
Showing 1-5 of 5
Journal Article
El-Khoury, Marianne, Laurel Hatt, and Timothee Gandaho. "User fee exemptions and equity in access to caesarean sections: an analysis of patient survey data in Mali." International Journal for Equity in Health 11, no. 1 (2012): 49.
Conference Paper
Giardini, B Mansouri, S Lodi, H Al-Nimry, N Tseretelli, G Hovhannisyan, C Chrysostomou, R El-Khoury, and R Helou. "Seismic Risk Assessment in the Middle East and Caucasus: EMME (Earthquake Model of Middle East) Project." 15 WCEE Lisboa.
Journal Article
Khoury, S. A, D. Massad, and T. Fardous. "Mortality and causes of death in Jordan 1995-96: assessment by verbal autopsy." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 77, no. 8 (1999): 641-650.
Journal Article
El-Khoury, Marianne, Kathryn Banke, and Phoebe Sloane. "Improved Childhood Diarrhea Treatment Practices in Ghana: A Pre-Post Evaluation of a Comprehensive Private-Sector Program." Global Health: Science and Practice 4, no. 2 (2016): 264-275.
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