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Showing 2221-2250 of 2350
Simba, Daudi.
Managing malaria in under-fives: Prompt access, adherence to treatment and referral in rural Tanzania
Stockholm, Sweden: Karolinska Institutet, 2010.
Journal Article
Earnest, Jaya, and Robert P Finger.
General health in Timor-Leste: self-assessed health in a large household survey
Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 33, no. 4 (2009): 378-383.
Journal Article
Sugden, Craig.
Timor-Leste's Pursuit of Inclusive Opportunity
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies 1, no. 3 (2014): 522-540.
Journal Article
Lieberman, Evan S, Philip Martin, and Nina McMurry.
Do Parties Hold Politicians Accountable (and for What)? Evidence from South African Local Government Elections
(2017) Research Paper No. 2017-23.
Journal Article
Penrose, Katherine, Marcia Caldas De Castro, Japhet Werema, and Edward T Ryan.
Informal urban settlements and cholera risk in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 4, no. 3 (2010).
Muganda, Anna.
Scaling Up Poverty Reduction: A Global Learning Process and Conference. Shanghai
Journal Article
Mbatia, Joseph, and Rachel Jenkins.
Development of a mental health policy and system in Tanzania: an integrated approach to achieve equity
Psychiatric Services 61, no. 10 (2010): 1028-1031.
Journal Article
Sotiroski, Kosta, and Ilija Hristoski.
Statistical Performances of Population Migration in the Republic of Macedonia at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Migracijske i etnivcke teme 30, no. 1 (2014): 33-65.
Journal Article
Dukoski, Savsa, and Svetlana Veljanovska.
Legal framework of freedom of religion in the Republic of Macedonia
Singidunum Journal of Applied Sciences 9, no. 2 (2012): 74-79.
Journal Article
Donev M, Doncho.
Health insurance system and provider payment reform in the Republic of Macedonia
Italian Journal of Public Health 6, no. 1 (2009): 30-39.
Journal Article
Stojceva-Taneva, Olivera.
Epidemiology of renal replacement therapy in Macedonia
Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 10, no. Suppl 1 (2010): S23-S28.
Conference Paper
Dukoski, Sasha.
Freedom of Conscience and Religion in the Republic of Macedonia
First International Scientific Conference „Promoting Human Rights: Recent Developments”.
Journal Article
Jakovlev, Zlatko, Cane Koteski, Nikola Dimitrov, Dushko Josheski, Mimoza Serafimova, and Aleksandra Zezova.
Basic socioeconomic parameters for promoting tourism in the municipality of Dojran in the Republic of Macedonia
Wulfenia Journal 23, no. 2 (2016): 523-535.
Conference Paper
Jakovlev, Zlatko, and Biljana Petrevska.
Tourism development in the East Region of Macedonia: Economic perspective
International scientific conference CHALLENGES OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY 12 November 2015 Skopje, R. Macedonia.
Journal Article
Vankovska, Biljana.
The Visa Liberalisation and the Republic of Macedonia: Two Sides of the Coin
European Perspectives 6, no. 1 (2014): 115-138.
Journal Article
Lyon, Aisling.
Resolving Socioeconomic Disparities through Fiscal Decentralisation in the Republic of Macedonia
Europe-Asia Studies 67, no. 8 (2015): 1282-1301.
Working Paper
Petrovska, Svetlana, Liljana Tanevska, and Ljupka Gligorova.
Resource efficiency gains and green growth perspectives in Macedonia
Journal Article
Shen, Angela K, Rebecca Fields, and Mike McQuestion.
The future of routine immunization in the developing world: challenges and opportunities
Global Health: Science and Practice 2, no. 4 (2014): 381-394.
Journal Article
Galarpe, Van Ryan Kristopher R, and Richard B Parilla.
Opportunities and Threats to Adjacent Community in a Sanitary Landfill, Philippines.
EnvironmentAsia 7, no. 1 (2014): 112-125.
Tacoli, Cecilia, Gordon McGranahan, and David Satterthwaite.
Urbanisation, rural-urban migration and urban poverty
: IIED London, 2015.
Book Section
Shaluhiyah, Zahroh, and Nicholas J Ford.
International Handbook of Adolescent Pregnancy
(2014) Sociocultural Context of Adolescent Pregnancy, Sexual Relationships in Indonesia, and Their Implications for Public Health Policies.
Journal Article
Adogu, Prosper.
Midwifery and Midwives Service Scheme: A Panacea for Improvement of Some Maternal and Neonatal Indices in Nigeria—A Brief Review
Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 4, no. 07 (2014): 343-348.
Journal Article
Carrasco, Sandra, Chiho Ochiai, and Kenji Okazaki.
A Study on Housing Modifications in Resettlement Sites in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 15, no. 1 (2016): 25-32.
Journal Article
Hidayangsih, Puti Sari, Dwi Hapsari Tjandrarini, Rofingatul Mubasyiroh, and Suparmi Suparmi.
Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku berisiko remaja di kota Makassar tahun 2009
Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan 39, no. 2 (2011): 88-98.
Journal Article
Ignacio, Andres J. F, Grace T Cruz, Fernando Nardi, and Sabine Henry.
Assessing the effectiveness of a social vulnerability index in predicting heterogeneity in the impacts of natural hazards: Case study of the Tropical Storm Washi flood in the Philippines
(2015) Vienna Yearbook of Population Research.
Journal Article
Ibrahim, Garba, Ayyuba Rabiu, and Idris Sulaiman Abubakar.
Knowledge, attitude and practice of contraceptives among grand multiparous women attending antenatal clinic in a specialist hospital, Kano, Nigeria
Nigerian Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences 12, no. 2 (2015): 90-94.
Journal Article
Ashimi, Adewale Olufemi, Taiwo Gboluwaga Amole, Emmanuel Ajuluchukwu Ugwa, and Abiodun Omole Ohonsi.
Awareness, practice, and predictors of family planning by pregnant women attending a tertiary hospital in a semi-rural community of North-West Nigeria
Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences 5, no. 1 (2016): 6-11.
Journal Article
Jamil, Sofiah, and Gianna G Amul.
Community resilience and critical urban infrastructure: Where adaptive capacities meet vulnerabilities
NTS Insight , no. IN13-07 (2013).
Journal Article
Ignacio, Rosa Mistica C, Ma Easter Joy V Sajo, Eun W Nam, Chun B Kim, Dong W Ahn, Pan S Kim, and Kyu J Lee.
Health Status of the Residents in Occidental Mindoro, Philippines: A Way to Make a Healthy Community
Osong public health and research perspectives 6, no. 1 (2015): 20-26.
Conference Paper
Alucilja, Kathleen Mae B, and Alexis M Fillone.
Influence of Transportation Services in the Socio-Economic Development: The case of North Cotabato Province
DLSU Research Congress 2017.
Manila, Philippines, June 20-22, 2017.
Showing 2221-2250 of 2350