
Showing 1741-1770 of 1917
Thesis or Dissertation
MacDonald, Laura. "Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage in Ghana: An Interim Solution?." Doctor of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University, 2017.
Tsafack-Nanfosso, Roger, Sylvie Michele Mpon Tiek, and Jeanot Minla Mfou'Ou. État de la gouvernance en Afrique de l’Ouest : Cameroun. 2011.
Zamo-Akono, C, and R Tsafack-Nanfosso. Fecondite, Sante et Participation des femmes au Marche du Travail. 2008.
Vodopivec, Milan, and Nisha Arunatilake. Population ageing and the labor market: The case of Sri Lanka. : World Bank, Social protection \& Labor, 2008.
Journal Article
Machini, B., E. Waqo, W. Kizito, J. K Edwards, P. O Owiti, and K. C Takarinda. "Trends in outpatient malaria cases, following Mass Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN) distribution in epidemic prone and endemic areas of Kenya." East African Medical Journal 93, no. 10 (2016): S10-S15.
Journal Article
Anwar, Talat, Sarfraz K Qureshi, Hammad Ali, and Munir Ahmad. "Landlessness and rural poverty in Pakistan [with comments]." (2004) The Pakistan Development Review.
Working Paper
Ghaus-Pasha, Aisha, Haroon Jamal, and Muhammad Asif Iqbal. "Dimensions of the nonprofit sector in Pakistan." (2002) Social Policy and Development center.
Journal Article
Sabir, Muhammad, and Zehra Aftab. "Dynamism in the gender wage gap: evidence from Pakistan." The Pakistan Development Review 46, no. 4 (2007): 865-882.
Journal Article
Refaqat, Saadia. "Redistributive Impact of GST Tax Reform: Pakistan, 1990-2001." The Pakistan Development Review 44, no. 4 (2005): 841-862.
Working Paper
Hussain, Irshad, and Muhammad Safdar. "Distance education as a strategy for eliminating gender disparity in Pakistan." (2008)
Journal Article
Qureshi, Madeeha G, Sarfraz Khan Qureshi, and Abdul Salam. "Impact of Changing Profile of Rural Land Market in Pakistan on Resource Allocation and Equity [with Comments]." The Pakistan Development Review 43, no. 4 (2004): 471-492.
Journal Article
Nanfosso, Roger Tsafack A, and Christian M Zamo-Akono. "Fertility, Health and Female Labour Force Participation in Urban Cameroon." International Business Research 3, no. 2 (2010): 136-156.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rehman, Abdul. "Empirical Essays on Migration and Remittances in Pakistan." Doctor of Science, University of East Anglia, 2015.
Journal Article
Karoki, S. M, L. Kariuki, P. O Owiti, K. C Takarinda, W. Kizito, J. K Edwards, Omondi Ogutu, and E. Waqo. "Intermittent Preventive Treatment and Bed Nets uptake among pregnant women in Kenya." East African Medical Journal 93, no. 10 (2016): S16-S21.
Thesis or Dissertation
Korir C, Mercy. "The Role Of Communication In Maternal And Child Healthcare Outcomes: A Case Of Machakos County, Kenya." Master Thesis, University Of Nairobi, 2015.
Journal Article
Laillou, Arnaud, Simon Pfanner, Theary Chan, Chantum Chea, Borath Mam, Pol Sambath, Saphoon Vonthanak, and Frank Wieringa. "Beyond effectiveness — the adversities of implementing a fortification program. A case study on the quality of iron fortification of fish and soy sauce in Cambodia." Nutrients 8, no. 2 (2016): 94.
Journal Article
Johansson, Emily White. "Beyond ‘test and treat’ - malaria diagnosis for improved pediatric fever management in sub-Saharan Africa." Global health action 9, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Bawate, Charles, Sylvia T Callender-Carter, Ben Nsajju, and Denis Bwayo. "Factors affecting adherence to national malaria treatment guidelines in management of malaria among public healthcare workers in Kamuli District, Uganda." Malaria journal 15, no. 112 (2016).
Rassas, Bechir, Andrew Schmitz, Neville Edirisinghe, Saman Kelegama, and Gordon C Rausser. Impact Of The Multi-Year Title Hi Food Assistance Program On Food Security In Sri Lanka. 1993.
Thesis or Dissertation
Stoeffler, Quentin. "Three Essays on Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: Multidimensional Poverty Change in Zimbabwe; Long-Term Impact of Cash Transfers in Niger; and Targeting Efficiency of Social Protection Programs in Cameroon." Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2014.
Jahiel, Michel, Blaise Bilak Garka, Andre Sieffert, Eric Forni, Marcelin Mekok, Luc Durrieu Madron, Alain Penelon, Luc Mendouga, Alain Karsenty, and Albert Tsague. Le projet d'amenagement pilote integre de Dimako (Cameroun)(1992-1996). : CIRAD-Foret, 1998.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kossoumna Liba'a, Natali. "De la mobilite a la sedentarisation: gestion des ressources naturelles et des territoires par les eleveurs mbororo au Nord du Cameroun." Docteur en Geographie, University Paul-Valery, 2008.
Thesis or Dissertation
Matchioundji, Telesphore. "Redevances forestieres annuelles et developpement local au Cameroun: Experiences de deux communes rurales: Une analyse anthropologique." Doctor en anthropologie, Universite de Montreal (Canada), 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Drevet, Pierre-Henri. "Approche géographique des risques d'émergence de maladies virales en Afrique forestière équatoriale." Doctor en Geographie, Universite Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III, 2012.
Journal Article
Ershad, Ahmad Murtaza. "Institutional and Policy Assessment of Renewable Energy Sector in Afghanistan." (2017) Journal of Renewable Energy.
Zaidi, Shehla, Shafqat Shehzad, Asad Sayeed, and Liaquat Khowaja. Landscaping health financing works in Pakistan. 2010.
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