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Showing 211-240 of 469
Journal Article
Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rafiqul Islam, and Mosfequr Rahman.
Antenatal care seeking behaviour among slum mothers: a study of Rajshahi City Corporation, Bangladesh
Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 10, no. 1 (2010): 50.
Working Paper
Wagner, Natascha.
Violence against women: Female genital cutting, a practice impossible to abandon?
(2011) International Economics Section. The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.
Journal Article
El-Gibaly, Omaima, Barbara Ibrahim, Barbara Mensch, and Wesley H Clark.
The decline of female circumcision in Egypt: Evidence and interpretation
Social Science & Medicine 54, no. 2 (2002): 205-220.
Journal Article
Kedar, Mordechai.
Islam and "female circumcision": The dispute over FGM in the Egyptian press
Medicine and Law--Journal of the World Association for Medical Law 21, no. 2 (2002): 403-418.
Conference Paper
Islam, Mohammad, Sahu Padmadas, and Peter W Smith.
Men and family planning in Bangladesh: a multilevel approach using DHS data
IUSSP International Population Conference.
Tours, France, 2005.
Journal Article
Islam, Mohammad, Sabu Padmadas, and Peter W Smith.
Consistency in reporting condom use between husbands and wives in Bangladesh
Journal of Biosocial Science 42, no. 04 (2010): 563-572.
Journal Article
Regnerus, Mark D, and Viviana Salinas.
Religious affiliation and AIDS-based discrimination in Sub-Saharan Africa
Review of religious research 48, no. 4 (2007): 385-401.
Working Paper
Khan, Amanullah.
Reproductive decision making within Muslim families in squatter settlements of Karachi, Pakistan
Journal Article
Zafar, Iqbal, Rukshana Masood, and Haq Nawaz Anwar.
Qualitative analysis of marriage pattern and family size: A study of urban Punjab
(2003) International journal of agriculture and biology.
Journal Article
Zakar, Rubeena, Muhammad Zakria Zakar, and Alexander Krämer.
Spousal violence against women in the context of marital inequality: Perspectives of Pakistani religious leaders
International Journal of Conflict and Violence 5, no. 2 (2011): 371-384.
Journal Article
Willems, Roos.
The Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research in Responding to HIV/AIDS Vulnerability in Rural Senegal
African Journal of AIDS Research 8, no. 4 (2009): 433-442.
Thesis or Dissertation
Browne, Alyssa.
What's religion got to do with it? Islam and fertility in Senegal and Cameroon
Honor's thesis, Cornell University, 2012.
Journal Article
Wawer, Maria J, Lynne Gaffikin, V. Ravao, Halima Maidouka, and Kadi Traore.
Results of a contraceptive prevalence survey in Niamey, Niger
(1990) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Islam, Mazurhai, and Mosleh Uddin.
Female circumcision in Sudan: Future prospects and strategies for eradication
(2001) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Spierings, Niels.
‘Arab’ or ‘established’ Democracies? Egypt’s and Tunisia’s post-revolutions elections
Nijmegen, The Netherlands: Radboud University, 2011.
Journal Article
Schuler, Sidney R, and Farzana Islam.
Women's acceptance of intimate partner violence within marriage in rural Bangladesh
Studies in family planning 39, no. 1 (2008): 49-58.
Conference Paper
Erdem, Ebru.
Islam,secularism and gender equality: Empirical findings from 1998 Demographic and Health Survey in Turkey
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.
Toronto, Canada, September 3-6, 2009.
Book Section
Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad J, and Fatemeh Torabi.
Population Dynamics in Muslim Countries
(2012) Women’s Education and Fertility in Islamic Countries.
Journal Article
Abbasi-Shavazi, M J, and F Torabi.
Women’s Education and Fertility in Islamic Countries
(2012) Population Dynamics in Muslim Countries.
Journal Article
Ardington, Cally, Anne Case, Mahnaz Islam, David Lam, Murray Leibbrandt, Alicia Menendez, and Analia Olgiati.
The impact of AIDS on intergenerational support in South Africa: Evidence from the Cape Area Panel Study
Research on Aging 32, no. 1 (2009): 97-121.
Journal Article
Bell, suzanne, Paige Passano, Daniel D. Bohl, Arshadul Islam, and Ndola Prata.
Training traditional birth attendants on the use of Misoprostol and a blood measurement tool to prevent postpartum haemorrhage: lessons learnt from Bangladesh
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (JHPN) 32, no. 1 (2014): 118-129.
Journal Article
Venter, Dawid.
Globalization and the cultural effects of the world-economy in a semiperiphery: The emergence of African Indigenous Churches in South Africa
(1999) Journal of World-Systems Research.
Conference Paper
Islam, Mohammad Mainul, and Anita J Gagnon.
Marrying Too Young: A Silent Reproductive and Human Rights Issue in Bangladesh
The 20th IEA World Congress of Epidemiology .
August, 2014.
Journal Article
Hossain, Mosharaf, Kulanthayan KC Mani, Sherina Mohd Sidik, Hayati Kadir Shahar, and Rafiqul Islam.
Knowledge and awareness about STDs among women in Bangladesh
BMC Public Health 14, no. 1 (2014): 775.
Journal Article
Muraduzzaman, A, S Islam, and Mahmudur Rahman Siddiqui.
Use of Drugs and Treatment Cost in Acute Watery Diarrhoea of Under-2 Children Attending a Tertiary Hospital of Bogra
Journal of Medicine 14, no. 2 (2013): 149-152.
Working Paper
Mannan, M.A., Rumana Huque, S M Zahedul Islam, and Humayra Ahmed.
Impact evaluation of strengthening the national MR Programme in Bangladesh
Journal Article
Underwood, Carol, Sarah Kamhawi , and Ahmad Nofal.
Religious Leaders Gain Ground in the Jordanian Family-Planning Movement
(2013) International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Journal Article
Grady, C Ameh, A Adegoke, E Kongnyuy, J Dornan, T Falconer, M Islam, and N Broek.
Improving essential obstetric and newborn care in resource-poor countries
Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 31, no. 1 (2011): 18-23.
Working Paper
Rasooly, Mohammad Hafez, Khwaja Mir Islam Saeed, Bashir Noormal, Iqbal Aman, Fred Arnold, Pav Govindasamy, Shea Rutstein, and Rebecca Winter.
The Effect of Birth Intervals on Causes of Under-Five Mortality in Afghanistan
Journal Article
Saeed, Khwaja Mir Islam.
Prevalence of Risk Factors for Non-Communicable Diseases in the Adult Population of Urban Areas in Kabul City, Afghanistan
Central Asian Journal of Global Health 2, no. 2 (2014).
Showing 211-240 of 469