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Book Section
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
Tran, Bao Cao. "An Exploratory Study of Attitudes toward Bilingual Education in Gia Lai province of Vietnam." Doctor of Philosophy in Education, University of Canterbury, 2014.
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Conference Paper
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Journal Article
Kalanda, Boniface, Patrick Mamimine, Katia Taela, Louis Chingandu, and Godfrey Musuka. "Implementation of regional and international HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support conventions and declarations in Lesotho, Malawi and Mozambique." Educational Research and Reviews 5, no. 9 (2010): 465-470.
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Thesis or Dissertation
Schmidt, Matthias. "Poverty reduction with high inequality and growth: evidence from post-independence Namibia.." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cape Town, 2012.
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Chandra-Mouli, Venkatraman, Elizabeth Mapella, Theopista John, Susannah Gibbs, Christina Hanna, Nagbandja Kampatibe, and Paul Bloem. "Standardizing and scaling up quality adolescent friendly health services in Tanzania." BMC public health 13, no. 1 (2013).
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Showing 1051-1080 of 3555