
Showing 1-30 of 45
Thesis or Dissertation
Ellsahli, Lutfia Ali. "The management of Bell’s palsy at selected community health centres in the Cape Metropolitan District of the Western Cape, South Africa." Masters in Physiotherapy , UNIVERSITY OF THE WESTERN CAPE , 2015.
Book Section
Bell, Martin, and Salut Muhidin. "Population dynamics and projection methods." (2011) Comparing internal migration between countries using Courgeau’s k.
Working Paper
Bell, Martin, and Elin Charles-Edwards. "Cross-national comparisons of internal migration: an update of global patterns and trends." (2013)
Malik, Elfatih Mohd, Hoda Yusef Atta, Mamhoud Weis, Alex Lang, Chilunga Puta, Cheryl Lettenmaier, and Allison Bell. Sudan roll back malaria consultative mission: Essential actions to support the attainment of the Abuja targets. : SUDAN RBM , 2004.
Working Paper
Bell, Sheena, and Friedrich Huebler. "The quantitative impact of conflict on education." (2010) Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2011 .
Book Section
Demeke, Yirmed, and Negusu Aklilu. "Agrofuel Development in Ethiopia: Rhetoric, Reality and Recommendations." (2008) Alarm Bell for Biofuel Development in Ethiopia: The Case of Babille Elephant Sanctuary.
Journal Article
Bell, Jacqueline, Jillian Evans, Ann Phoya, and Tracy Humphrey. "Developing a new public health cadre to meet the demands of midwifery care in Malawi." Perspectives in Public Health 134, no. 5 (2014): 248-249.
Journal Article
Penfold, Suzanne, E. Harrison, Jacqueline Bell, and Ann Fitzmaurice. "Evaluation of the delivery fee exemption policy in Ghana: population estimates of changes in delivery service utilization in two regions." Ghana medical journal 41, no. 3 (2007): 100.
Working Paper
Bell, Clive, and Anastasios Koukoumelis. "Aids and dualism Ethiopia’s burden under rational expectations." Human Development Network-Global HIV/AIDS Program/ World Bank , no. 4919 (2009).
Journal Article
Bell, S., N. Prata, M. Lahiff, and B. Eskenazi. "Civil unrest and birthweight: An exploratory analysis of the 2007/2008 Kenyan Crisis." (2012) Social science & medicine (1982).
Journal Article
Acharya, Dev R, Jacqueline S Bell, Padam Simkhada, Edwin R van Teijlingen, and Pramod R Regmi. "Women's autonomy in household decision-making: a demographic study in Nepal." Reproductive Health 7, no. 15 (2010).
Journal Article
Hussein, Julia, Jaqueline Bell, Maureen Dar Iang, Natasha Mesko, Jenny Amery, and Wendy Graham. "An appraisal of the maternal mortality decline in Nepal." PloS one 6, no. 5 (2011): e1989.
Journal Article
Randrianasolo, Bodo, Teresa Swezey, Kathleen Van Damme, Maria Khan, Noro Ravelomanana, Ny Lovaniaina Rabenja, M. Raharinivo, April J Bell, Denise Jamieson, and Frieda Behets. "Barriers to the use of modern contraceptives and implications for woman-controlled prevention of sexually transmitted infections in Madagascar." Journal of biosocial science 40, no. 6 (2010): 879.
Journal Article
Inglehart, Ronald, and Wayne Baker. "Modernization, cultural change, and the persistence of traditional values." American Sociological Review 65, no. 1 (2000): pp. 1.
Journal Article
Inglehart, Ronald, and Wayne E Baker. "Modernization, cultural change, and the persistence of traditional values." American Sociological Review 65, no. 1 (2000): 19-51.
Journal Article
Prata, Ndola, Suzanne Bell, Karen Weidert, and Amanuel Gessessew. "Potential for Cost Recovery: Women’s Willingness to Pay for Injectable Contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia." (2013) PLoS ONE.
Journal Article
Bell, suzanne, Paige Passano, Daniel D. Bohl, Arshadul Islam, and Ndola Prata. "Training traditional birth attendants on the use of Misoprostol and a blood measurement tool to prevent postpartum haemorrhage: lessons learnt from Bangladesh." Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (JHPN) 32, no. 1 (2014): 118-129.
Journal Article
Daniel, Johnni H, Lauren W Lewis, Yanique A Redwood, Stephanie Kieszak, Robert F Breiman, Dana W Flanders, Carlos Bell, John Mwihia, George Ogana, Sopiato Likimani, Masja Straetemans, and Michael A McGeehin. "Comprehensive Assessment of Maize Aflatoxin Levels in Eastern Kenya, 2005–2007." Environmental Health Perspectives 119, no. 12 (2011): 1794-1799.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bell A, Susan. "Women’s mental health, reproductive health, and agency in humanitarian crises." The University of Michigan, 2014.
Journal Article
Topalovic, Ana, Mirko Knezevic, and Vlatka Vajs. "The total phenolics and antioxidants from fruit and vegetables: an evaluation of daily intake." Agriculture & Forestry 59, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Nikodemus, Oclgerts, Simon Bell, Zanda Peneze, and Imants Kruze. "The influence of European Union single area payments and less favoured area payments on the Latvian landscape." European Countryside 2, no. 1 (2010): 25-41.
Working Paper
Shah, Tayyab I, Scott Bell, and Mehboob Elahi. "School mapping in education micro-planning: a case study of Union Council Chak."
Journal Article
Webster, Jacqui, Wendy Snowdon, Marj Moodie, Satu Viali, Jimaima Schultz, Colin Bell, Mary-Anne Land, Shauna Downs, Anthea Christoforou, and Elizabeth Dunford. "Cost-effectiveness of reducing salt intake in the Pacific Islands: protocol for a before and after intervention study." BMC public health 14, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Norouzian-Maleki, Saeid, Simon Bell, Seyed-Bagher Hosseini, and Mohsen Faizi. "Developing and testing a framework for the assessment of neighbourhood liveability in two contrasting countries: Iran and Estonia." (2015) Ecological Indicators.
Working Paper
Kruger, Diana I, and Matias E Berthelon. "Delaying the bell: the effects of longer school days on adolescent motherhood in Chile." IZA Discussion Papers , no. 4553 (2009).
Journal Article
Charlton, Karen E, Joanna Russell, Emma Gorman, Quentin Hanich, Aurelie Delisle, Brooke Campbell, and Johann Bell. "Fish, food security and health in Pacific Island countries and territories: a systematic literature review." BMC Public Health 16, no. 1 (2016): 1.
Working Paper
Bell, Clive, Ramona Bruhns, and Hans Gersbach. "Economic growth, education, and AIDS in Kenya: a long-run analysis." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 4025 (2006).
Journal Article
Williams, Garfee, Aloysius B Nyanplu, Sarah D Rominski, Joseph E Perosky, Jody R Lori, Patricia N Amarah, Sue A Bell, Michelle L Munro, and Carol J Boyd. "A case series study on the effect of Ebola on facility-based deliveries in rural Liberia." (2015) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.
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