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Showing 61-90 of 303
Thesis or Dissertation
Payan Quintero, Ana Maria, and Karen Ximena Umana Espinosa.
Factores que intervienen en la realización del autoexamen de mama en la comunidad femenina del área de secretariado UDCA campus norte calle 222 en el periodo 2015-2
medico, Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales - UDCA, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Huertas Rivera, Diana Ximena, and Mayerlín Sandoval Ortega.
Prácticas De Agencia De Jóvenes En Situación De Embarazo Del Municipio De Majagual Sucre
Magister en Desarrollo Educativo y Social, Centro Internacional De Educación Y Desarrollo, 2016.
Journal Article
Romero V, Ximena Echenique.
La desigualdad en México a partir de un modelo estadístico idealizado de demandas Marshallianas, 2012-2014
(2017) Economia Informa.
Journal Article
Pedraza, Lilibeth, Ximena Socarras Plaza, Rafael Sevilla, Jose Lopez, and Jennifer Jimenez.
Opiniones hacia las practicas anticonceptivas en estudiantes de la Universidad del Magdalena, Santa Marta (Colombia)
Ciencia y Salud Virtual 6, no. 2 (2014): 82-91.
Working Paper
Pena, Ximena, Ana Maria Ibáñez, and Maria Alejandra Arias.
Mujeres rurales jóvenes y migración en Colombia
(2013) IEP Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.
Journal Article
Gonzales Portillo, Juan, Rivas Main, Francia Merly, Ximena Alexandra Marin Restrepo, Villamil Bonilla, and Leidy Viviana.
Niveles de disfuncion familiar, en veinte mujeres victimas de violencia intrafamiliar en el municipio de Armenia
El Agora USB 13, no. 2 (2013): 399-410.
Journal Article
Castellanos, Ximena Rincon.
¿Bioética y derecho para qué y para quiénes? Discusiones en torno a la regulación de las técnicas de reproducción humana asistida en Colombia
Derecho PUCP.
Caro, Andrea, Maria Adelaida Farah, Ximena Pena, Ana Maria Ibanez, Andrea Henao, Juan Sebastian Munoz, and Maria Alejandra Arias.
El nuevo perfil de las mujeres rurales jovenes en Colombia
: Lima, 2013.
Working Paper
Cámara, Noelia, Ximena Peña, and David Tuesta.
Determinantes de la inclusión financiera en Perú
BBVA , no. 13/31 (2013).
Journal Article
Condeza, Ana Rayen, Gabriel Bastias, Gonzalo Valdivia, Consuelo Cheix, Ximena Barrios, Rodrigo Rojas, Myrna Galvez, and Francisco Fernandez.
Adultos mayores en Chile: descripcion de sus necesidades en comunicacion en salud preventiva
Cuadernos. info , no. 38 (2016).
Díaz, Ramón, Ludwig Huber, Oscar Madalengoitia, Raphael Saldaña, Carolina Trivelli, Rosana Vargas, and Ximena Salazar.
Análisis de la implementación del Programa JUNTOS en las regiones de Apurímac, Huancavelica y Huánuco
Lima, Peru: CARE-Perú, CIES, 2009.
Conference Paper
Deininger, Klaus, Gero Carletto, and Sara Savastano.
Land market development and agricultural production efficiency in Albania
Joint IAAE - 104th EAAE- Seminar on Agricultural Economics and Transition: "What was expected, what we observed, the lessons learned".
Budapest, Hungary, September 6-8, 2007.
Thesis or Dissertation
Krüger Rasmussen, Sara.
Pro-poor Health Care in Northern Ghana
Master Thesis in International Development Studies, Roskilde University, 2009.
Hallman, Kelly, Sara Peracca, Jennifer Catino, and Marta Julia Ruiz.
Multiple disadvantages of Mayan females: the effects of gender, ethnicity, poverty, and residence on education in Guatemala
Working Paper
Deininger, Klaus, Sara Savastano, and Gero Carletto.
