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Thesis or Dissertation
Murungi, Charles Muthamia. "Choice of hotel facilities by guests with physical disabilities in Nairobi, Kenya." Doctor of Philosophy, Kenyatta University, 2013.
Journal Article
Serra Taylor, Jose A, and Carol Y Irizarry-Robles. "Factores protectores de la depresión en una muestra de adultos mayores en puerto rico: autoeficacia, escolaridad y otras variables socio-demográficas." Acta colombiana de psicologia 18, no. 1 (2015): 125-134.
Journal Article
Haziq, Mohammad Aslam, and Sanaullah Panezai. "An Empirical Analysis of Domestic Water Sources, Consumption and Associated Factors in Kandahar City, Afghanistan." Resources and Environment 7, no. 2 (2017): 49-61.
Journal Article
Kopp, Dawn M, Nora E Rosenberg, Gretchen S Stuart, William C Miller, Mina C Hosseinipour, Phylos Bonongwe, Mwawi Mwale, and Jennifer H Tang. "Patterns of Contraceptive Adoption, Continuation, and Switching after Delivery among Malawian Women." PloS One 12, no. 1 (2017): e0170284.
Journal Article
Lancaster, Kathryn Elizabeth, Kimberly A Powers, Thandie Lungu, Pearson Mmodzi, Mina C Hosseinipour, Katy Chadwick, Vivian F Go, Brian W Pence, Irving F Hoffman, and William C Miller. "The HIV care continuum among female sex workers: a key population in Lilongwe, Malawi." PloS One 11, no. 1 (2016): e0147662.
Journal Article
Cardona-Arias, Jaiberth Antonio, Yennifer Rivera-Palomino, and Jaime Carmona-Fonseca. "Salud indígena en el siglo XXI: parásitos intestinales, desnutrición, anemia y condiciones de vida en niños del resguardo indígena Cañamomo-Lomaprieta, Caldas-Colombia." Medicas UIS 27, no. 2 (2014): 29-39.
Journal Article
Nyasulu, Peter, Susan Kambale, Tobias Chirwa, Teye Umanah, Isaac Singini, Simon Sikwese, Hastings T Banda, Rhoda P Banda, Henry Chimbali, and Bagrey Ngwira. "Knowledge and perception about tuberculosis among children attending primary school in Ntcheu District, Malawi." (2016) Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.
Journal Article
O'Shea, Michele S, Nora E Rosenberg, Mina C Hosseinipour, Gretchen S Stuart, William C Miller, Stephen M Kaliti, Mwawi Mwale, Phylos P Bonongwe, and Jennifer H Tang. "Effect of HIV status on fertility desire and knowledge of long-acting reversible contraception of postpartum Malawian women." AIDS Care 27, no. 4 (2015): 489-498.
Thesis or Dissertation
Komonen, Riina. "Mother's perception of her child's growth in rural Malawi." Master of Science, University of Tampere, 2016.
Journal Article
Pearson, Erin, Kamal Kanti Biswas, Kathryn L Andersen, Caroline Moreau, Rezwana Chowdhury, Sharmin Sultana, SM Shahidullah, Pamela J Surkan, and Michele R Decker. "Correlates of contraceptive use 4 months postabortion: findings from a prospective study in Bangladesh." Contraception 95, no. 3 (2017): 279-287.
Journal Article
Knipe, Duleeka W, Chris Metcalfe, Ravindra Fernando, Melissa Pearson, Flemming Konradsen, Michael Eddleston, and David Gunnell. "Suicide in Sri Lanka 1975-2012: age, period and cohort analysis of police and hospital data." BMC Public Health 14, no. 1 (2014): 839.
Journal Article
Knipe, DW, D Gunnell, R Pieris, C Priyadarshana, M Weerasinghe, M Pearson, S Jayamanne, AH Dawson, F Mohamed, and I Gawarammana. "Is socioeconomic position associated with risk of attempted suicide in rural Sri Lanka? A cross-sectional study of 165 000 individuals." BMJ Open 7, no. 3 (2017).
