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Working Paper
Palacios-López, Amparo, and Ramón López. "Market imperfections exacerbate the gender gap: the case of Malawi." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7300 (2015).
Working Paper
Laplante, Benoît, Teresa Castro-Martín, Clara Cortina, and Ana Laura Fostik. "Change and Continuity in the Fertility of Unpartnered Women in Latin America." (2016)
Book Section
Esteve, Albert, Carolina A Saavedra, Julián López-Colás, Antonio López-Gay, and Ron J Lesthaeghe. "Cohabitation and Marriage in the Americas: Geo-historical Legacies and New Trends." (2016) The Boom of Cohabitation in Colombia and in the Andean Region: Social and Spatial Patterns.
Conference Paper
Esteve, Albert, Ron Lesthaeghe, Julian Lopez-Colas, Antonio Lopez-Gay, and Maira Covre-Sussai. "Cohabitation in Brazil: historical legacy and recent evolution." VI Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Población. Lima, Peru, August 12-15, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Feijó Cuenca E, Tito. "Modelo de desarrollo turístico sustentable para el fortalecimiento económico de la comuna Salango del cantón Puerto López-Provincia de Manabí." PhD Thesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, 2014.
Journal Article
Zamora, Alejandro Amador, and David Lopez Marin. "Acceso y uso de las TIC en el sector productivo." (2017) Hacia la Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento.
Thesis or Dissertation
Suarez Lopez, Claudia Juliana, Angie Paola Rojas Maldonado, and Diana Paola Sanabria Lopez. "Material educativo sobre la disciplina positiva, como una alternativa al castigo físico y humillante." Grado Enfermería, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana , 2016.
Chinen, Marjorie, and Johannes M Bos. Impact Evaluation of the Save the Children Early Childhood Stimulation Program in Bangladesh. Washington, USA: American Institutes for Research, 2016.
Ahmed, Akhter, Ruth V Hill, Lisa C Smith, and Tim Frankenberger. Characteristics and causes of severe poverty and hunger. 2007.
Book Section
Ahmed, Akhter U, Ruth Vargas Hill, Lisa C Smith, and Tim Frankenberger. "The poorest and hungry: Assessments, analyses, and actions: An IFPRI 2020 book." (2009) The poorest and hungry: characteristics and causes.
Aguilar, Ana Maria, Ruth Alvarado, Dilberth Cordero, Patrick Kelly, Adalid Zamora, and René Salgado. Mortality survey in Bolivia: the final report: Investigating and identifying the causes of death for children under five. Arlington, USA: BASICS, 1998.
Dayaratna, Varuni, William Winfrey, William McGreevey, Karen Hardee, Janet Smith, Elizabeth Mumford, Jeffrey Sine, and Ruth Berg. Reproductive health interventions: Which ones work and what do they cost?. : The POLICY Project, 2000.
Levine, Ruth, Mariam Schneidam, and Amanda Glassman. The health of women in Latin America and the Caribbean. : World Bank Publications, 2001.
Waithaka, Margaret, and Ruth Bessinger. Sexual behavior and condom use in the context of HIV prevention in Kenya. : Population Services International, 2001.
Katende, Charles, Ruth Bessinger, Neeru Gupta, Rodney Knight, and Cheryl Lettenmaier. Uganda delivery of improved services for health (DISH) evaluation surveys 1999. 1999.
Journal Article
Putzeys, Ruth. "Micro finance in Vietnam: three case studies." (2002)
Journal Article
Danis, Marion, Erika Binnendijk, Sukumar Vellakkal, Alexander Ost, Ruth Koren, and David M Dror. "Eliciting health insurance benefit choices of low income groups." (2007) Economic and Political Weekly.
Journal Article
Daroesman, Ruth. "An Economic Survey of Bali." Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 9, no. 3 (2006): 28-61.
Working Paper
Corella, Ruth Ramírez X, Ada Rodriguez L Marìn, Cristina R Chavarrìa, Marcos A Tenorio, and Carlos T Morera. "Proyecto de Ley “Ley para Proteger el Empleo de Los Saloneros y Meseros"." (2012)
Journal Article
Paulette, Ruth Madueno. "Uno de los rostros de la migracion interna. Marginacion y pobreza en la sierra hidalguense." Sociologica 18, no. 53 (2003): 157-191.
Van Asten, Piet, Ibrahim Wanyama, David Mukasa, Ruth Nansamba, James Kisaakye, Isaac Sserubiri, Ghislaine Bongers, and Laurence Jassogne. Mapping and Evaluating Improved Intercrop and Soil Management Options for Ugandan Coffee Farmers. 2012.
Journal Article
Gurmu, Eshetu, and Ruth Mace. "Fertility Decline Driven by Poverty: The Case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia." Journal of Biosocial Science 40, no. 03 (2008): 339-358.
Journal Article
Evans, Ruth, and Geoff Griffiths. "Palm oil, land rights and ecosystem services in Gbarpolu County, Liberia." (2013)
Thesis or Dissertation
Lozano Rubio, Ruth Elizabeth. "Implicaciones de las medidas de salvaguardias por Balanza de Pagos en la correccion del Deficit Comercial en el Ecuador, en el ano 2015." título de economista, Universidad del Azuay, 2017.
Book Section
Mpiima, David M, Ruth Kendagor, and Sarah Ndung'u W Njau. "Identity, Sexuality, and Relationships among Emerging Adults in the Digital Age." (2017) Likes and Comments: The Untamed Facebook Sex Education in Uganda and Kenya for Emerging Adults.
Thesis or Dissertation
Macario A, Martha Ruth. "Impunidad y variables económicas en México: 2010-2012." Titulo de Licenciada, CIDE, 2016.
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