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Showing 721-750 of 3555
Branisa, Boris, and Adriana Cardozo.
Revisiting the regional growth convergence debate in Colombia using income indicators
Journal Article
Paiders, Janis, and Juris Paiders.
Role of the agriculture on regional variation of parliamentary election resuslt in Latvia
(2014) Research for rural development.
Book Section
Aasland, Aadne, and Guri Tyldum.
The Norbalt Project: Comparative Studies of Living Conditions in the Three Baltic Countries
(2002) Assessing Quality of Life and Living Conditions to Guide National Policy.
Working Paper
Hazans, Mihails.
Potential emigration of Latvian labour force after joining the EU and its impact on Latvian labour market
(2003) Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies Working Paper.
Working Paper
Serrano, Claudia, and Patricia Acosta.
El proceso de descentralización en Colombia proyecto gobernanza subnacional para el desarrollo territorial en los ANDES
Journal Article
Huerta Garcia, Marco Antonio, and Enrique Propin Frejomil.
Las dependencias regionales de los asentamientos humanos localizados en el Parque Nacional" Lagunas de Chacahua", Oaxaca
Investigaciones geograficas , no. 41 (2000).
Journal Article
Cordourier, Gabriela, and Aurora Gomez.
La evolucion de la participacion laboral de las mujeres en la industria: una vision de largo plazo
Economia mexicana Nueva epoca 13, no. 1 (2004): 63-104.
Journal Article
Salido Araiza, Patricia L, Noemi Banuelos Flores, David Manuel Romero Escalante, Elsa Luisa Romo Paz, Ana Isabel Ochoa Manrique, Ancuta Rodica Caracuda, and Judith Olivares Cervantes.
El patrimonio natural y cultural como base para estrategias de turismo sustentable en la Sonora Rural
Estudios sociales (Hermosillo, Son.) 17, no. SPE. (2009): 79-103.
Sanchez Almanza, Adolfo.
El centro occidente de Mexico, desarrollo regional, economia y poblacion
: Universidad Nacional Aut{\'o}noma de M{\'e}xico, Instituto de Investigaciones Econ{\'o}micas, 1994.
Working Paper
Londono Yepes A, Carlos.
La gestion del desarrollo en Antioquia, Colombia
(2000) C E P A L.
Journal Article
Millan, Henio, and Rigoberto Perez.
Desigualdad social y pobreza en el Estado de Mexico: convergencia o divergencia?
Economia y Sociedad 14, no. 21 (2008): 17-39.
Working Paper
Landaeta, Angela Patricia Vega.
Un estudio regional de la fecundidad en colombia a partir de datos censales, 1973-2005
Bernal Nisperuza, Gloria Lucía, and Carlos Enrique Nieto Trujillo.
Evolucion del coeficiente de ZIPF para Colombia en el siglo XX
Journal Article
Perez, Gerson, and Irene Salazar.
La pobreza en Cartagena: un analisis por barrios
(2007) Documentos de trabajo sobre economia regional.
Journal Article
AbdeL-Latif, Tarek, Salwa T Ramadan, and Abeer M Galal.
Egyptian coastal regions development through economic diversity for its coastal cities
HBRC Journal 8, no. 3 (2012): 252-262.
Conference Paper
Quintero Hernandez, Luis Hector, and Daniel Martinez Gonzalez.
Análisis de la especialización sectorial mueblera de la región ciénega de jalisco, México
18th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering.
Alcaniz, 17, 2014.
Journal Article
Garcia, Jose Odon Garcia, and Odette Virginia Delfin Ortega.
Desenvolvimiento Economico y Migracion en Michoacan, 1980-2010
CIMEXUS 7, no. 2 (2015): 41-63.
Thesis or Dissertation
Likando, Sibeso.
Universities and economic development: A case study of The University of Zambia (UNZA)
Master of Philosophy, Oslo University, 2010.
Journal Article
Raditloaneng N, Wapula.
Poverty and Community Engagement
(2015) Lifelong Learning for Poverty Eradication.
Working Paper
Shafiqullah, Siddiqui.
Regional analysis of urban-rural differentials in literacy in Uttar Pradesh, India
Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 4, no. 5 (2011): 287-296.
Journal Article
Dawe, David.
Key trends affecting agricultural water resources management in Southeast Asia
The future of large rice-based irrigation systems in Southeast Asia , no. 2007/28 (2007).
Journal Article
Saleth, Rathinasamy Maria, Arlene Inocencio, Andrew Noble, and Sawaeng Ruaysoongnern.
Economic gains of improving soil fertility and water holding capacity with clay application: the impact of soil remediation research in northeast Thailand
Journal of Development Effectiveness 1, no. 3 (2009): 336-352.
Journal Article
Luangasanatip, Nantasit, Maliwan Hongsuwan, Yoel Lubell, Direk Limmathurotsakul, Prapit Teparrukkul, Sirirat Chaowarat, Nicholas PJ Day, Nicholas Graves, and Ben S Cooper.
Long-term survival after intensive care unit discharge in Thailand: a retrospective study
Critical Care 17, no. 5 (2013): 219.
Journal Article
Vatanasapt, V, N Martin, H Sriplung, K Chindavijak, S Sontipong, H Sriamporn, DM Parkin, and J Ferlay.
Cancer incidence in Thailand, 1988-1991
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 4, no. 5 (1995): 475-483.
Working Paper
Chen, Zhijun.
Overview of large irrigation systems in Southeast Asia
The future of large rice-based irrigation systems in Southeast Asia , no. 2007/28 (2007).
Journal Article
Wongboonsin, Kua, Philip Guest, and Vipan Prachuabmoh.
Demographic change and the demographic dividend in Thailand
Asian Population Studies 1, no. 2 (2005): 245-256.
Journal Article
Pejaranonda, Chintana.
Declines in fertility by district in Thailand: an analysis of the 1980 census.
Asian Population Series , no. 62 (1985).
Website Document
Choudhury, Saswati.
Towards Sub-regional cooperation: India’s Northeast and Bangladesh
Journal Article
Kunstadter, Peter.
Implications of socio-economic, demographic, and cultural changes for regional development in northern Thailand
(1980) Conservation and development in northern Thailand.
Journal Article
Compean, Roberto Guerrero.
El impacto de la geografia sobre la riqueza: autocorrelacion espacial, movilidad regional, esquemas convergentes y dinamica temporal del ingreso per capita, en Mexico
Ensayos Revista de Economia 26, no. 1 (2007): 45-114.
Showing 721-750 of 3555