
Showing 31-60 of 779
Thesis or Dissertation
Ruzigana, Georges. "Cervical cancer screening in a referral setting study done at CHUK 2015.." Master of Medicine, University of Rwanda, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Niwemahoro, Celine. "A comparison of HIV status among women who visit antenatal clinics with those who do not." Master's, faculty of Humanities, university of Witwatersrand, 2008.
Conference Paper
Mukashema, Immaculee. "Overview of conflict occurring in Youth-Headed Households (YHHs) of siblings in Rwanda." The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2013 . 2013.
Journal Article
Longman, Timothy. "Revision of paper originally prepared for Conference on Genocide, Religion, and Modernity." (1997) Christian Churches and Genocide in Rwanda.
Journal Article
Rurangirwa, Straton. "Réflexions sur l’actuel conflit français- anglais au Rwanda." (2014) Synergies Afrique des Grands Lacs.
Journal Article
Emile, Niyizurugero, Ndayanze Jean Bosco, and Bernard Karine. "Prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections and associated risk factors among Kigali Institute of Education students in Kigali, Rwanda." Tropical biomedicine 30, no. 4 (2013): 718-726.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nkubito, Fred. "Impact of zoning-based planning systems on housing affordability for the urban poor: The case of Kigali city, Rwanda." Degree of Master, University of Manchester, 2016.
Working Paper
Rusatira, Jean C, and Patrick Kyamanywa. "Men and Family Planning in Rwanda: What Affects the Integration of Men in Family Planning?." (2012) Measure Evaluation PRH. WP-12-132.
Thesis or Dissertation
Uwamariya, Beatrice. "Assessment of Consumer Awareness and Preferences for Quality Certification and Origin-Labeling in Fruit Salads in Kigali, Rwanda." Master thesis, University of Nairobi, 2014.
Journal Article
Dunkle, Krisitn, Rob Stephenson, Etienne Karita, Elwyn Chomba, Kayitesi Kayitenkore, Cheswa Vwalika, Lauremn Greenberg, and Susan Allen. "New heterosexually transmitted HIV infections in married or cohabiting couples in urban Zambia and Rwanda: an analysis of survey and clinical data." Lancet 371, no. 9631 (2008): 2183-2191.
Working Paper
Kamarudeen, Sophia, and Maans Soderbom. "Constraints and opportunities in Rwanda's industrial sector." (2013) International grwoth centre.
Journal Article
Mukabutera, Assumpta, Etienne Nsereko, Uwase Aline, Yves Didier Umwungerimwiza, and Munyanshongore Cyprien. "Overweight or obesity prevalence, trends and risk factors among women in Rwanda: A cross-sectional study using the Rwanda Demographic and Health Surveys, 2000-2010." Rwanda Journal 3, no. 1 (2016): 14-20.
Kigali, Rwanda. Rwanda environment management authority (Rema). 2013.
Working Paper
Jadhav, Sammita, Jagdish Jadhav, and Rajiv Yeravdekar. "Meteoric Recovery of Rwanda's Healthcare System: Learnings for India." (2014) Symbiosis Health Times.
Journal Article
Aoun, Nael, Hirotaka Matsuda, and Makiko Sekiyama. "Geographical accessibility to healthcare and malnutrition in Rwanda." (2015) Social Science & Medicine.
Giertz, Asa, Diana Galperin, Kilara Suit, George Gray, Mohinder S Mudahar, and Rhoda Rubaiza. Rwanda Agricultural Sector Risk Assessment. : World Bank Group, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mutsindashyaka, Alphonse. "World Vision and Household Livelihood in Maraba Sector, Huye District (2012-2015)." Degree of Master, University of Rwanda, 2016.
Conference Paper
Rurangwa, Eugene. "Land Tenure Reform. The Case Study of Rwanda." Conference on ‘Land Divided: Land and South African Society in 2013, in Comparative Perspective’, University of Cape Town, 24 – 27 March 2013. 2013.
Doody, Charlotte. Opening Up Education in Rwanda.
Journal Article
Seruyange, Eric, Jean-Bosco Gahutu, Claude Mambo Muvunyi, Zena G Uwimana, Maurice Gatera, Theogene Twagirumugabe, Swaibu Katare, Ben Karenzi, and Tomas Bergstrom. "Measles seroprevalence, outbreaks, and vaccine coverage in Rwanda." Infectious Diseases 48, no. 11-12 (2016): 800-807.
Journal Article
Sayinzoga, Felix, and Leon Bijlmakers. "Drivers of improved health sector performance in Rwanda: a qualitative view from within." BMC Health Services Research 16, no. 1 (2016): 123.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hakizimana, Dieudonne. "Risk factors of anemia among women of reproductive age in Rwanda a secondary data analysis of Rwanda demographic and health survey (RDHS) 2014/2015." Master of Science in Epidemiology, University of Rwanda, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Vis, Carolien. "Educating women entrepreneurs in Kigali, Rwanda." Master Thesis International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nzeyimana, Ildephonse. "Small area estimation with application to child malnutrition in Rwanda." Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, University of Rwanda, 2014.
Journal Article
Musafili, Aimable, Lars-Ake Persson, Cyprien Baribwira, Jessica Pafs, Patrick Adam Mulindwa, and Birgitta Essen. "Case review of perinatal deaths at hospitals in Kigali, Rwanda: perinatal audit with application of a three-delays analysis." BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 17, no. 1 (2017): 85.
Gakusi, Albert-Eneas, and Michel Garenne. Contexte economique et socio-politique de la sante publique au Rwanda: de 1900 a 1992. Paris, France: Centre franccais sur la population et le developpement, 2002.
Showing 31-60 of 779