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Showing 31-60 of 75
Journal Article
Pattnayak, Sanja S, and Shandre M Thangavelu.
Economic reform and productivity growth in Indian manufacturing industries: an interaction of technical change and scale economies
Economic Modelling 22, no. 4 (2005): 601-615.
Thesis or Dissertation
Stjepanovic, Sanja.
How can the Serbian market be entered successfully by foreign investors?
MSc Business Studies , Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2010.
Journal Article
Filipovic, Sanja, Ivan Nikolic, and Stefan Dragutinovic.
Electricity price as a factor of the national electric power industry sustainability
Industrija 40, no. 4 (2012): 153-169.
Journal Article
Muller, Yvonne, and Sanja Ljevskovic.
Illegal construction in Montenegro
(2008) Techika Chronika Scientific Journal TCG.
Journal Article
Bornman, Sanja, Debbie Budlender, Yaliwe Clarke, S Manoek, Christi Westhuizen, J Watson, S Antunes, and N Iqba.
The state of the nation, government priorities and women in South Africa
(2013) Cape Town: Women’s Legal Centre.
Book Section
Phetthong, Narin, and Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovic.
Measuring Police Integrity Across the World
(2015) Police Integrity in Thailand.
Verme, Paolo, Branko Milanovic, Sherine Al-Shawarby, Sahar El Tawila, May Gadallah, and Enas Ali A El-Majeed.
Inside Inequality in the Arab Republic of Egypt: Facts and Perceptions across People, Time, and Space
Washington, DC, USA: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, 2014.
Journal Article
Milanovic, Branko.
Do we tend to overestimate poverty gaps? The impact of equivalency scales on the calculation of the poverty gap
Applied Economics Letters 9, no. 2 (2002): 69-72.
Book Section
Milanovic, Branko.
A Decade of Transition: Achievements and Challenges
(2001) Inequality During the Transition: Why Did it Increase? .
Working Paper
Milanovic, Branko.
Global inequality of opportunity
(2008) Development Research Group, World Bank.
Working Paper
Milanovic, Branko.
Global inequality of opportunity: How much of our income is determined at birth?
Working Paper
Milanovic, Branko.
True world income distribution, 1988 and 1993: First calculations, based on household surveys alone
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 2244 (1999).
Conference Paper
Molnar, Maria.
Income distribution in Romania
The 31th General Conference of The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth.
St-Gallen, Switzerland, August 26, 2010.
Journal Article
Milanovic, Branko.
Qat expenditures in Yemen and Djibouti: an empirical analysis
Journal of African Economies 17, no. 5 (2008): 661-687.
Working Paper
Drobne, Samo, Miha Konjar, Anka Lisec, Nataša P Milanovic, and Alma Z Lamovšek.
Functional Regions Defined by Urban Centres of (Inter)National Importance – The Case of Slovenia
Working Paper
Weide, Roy, and Branko Milanovic.
Inequality Is Bad for Growth of the Poor
Working Paper
Gornick, Janet, Branko Milanovic, and Nathaniel Johnson.
American Exceptionalism in Market Income Inequality: An Analysis Based on Microdata from the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Database
Journal Article
Milanovic, Branko.
Explaining the increase in inequality during transition
Economics of transition 7, no. 2 (1999): 299-341.
Journal Article
Witter, Michael.
Music and the Jamaican economy
Journal Article
Mu, Yang.
Music Loss among Ethnic Minorities in China - A Comparison of the Li and Hui Peoples
(1995) University of Texas Press.
Journal Article
Serafimovska, Velika Stojkova, Dave Wilson, and Ivona Opetvceska Tatarvcevska.
Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Macedonia
(2016) Yearbook for Traditional Music.
Journal Article
Saayman, Melville, and Riaan Rossouw.
The Cape Town international jazz festival: More than just jazz
Development Southern Africa 27, no. 02 (2010): 255-272.
Thesis or Dissertation
Addo, Christian.
Singing in Fishing: A culturally-centred exploration of the meanings and functions of singing to sailors
Master’s thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kunkeyani, Thokozani Eunice.
Modes and resemiotisation of HIV and aids messages in the eastern region of Malawi
Doctor Philosophiae, University of the Western Cape, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Amolo, Ritah.
Stress and Pregnancy: The Mother's Perspectives. Mukono District, Uganda
Master Thesis, Linköping University, 2013.
Petruti, Doru, Ala Rosca, Tamara Cararus, Vitalie Catana, Mihail Guzun, Vasile Cantarji, Loretta Handrabura, and Natalia Cojocari.
Identity Model in Moldova
Chisinau, Moldova: Institutul de Politici Publice, 2006.
Journal Article
MeŽek, Špela.
English in Slovenia: status, functions, and features
English Today 25, no. 04 (2009): 28-38.
Journal Article
Vats, Rajeev, and Simion Thomas.
A study on use of animals as traditional medicine by Sukuma Tribe of Busega District in North-western Tanzania
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 11, no. 1 (2015): 1.
Journal Article
Bayangani, Bahman, Seyed Fahim Irandoost, and Sina Ahmadi.
Qualitative Study of Typology of Lifestyles: Study of Youth in Mahabad City of Iranian Kurdistan
International Journal of Business and Social Science 4, no. 14 (2013): 198-217.
Conference Paper
DeSimone, Christine.
The necessity of including the arts in STEM
Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC), 2014 IEEE.
Showing 31-60 of 75