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Showing 181-210 of 781
Book Section
Pinbeiro, Fundaçao J, Fernando M Prates, Edite Mata N Machado, Eduardo C Batitucci, and Maria B Araujo.
Minas Gerais do Século XXI: O Ponto de Partida.
(2002) Capítulo 3, as Condições de Vida.
Working Paper
Blyde, Juan, Armando C Pinneiro, Christian Daude, and Eduardo Fernández-Arias.
Competitiveness and Growth in Brazil
Inter-American Development Bank , no. IDB-TN-113 (2010).
Journal Article
Filgueiras, Luiz, Eduardo C Pinto, and Flávia S Da Silva.
O Mercado de Trabalho e a Instabilidade Econômica Brasileira
Publicação Mensal, Salvador, SEI , no. 100 (2002).
Working Paper
Filgueiras, Luiz, and Eduardo C Pinto.
As Especulações, Esperanças e Apreensões no Início do Governo Lula: A Conjuntura e as Perspectivas para o Mercado de Trabalho
Journal Article
Aguas, Marina Fortes F, Valéria Pero, and Eduardo P Ribeiro.
Heterogeneidade no Mercado de Trabalho: Desemprego e Inatividade no Brasil
(2009) Mercado de Trabalho.
Working Paper
Moura, Antônio Pires P, Eduardo C Pinto, Ricardo S. Pereira L Souza, Samantha Félix F Rego, and Vitor A Filgueiras.
O Mal Estar Social e a Estagnação Econômica
Journal Article
Rego, Samantha Félix F, Eduardo C Pinto, and Antônio Pires P Moura.
Mercado de Trabalho: Taxa de Desemprego Estável e Queda na Renda Arrefecem Expectativa de Recuperação
Conjuntura e Planejamento , no. 138 (2005).
Journal Article
Moura, Antônio Pires P, Bruno R Pinheiro, Eduardo C Pinto, Paulo Souza S Ferreira, and Samantha Félix F Rego.
Brasil: Entre Tsunami Político e Xiitismo Monetarista Economia Desacelera e Sinaliza Mais um Ano de Crescimento Reduzido
Working Paper
Rios-Neto, Eduardo Gonçalves L, and André B Golgher.
Parte III: Indicadores Alternativos de Educação
Journal Article
Diaz, Eduardo Nava.
Perspectiva de complemento al financiamiento del sector publico en materia de educacion superior. El caso de Mexico 1967-1980
(1975) Educacion.
Thesis or Dissertation
Magalhaes S, Eduardo.
Fatores Associados à Hipertensão: Um Estudo com Adultos e Idosos Participantes de um Programa de Caminhada Orientada
Bacharel, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2011.
Journal Article
Toche, Eduardo.
Servicio Militar y la Construcción Nacional: Notas Sobre el Origen de la Institución
Investigaciones Sociales 9, no. 14 (2005): 395-409.
Journal Article
Reyna, Carlos, and Eduardo Toche.
La Inseguridad en el Perú
Serie Politicas Sociales , no. 29 (1999).
Working Paper
Lee, Eduardo F, and Yun Kim.
School population projections by age sex and level of education for the Philippines 1970-2000
Population Research Project Monographs , no. 16 (1979).
Journal Article
Ita, Fanny, Erick F Mayer, Kristien Verdonck, Elsa Gonzalez, Daniel Clark, and Eduardo Gotuzzo.
Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 infection is frequent in rural communities of the southern Andes of Peru
(2014) International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Working Paper
Araral, Eduardo, and Camilla R Holmemo.
Measuring the Costs and Benefits of Community Driven Development: The KALAHI-CIDSS Project, Philippines
Social Development Papers , no. 102 (2007).
Working Paper
Montilla J, Eduardo Márquez.
Aborto y Derechos Humanos del Genero Femenino en America Latina: interpretación de diferentes instrumentos internacionales
Journal Article
Ferreyros, Eduardo.
Relaciones comerciales entre Perú y Asia
Agenda Internacional 19, no. 30 (2013): 95-118.
Working Paper
Demdam, Hania, Lahcen Taiqui, and Eduardo Seva Roman.
Vers une Base de Donnees Spatiales des Sites Sacres de la Province de Tetouan (N du Maroc): apport de la cartographie officielle
Working Paper
Smale, Melinda, Mary K Mathenge, Thomas S Jayne, Eduardo Magalhaes, John Olwande, Lilian Kirimi, Mercy Kamau, and James Githuku.
An Overview and Economic Assessment of Sorghum Improvement in Mali
Journal Article
Dockemdorff, Eduardo, Alfredo Rodríguez, and Lucy Winchester.
Santiago de Chile: metropolization, globalization and inequity
Environment and Urbanization 12, no. 1 (2000): 171-183.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hernández, Katiusca V, Pedro C Jimenez, and Eduardo T Rivas.
Clínica Vascular del Sur
Tesis de Postgrado, ESPAE, 2015.
Journal Article
Loría, Eduardo, and Gustavo Segura.
Desempleo juvenil y matrícula universitaria en México¿ Transición al desarrollo o esquizofrenia?
Ciencia y Cultura Elementos 23, no. 101 (2016): 47.
Working Paper
Paunlagui, Merlyne M, Marlo Mendoza, Eduardo Paningbatan, Victor Bato, and Airyne Almendral.
Extent of Erosion, Poverty, and Food Security: The Case of Ayangan and Tuwali of Ifugao, Philippines
(2017) University of the Philippines Los Baños.
Escobal, Javier, Ricardo Fort, and Eduardo Zegarra.
Agricultura peruana: nuevas miradas desde el Censo Agropecuario
Lima, Peru: Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE), 2015.
Journal Article
Agenor, Pierre-Richard, Reynaldo Fernandes, Eduardo Haddad, and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe.
Analyzing the impact of adjustment policies on the poor: an IMMPA framework for Brazil
Conference Paper
Nakasone, Eduardo.
The impact of land titling on labor allocation: evidence from Rural Peru
Journal Article
Balarajan, Yarlini, and Eduardo Villamor.
Nationally representative surveys show recent increases in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among women of reproductive age in Bangladesh, Nepal, and India
The Journal of nutrition 139, no. 11 (2009): 2139.
Journal Article
Baez, Javier Eduardo, and Andrew Mason.
Dealing with climate change: household risk management and adaptation in Latin America
(2008) SSRN eLibrary.
Journal Article
Velásquez Hurtado, José Enrique, Lourdes Kusunoki Fuero, Paredes Quiliche, Tania Gisella, Raquel Hurtado La Rosa, Ángel Martín Rosas Aguirre, and Walter Eduardo Vigo Valdez.
Mortalidad neonatal, análisis de registros de vigilancia e historias clínicas del año 2011 neonatales en Huánuco y Ucayali, Perú
Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica 31, no. 2 (2014): 228-236.
Showing 181-210 of 781