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Journal Article
Dahoma, Mohammed, Lisa G Johnston, Abigail Holman, Leigh Ann Miller, Mahmoud Mussa, Asha Othman, Ahmed Khatib, Ramadhan Issa, Carl Kendall, and Andrea A Kim. "HIV and related risk behavior among men who have sex with men in Zanzibar, Tanzania: results of a behavioral surveillance survey." AIDS and Behavior 15, no. 1 (2011): 186-192.
Working Paper
Johnston, R, M McCartney, S Liu, T Ketelsen, L Taylker, MK Vinh, M Ko Ko Gyi, T Aung Khin, and Khin Ma Ma Gyi. "State of knowledge: River health in the Salween." (2017)
Working Paper
Hichaambwa, Munguzwe, and Thomas S Jayne. "Poverty reduction potential of increasing smallholder access to land." (2014) Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI).
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