin Walters. "Urban Malnutrition: A Review of Food Security and Nutrition among the Urban Poor." (2012)
Langworthy, Mark, Brad Sagara, Phil Sutter, Jeanne Downen, Tamsin Walters, Brigitte Izabiriza, Rutere S Kagendo, and Monica Mueller. The Contribution of Food Assistance to Durable Solutions in Protracted Refugee Situations: Its Impact and Role in Rwanda (2007-2011) Full Report. 2012.
Journal Article
Chipps, Jennifer, Christoph Pimmer, Petra Brysiewicz, Fiona Walters, Sebastian Linxen, Thandi Ndebele, and Urs Gröhbiel. "Using mobile phones and social media to facilitate education and support for rural-based midwives in South Africa." Curationis 38, no. 2 (2015): 8.
Journal Article
Walters, Jackie. "Public transport policy implementation in South Africa: Quo vadis?." Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management 8, no. 1 (2014): 10-pages.
Journal Article
Torres, Jada Benn, Miguel G Vilar, Gabriel A Torres, Jill B Gaieski, Ricardo Bharath Hernandez, Zoila E Browne, Marlon Stevenson, Wendell Walters, Theodore G Schurr, and Genographic Consortium. "Genetic Diversity in the Lesser Antilles and Its Implications for the Settlement of the Caribbean Basin." PloS one 10, no. 10 (2015).
Journal Article
Walters B, Bradley. "Do property rights matter for conservation? Family land, forests and trees in Saint Lucia, West Indies." Human Ecology 40, no. 6 (2012): 863-878.
Walters, Kirk, Toni M Smith, Steve Leinwand, Wendy Surr, Abigail Stein, and Paul Bailey. An up-close look at student-centered math teaching. : Quincy, MA: Nellie Mae Education Foundation, 2014.
Journal Article
Walters, Keith. "Gendering French in Tunisia: language ideologies and nationalism." International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2011, no. 211 (2011): 83-111.
Journal Article
Arrey, Walters Tabi, Christian Akem Dimala, Julius Atashili, Josephine Mbuagbaw, and Gottlieb Lobe Monekosso. "Hypertension, an Emerging Problem in Rural Cameroon: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Control." (2016) International Journal of Hypertension.
Cil, A, D Ognjanovic, E Atmis, and JL Walters. Local Biodiversity Action Planning for Southeastern Europe: Spotlight on the Activities. 2011.
Journal Article
Walters, Dylan, Susan Horton, Adiatma Yudistira Manogar Siregar, Pipit Pitriyan, Nemat Hajeebhoy, Roger Mathisen, Linh Thi Hong Phan, and Christiane Rudert. "The cost of not breastfeeding in Southeast Asia." Health Policy and Planning 31, no. 8 (2016): 1107-1116.
Journal Article
Betancourt, Theresa S, Robert T Brennan, Patrick Vinck, Tyler J VanderWeele, Dayo Spencer-Walters, Joshua Jeong, Adeyinka M Akinsulure-Smith, and Phuong Pham. "Associations between mental health and Ebola-related health behaviors: a regionally representative cross-sectional survey in post-conflict Sierra Leone." PLoS medicine 13, no. 8 (2016).
Black, Richard, Jonathan Crush, Sally Peberdy, Savina Ammassari, Lyndsay M Hilker, Shannon Mouillesseaux, Claire Pooley, and Radha Rajkotia. Migration and development in Africa: An overview. : Southern African Migration Project and the Centre for Globalization, Poverty and Migration of Sussex University, 2006.
Allen, LaZann, Michelle Kayaleh, Shannon Pryor, and Katie Zoerhoff. Promoting safe motherhood in Tanzania. Washington, USA: Washington DC: The Elliott Scholl of International Affairs, 2008.
Thesis or Dissertation
Prescott, Christy Shannon. "Dual economies or dueling economies? An analysis of the intersection of the cash and subsistence economies from the social sustainability perspective.." Master of Social Science, Humboldt State University, 2007.
Journal Article
O’Neil K, Shannon. "Development and Democracy at a Crossroads." (2011)
Working Paper
Glaeser, Laura M, Peter Horjus, and Shannon Strother. "Haiti Prospective Food Security Assessment." (2011) USAID; FANTA (Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance.
Journal Article
Haggblade, Steven, Duncan Boughton, Khin Mar Cho, Glenn Denning, Renate Kloeppinger-Todd, Zaw Oo, Tun Min Sandar, Tin Maung Than, Naw Eh Mwee Aye Wai, and Shannon Wilson. "Strategic Choices Shaping Agricultural Performance and Food Security in Myanmar." Journal of International Affairs 67, no. 2 (2014): 55.
Working Paper
Black, Richard, Savina Ammassari, Shannon Mouilleseaux, and Radha Rajkotia. "Migration and Pro-Poor Policy in West Africa." Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty Working Paper , no. C8 (2004).
Journal Article
Eloundou-Enyegue, Parfait M, C. Shannon Stokes, and Gretchen Cornwell. "Are there crisis-led fertility declines? Evidence from central Cameroon." Population Research and Policy Review 19, no. 1 (2000): 47-72.
Journal Article
Eloundou-Enyegue, Parfait, and Shannon Stokes. "Demographic transitions and children’s resources: Bonus or divergence?." (2008) Demographic Research, Volume 16.
Journal Article
Eloundou-Enyegue, Parfait M, and C. Shannon Stokes. "Teen fertility and gender inequality in education: A contextual hypothesis." Demographic Research 11, no. 11 (2004): 305-334.
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