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Showing 1-14 of 14
Journal Article
Yasmin, Sanoara, Fazlul Kabir Rabbanee, and Ahasanul Haque.
An Analysis of the Labour Market and Its Policy of Bangladesh
International Journal of Management Research and Reviews 2, no. 7 (2012): 1104-1131.
Journal Article
Koenig, Michael A, Kanta Jamil, Peter K Streatfield, Tulshi Saha, Ahmed Al-Sabir, Shams El Arifeen, Ken Hill, and Yasmin Haque.
Maternal health and care-seeking behavior In Bangladesh: findings from a national survey
International Family Planning Perspectives 33, no. 2 (2007): 75-82.
Journal Article
Siddiqua, Yasmin, and M Kabir.
The unmet need for contraception among adolescents in Bangladesh: Implications for Family Planning programmes
Social Change 34, no. 1 (2004): 11-25.
Working Paper
Luque, MSS Briana Yasmin Beltran, and Jackeline Alger.
Prevalencia de discapacidad y factores asociados en la población económicamente activa del Municipio de Marale, Departamento de Francisco Morazán, año 2012-2013
Thesis or Dissertation
Chanou S, Yasmin.
Logiques D’utilisation de la Contraception D’urgence Chez les Etudiantes: Le Cas de la Faculté de Médecine et D’odontostomatologie, de la Faculté de Pharmacie au Mali et de la Faculté des Sciences et de la Santé au Bénin
Grade de Docteur, Universite des Sciences, des Techniques et des Technologies de Bamako (USTTB), 2014.
Working Paper
Kharboush, Ibrahim, Farzaneh Roudi-Fahimi, Hanaa Ismail, Heba Mamdouh, Yasmin Muhammad, May M Tawfik, Omnia El Sharkawy, and Hassan Sallam.
Spousal violence in Egypt
(2010) Population Reference Bureau.
Journal Article
Uddin, M. T, M. M Islam, S. Salam, and S. Yasmin.
Economics of Native Poultry Rearing in the Coastal Regions of Bangladesh
Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science 42, no. 1 (2013): 49-56.
Journal Article
Shapurjee, Yasmin, Alize Le Roux, and Maria Coetzee.
Backyard housing in Gauteng: An analysis of spatial dynamics
Town and Regional Planning 64, no. 1 (2014): 19-30.
Journal Article
Bayissa, Berecha, Gelagay Ayelet, Moses Kyule, Yasmin Jibril, and Esayas Gelaye.
Study on seroprevalence, risk factors, and economic impact of foot-and-mouth disease in Borena pastoral and agro-pastoral system, southern Ethiopia
Tropical animal health and production 43, no. 4 (2011): 759-766.
Alebachew, Abebe, Yasmin Yusuf, Carlyn Mann, and Peter Berman.
Ethiopia’s Progress in Health Financing and the Contribution of the 1998 Health Care and Financing Strategy in Ethiopia
Thesis or Dissertation
López Villabón, Diana Carolina, Yasmin Andrea Sabogal Sabogal, and Jenniffer Torres Vega.
Tendencias de la literatura sobre las políticas y acciones desarrolladas para la prevención del castigo físico y humillante vivido en la infancia, en los países de América del Sur, entre los años 2000-2015
Enfermera, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana , 2015.
Journal Article
Jahan, Yasmin, SM Atiqur Rahman, Abu Sayeed Chowdhury, Sajeda Chowdhury, Ehsanul Huq, and Moshiur Rahman.
Trends in mass media exposure upon women: A review of Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey
Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health 6, no. 2 (2017).
Journal Article
Romero, Yasmín H, and Enrique M Sánchez.
Seguridad Y Género En El Transporte Público Del Estado De México: Tarea Pendiente
Profesores de la Universidad de Occidente 4, no. 2 (2017): 19-30.
Journal Article
Sotheary, Khim, Dianna Long, Gary Mundy, Yasmin Madan, and Paul D Blumenthal.
Abortion choices among women in Cambodia after introduction of a socially marketed medicated abortion product
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 136, no. 2 (2017): 205-209.
Showing 1-14 of 14