Land markets and agricultural efficiency in Albania
Hilber, Adriane M, Xavier Bosch-Capblanch, Christian Schindler, Lise Beck, Florence Sécula, Oran McKenzie, Sara Gari, Christina Stuckli, and Sonja Merten.
Gender and immunisation
Basel, Switzerland: Swiss Centre for International Health, 2010.
Flanagan, Sara V, and Yan Zheng.
Making economic sense for arsenic mitigation: A case study of Comilla district Bangladesh
Bangladesh: UNICEF, 2011.
Journal Article
Wuehler, Sara E, Sonja Y Hess, and Kenneth H Brown.
Accelerating improvements in nutritional and health status of young children in the Sahel region of Sub-Saharan Africa: review of international guidelines on infant and young child feeding and nutrition
(2011) Maternal & Child Nutrition.
Journal Article
Piwoz, Ellen, Sandra Huffman, Diane Lusk, Elizabeth Zehner, and Chloe O’Gara.
Issues, risks and challenges of early breastfeeding cessation to reduce postnatal transmission of HIV in Africa
(2001) SARA Project.
Working Paper
Piwoz, Ellen, Sandra Huffman, Diane Lusk, Elizabeth Zehner, and Chloe O’Gara.
Early breastfeeding cessation as an option for reducing postnatal transmission of HIV-in Africa
(2001) Issues, risks and challenges. Washington: SARA Project, The Academy for Educational Development.
Ravenholt, Betty, Angela Stein, Sara Sulzbach, Kathryn Banke, and Karen Finnegan.
Assessing the commercial viabilty of long-acting and permanent contraception methods
Bethesda, MA: Bethesda, MD: Private Sector Partnerships-One project, Abt Associates Inc., 2009.
Journal Article
McGinn, Therese, Judy Austin, Katherine Anfinson, Ribka Amsalu, Sara E Casey, Shihab I Fadulalmula, Anne Langston, Louise Lee-Jones, Janet Meyers, Frederick K Mubiru, Jennifer Schlecht , Melissa Sharer , and Mary Yetter.
Family planning in conflict: results of cross-sectional baseline surveys in three African countries
Conflict and Health 5, no. 1 (2011): 11.
Sulzbach, Sara, Paurvi Bhatt, Marni Laverentz, and Carlos Carrazana.
Advancing commercial sector involvement in reproductive health in West Africa
Bethesda, USA: The Action for West Africa Region Project, Abt Associates Inc, 2005.
Journal Article
Ronsmans, Carine, Sara Holtz, and Cynthia Stanton.
Socioeconomic differentials in caesarean rates in developing countries: a retrospective analysis
The Lancet 368, no. 9546 (2006): 1516-1523.
Journal Article
Traerup L, Sara.
Informal networks and resilience to climate change impacts: a collective approach to index insurance
(2011) Global Environmental Change.
Journal Article
Margolis P, Sara.
Population policy, research and the Cairo Plan Of Action: New directions for the Sahel?
International Family Planning Perspectives 23, no. 2 (1997): 86-89.
Conference Paper
Yeatman, Sara E, and Jenny Trinitapoli.
Beyond denomination: New tests of whether and how religion matters for family planning
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America.
New York, USA, June, 2007.
Journal Article
Wang, Wenjuan, Sara Sulzbach, and Susna De.
Utilization of HIV-related services from the private health sector: A multi-country analysis
Social Science & Medicine 72, no. 2 (2010): 216-223.
Davis, Joshua, Laura Hurley, and Sara Stratton.
Successful No-Scalpel Vasectomy Pilot Program in Rwanda
Chapel Hill, USA, NC: IntraHealth International , 2010.
Conference Paper
Leone, Tiziana, Ernestina Coast, and Sara Randall.
Did you sleep here last night? The impact of the household definition in sample surveys: a Tanzanian case study
European Population Conference.
Vienna, Austria, September, 2010.
Showing 61-90 of 303