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Showing 61-90 of 199
Journal Article
De Walque, Damien.
How does educational attainment affect the risk of being infected by HIV/AIDS? Evidence from a general population cohort in Rural Uganda
(2004) World Bank Development Research Group Working Paper, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Journal Article
Liu, Amy.
Gender wage gap in Vietnam: 1993 to 1998
Journal of Comparative Economics 32, no. 3 (2004): 586 -.
Working Paper
Dilip, T R, and Ravi Duggal.
Incidence of non-fatal health outcomes and debt in urban India
(2002) Draft Paper prepared for Urban Research Symposium, 9-11 December 2002, at The World Bank, Washington DC.
Corporate Author
Save the Children; Washington University in St. Louis; The Master Card Foundation; New America.
In Brief The Youthsave Program: Kenya
Clarke-Midura, Jody, Chris Dede, Norton Jill, and Ivy Washington.
Next generation assessments for measuring complex learning in science
Journal Article
Abshire, David M, and Ryan Browne.
The missing endgame for Afghanistan: A sustainable post-Bin Laden strategy
The Washington Quarterly 34, no. 4 (2011): 59-72.
Working Paper
Bos, Eduard, and Amie Batson.
Using immunization coverage rates for monitoring health sector performance
(2000) Washington, DC: The World Bank.
Journal Article
Muraleedharan, V.R., and Sunil Nandraj.
Private health care sector in India: policy challenges and options for partnership
(2003) Health policy research in South Asia: Building capacity for reform. Washington, DC: World Bank Publications.
Journal Article
Gathii, James Thuo.
Neoliberal Turn in Regional Trade Agreements, The
(2011) Washington Law Review Association.
Working Paper
Uauy, Ricardo, and Fernando Vio.
Health and nutrition transition in developing countries: the case of Chile
(2007) The Nations Nutrition. International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), Washington, DC. USA.
Journal Article
Dayaratna, Varuni, Imelda Zosa-Feranil, Alin Stanescu, Luminita Marcu, and Cassandra Butu.
Barriers to Implementing Contraceptive Security Policies in Romania
(2002) Washington, DC: The Futures Group International.
Working Paper
Spratt, Kai.
HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the West Bank and Gaza
(2000) Washington: USAID.
Working Paper
Garcia-Verdu, Rodrigo, AA Selasse, and Alun Thomas.
How inclusive has Africa’s recent high-growth episode been
(2011) Regional economic outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa. International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC.
Journal Article
Chowdhury, Shyamal, Maximo Torero, AMM Shawkat Ali, Ishrat Jahan, Md Baktiar Rana, Md Nazmul Islam, James Garrett, and Tanya Sherman.
Impact of infrastructure on income and work of rural households, women and the landless in the Northwestern Region of Bangladesh
(2007) IFPRI, Washington DC.
Journal Article
The distribution of public health subsidies in India
(2003) Health Policy Research in South Asia: Building Capacity for Reform. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael, and Robert Mattes.
Democratic and market reforms in Africa: What ‘the people’ say
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 5 , no. 5 (2000).
Working Paper
Floro, Maria S, Imraan Valodia, and Hitomi Komatsu.
The gender dimensions of social networks, unemployment and underemployment: What time use data reveal
American University Washington DC: Department of Economics Working Paper Series, no. 2008-09 (2008): 0-0.
Journal Article
Laugksch C, Rüdiger.
Analysis of South African graduate degrees in science education: 1930–2000
Science Education 89, no. 3 (2005): 418-432.
Corporate Author
Agency For International Development Washington DC.
Agriculture and stability in Afghanistan
Fiszbein, Ariel, and Norbert Schady.
Conditional CashTransfers Reducing Present and Future Poverty
Thesis or Dissertation
Dev, Rubee.
Topographical Differences of Infant Mortality in Nepal: Demographic and Health Survey 2011
University of Washington, 2014.
Conference Paper
Manda, Damiano Kulundu, and Walter Odhiambo.
Urban poverty and labour force participation in Kenya
World Bank Urban Research Symposium, Washington D.C., December 15-17, 2003.
November, 2003.
Working Paper
Bussolo, Maurizio, Samuel Freije, Calvin Djiofack, and Melissa Rodriguez.
Trade Openness and Labor Gender Gaps in DR-CAFTA Countries
(2010) World Bank, Washington, DC.
Thesis or Dissertation
Molina Tejerina, Oscar Jorge.
Comercio internacional y diferencias salariales en Bolivia
Tesis Doctoral., Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. Departamento de economía y ciencias sociales., 2011.
Journal Article
Mizrachi, Adela, Olivia Padilla, and William Susuwele-Banda.
Active-learning pedagogies as a reform initiative: The case of Malawi
(2008) Washington, DC: American Institute for Research.
Journal Article
Washington C, Melvin.
Intercultural Business Communication: An Analysis of Ethnocentrism in a Globalized Business Environment
Journal of Business & Management (COES&RJ;-JBM) 1, no. 1 (2013): 20-27.
Thesis or Dissertation
Fernandes, Quinhas Francisco.
The role of health systems strengthening and HIV in under-five mortality trends: time series analyses from 2000 to 2010 in Mozambique
Master of Public Health, University of Washington, 2013.
Conference Paper
Gibson, John, David McKenzie, and Steven Stillman.
The Importance of Selectivity and Duration-Dependent Heterogeneity When Estimating the Impact of Emigration on Incomes and Poverty in Sending Areas: Evidence from the Samoan Quota Migration Lottery
Second International Conference on Migration and Development, Washington DC, Sept.
Working Paper
Blunch, Niels-Hugo.
Skills, Schooling and Non-Marital Teenage Pregnancy in Ghana
(2011) Unpublished manuscript, Washington and Lee University.
Thesis or Dissertation
Johns E, Nicole.
Wealth Inequality and Health Achievement: Relating novel measures of wealth distribution to child and maternal mortality
Master of Public Health , University of Washington, 2013.
Showing 61-90 of 199