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Thesis or Dissertation
Bergenwall, Peder.
Video Hall Morality: A Minor Field Study of the Production of Space in Video Halls in Kampala, Uganda
Master Thesis, Örebro University, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mohammed, Mohammed Hamed.
Management of Natural Stands of Acacia seyal Del. variety seyal (Brenan) for Production of Gum Talha, South Kordofan, Sudan
Doctor rerum silvaticarum, Technical University of Dresden, 2011.
Journal Article
Buden W, Donald.
Reptiles of the Hall Islands, Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia
Pacific Science 65, no. 4 (2011): 497-505.
Journal Article
Cleland, Charles R, Matthew J Burton, Claudette Hall, Anthony Hall, Paul Courtright, William U Makupa, and Heiko Philippin.
Diabetic retinopathy in Tanzania: prevalence and risk factors at entry into a regional screening programme
(2016) Tropical Medicine & International Health.
Working Paper
Hall, Sarah.
Neonatal mortality in developing countries: What can we learn from DHS data?
(2005) Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute Applications & Policy Working Paper.
Journal Article
Hall, Brian J, Sarah M Murray, Sandro Galea, Daphna Canetti, and Stevan E Hobfoll.
Loss of social resources predicts incident posttraumatic stress disorder during ongoing political violence within the Palestinian Authority
(2014) Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology.
Journal Article
Hall, Sarah.
The dual sector model of economic development: A comparative analysis of Moldova and Romania
Indian Journal of Economics and Business 11, no. 1 (2012): 107-120.
Journal Article
Chiumbu, Sarah, S Goga, and V Reddy.
Conversation on policies: healthy livestock act as security against hunger
(2015) The Human Sciences Research Council.
Munsch, Holger, Daud Saba, Sadiqa Basiri, Merete Taksdal, Sarah Grey, and Richard Ellert.
Afghanistan: findings on education, environment, gender, Health, livelihood and water and sanitation
Journal Article
Mbonye, Martin Kayitale, Sarah M Burnett, Robert Colebunders, Sarah Naikoba, Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden, Marcia R Weaver, and Allan Ronald.
Disease diagnosis in primary care in Uganda
BMC Family Practice 15, no. 1 (2014): 165.
Journal Article
Mbonye, Martin Kayitale, Sarah M Burnett, Sarah Naikoba, Robert Colebunders, Kristien Wouters, Marcia R Weaver, and Jean Pierre Van Geertruyden.
Malaria care in infants aged under six months in Uganda: an area of unmet needs!
PloS one 10, no. 4 (2015): e0123283.
Journal Article
Tomlinson, Mark, Sarah Skeen, Marguerite Marlow, Lucie Cluver, Peter Cooper, Lynne Murray, Shoeshoe Mofokeng, Nathene Morley, Moroesi Makhetha, and Sarah Gordon.
Improving early childhood care and development, HIV-testing, treatment and support, and nutrition in Mokhotlong, Lesotho: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial
Trials 17, no. 1 (2016).
De Stone, Sachin, Franziska Meinck, Lorraine Sherr, Lucie Cluver, Jenny Doubt, Frederick Mark Orkin, Caroline Kuo, Amogh Sharma, Imca Hensels, and Sarah Skeen.
Factors Associated with Good and Harsh Parenting of Pre-Adolescents and Adolescents in Southern Africa
Journal Article
Scott, Jennifer, Sarah Averbach, Anna M Modest, Michele Hacker, Sarah Cornish, Danielle Spencer, Maureen Murphy, and Parveen Parmar.
An assessment of attitudes toward gender inequitable sexual and reproductive health norms in South Sudan: a community-based participatory research approach
(2013) Conflict and health.
Journal Article
Scott, Jennifer, Michele Hacker, Sarah Averbach, Anna M Modest, Sarah Cornish, Danielle Spencer, Maureen Murphy, and Parveen Parmar.
Influences of sex, age and education on attitudes towards gender inequitable norms and practices in South Sudan
Global public health 9, no. 7 (2014): 773-786.
Journal Article
Delisle, Sarah, and Sarah Turner.
‘The weather is like the game we play’: Coping and adaptation strategies for extreme weather events among ethnic minority groups in upland northern Vietnam
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 57, no. 3 (2016): 351-364.
Journal Article
Zhang, Helen L, Kunda W Mnzava, Sarah T Mitchell, Matayo L Melubo, Tito J Kibona, Sarah Cleaveland, Rudovick R Kazwala, John A Crump, Joanne P Sharp, and Jo EB Halliday.
Mixed methods survey of zoonotic disease awareness and practice among animal and human healthcare providers in Moshi, Tanzania
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10, no. 3 (2016): e0004476.
Journal Article
Glewwe, Paul, and Gilette Hall.
Poverty, inequality, and living standards during unorthodox adjustment: the case of Peru, 1985-1990
Economic Development and Cultural Change 42, no. 4 (1994): 689-717.
Working Paper
Hall, Peter E, and Chan Chhuong.
Reproductive health commodity security country case study: Cambodia
(2006) Unpublished report. DFID Health Resource Centre.
Journal Article
Berry, Lizette, and Katherine Hall.
Teenage pregnancy
(2009) Children's Institute. University of Cape Town.
Whiteford, Andrew, and Elsje J Hall.
SA labour market trends and future workforce needs, 1998-2003
South Africa: HSRC Press, 1999.
Journal Article
Hall, M-Françoise.
Male Use of Contraception and Attitudes Toward Abortion, Santiago, Chile, 1968
The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 48, no. 2 (1970): 145-166.
Journal Article
Vian, Taryn, Kristina Grybosk, Zamira Sinoimeri, and Rachel Hall.
Informal payments in government health facilities in Albania: Results of a qualitative study
Social Science andMedicine 62, no. 4 (2006): 877-887.
Journal Article
Hall, Karen.
Stories of women with disabilities pursuing employment in Guyana: As employees or as entrepreneurs
Journal Article
Glewwe, Paul, and Gilette Hall.
Are some groups more vulnerable to macroeconomic shocks than others? Hypothesis tests based on panel data from Peru
Journal of Development Economics 56, no. 1 (1998): 181-206.
Glewwe, Paul, and G Hall.
Who is most vulnerable to macroeconomic shocks? Hypotheses tests using panel data from Peru
Thesis or Dissertation
Hall J, Grace.
HIV screening patterns in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from the Demographic and Health Survey data 2003-2007
PhD Thesis, Health Behavior and Health Education, The University of Michigan, 2010.
Journal Article
Titaley, Christiana R, Michael J Dibley, Kingsley Agho, Christine L Roberts, and John Hall.
Determinants of neonatal mortality in Indonesia
BMC Public Health 8, no. 1 (2008): 232.
Journal Article
Titaley, Christiana R, Michael J Dibley, Christine L Roberts, John Hall, and Kingsley Agho.
Iron and Folic Acid Supplements and Reduced Early Neonatal Deaths in Indonesia
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 88, no. 7 (2010): 500-508.
Journal Article
Williams, Phoebe, Alan Martina, Robert Cumming, and John Hall.
Malaria prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa: a field study in rural Uganda
Journal of community health 34, no. 4 (2009): 288-294.
Showing 1-30 of 546