Working Paper
Rifaqat, Aliya, Jamie Menzel, Marium Waqas, Erin Pearson, Ghulam Shabbir, and Katherine Turner. "Implementing Values Clarification and Attitudes Transformation Workshops in Pakistan. An assessment of progress and prospects." (2015)
Journal Article
Bhandari, Rajendra, Subodh Sharma, Juerg Merz, and Robin Garton. "Hydro-Chemistry of Gokyo Valley, Sagarmatha (Everest) National Park, Nepal." Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 3, no. 09 (2015): 74-81.
Journal Article
Wandera, Stephen Ojiambo, Betty Kwagala, and James Ntozi. "Prevalence and risk factors for self-reported non-communicable diseases among older Ugandans: a cross-sectional study." Global health action 8, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Scott, Nick, Azfar S Hussain, Rowan Martin-Hughes, Freya JI Fowkes, Cliff C Kerr, Ruth Pearson, David J Kedziora, Madhura Killedar, Robyn M Stuart, and David P Wilson. "Maximizing the impact of malaria funding through allocative efficiency: using the right interventions in the right locations." Malaria Journal 16, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Exavery, Amon, Angelina M Lutambi, Godfrey M Mubyazi, Khadija Kweka, Godfrey Mbaruku, and Honorati Masanja. "Multiple sexual partners and condom use among 10-19 year-olds in four districts in Tanzania: What do we learn?." BMC Public Health 11, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Fagbamigbe, Adeniyi Francis, and Erhabor Sunday Idemudia. "Barriers to antenatal care use in Nigeria: evidences from non-users and implications for maternal health programming." BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 15, no. 1 (2015): 95.
Journal Article
Mercy, Ofole Ndidi, and Agokei Stanley Peter. "Risky sexual behaviours among female in-school adolescents in Delta, Nigeria: Self-Esteem, Parental Involvement and Religiosity as Predictors." European Scientific Journal 10, no. 31 (2014): 157-177.
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Beliran, Sheila P, and Maeky S Legaspi. "Health-Promoting Behaviors and Quality of Life of Filipino Older Persons." Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences 1, no. 5 (2014): 11-20.
Journal Article
Pearson, Amber L, Amanda Rzotkiewicz, Emiliana Mwita, Maria Claudia Lopez, Adam Zwickle, and Robert B Richardson. "Participatory mapping of environmental resources: A comparison of a Tanzanian pastoral community over time." (2017) Land Use Policy.
Journal Article
Jaryum, Kiri H, Zebulon Sunday C Okoye, and Barbara Stoecker. "Hair Zinc: an Index for Zinc Status in Under-Five Children from Low-Income Communities in Kanam Area of North-Central Nigeria." (2017) Biological Trace Element Research.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Maluma, Sylvia, Aubrey C Kalungia, Audrey Hamachila, Jimmy Hangoma, and Derick Munkombwe. "Prevalence of Traditional Herbal Medicine use and associated factors among pregnant women of Lusaka Province, Zambia." Journal of Preventive and Rehabilitative Medicine 1, no. 1 (2017): 5-11.
Journal Article
Buhlebenkosi, Fuyane, Nokuthula Sibanda, Pearson Chaurura, and Oscar Chiwira. "Occupational Safety In The Urban Informal Sector Of Gaborone, Botswana: A Situational Analysis." International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 2, no. 12 (2013): 293-297.
Journal Article
Kemiso, Onkarabile, and Oluwatoyin Dare Kolawole. "Energetic But Jobless: Socio-Economic and Institutional Drivers of Youth Unemployment in the Okavango Delta, Botswana." (2017) Botswana Notes and Records.
Journal Article
John, Siaciti M, and Alfred M Sichilima. "Factors and determinants associated with home based deliveries among women in Muteteshi area, a peri-urban of Kapiri, Zambia." Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences 4, no. 3 (2017): 205-212.
Thesis or Dissertation
Dibapile, Waitshega Tefo Smitta. "Teacher efficacy and classroom management among Botswana junior secondary school teachers." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2012.
Journal Article
Oucho, John O, and Njoku O Ama. "Immigrants' and refugees' unmet reproductive health demands in Botswana: Perceptions of public healthcare providers." South African Family Practice 51, no. 3 (2009): 237-243.
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