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Conference Paper
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Journal Article
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Book Section
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Journal Article
Desgrées-du-Loû, Annabel, Hermann Brou, Annick Tijou-Traore, Gérard Djohan, Renaud Becquet, and Valériane Leroy. "From prenatal HIV testing of the mother to prevention of sexual HIV transmission within the couple." Social Science & Medicine 69, no. 6 (2009): 892-899.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
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Book Section
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Working Paper
Reddy, Srinivas Gosla, Rajgopal R Reddy, Ewald M Bronkhorst, Rajendra Prasad, Anke M Ettema, Hermann F Sailer, and Stefaan J Berge. "Incidence of cleft lip and palate in the state of Andhra Pradesh, South India." Indian journal of plastic surgery 43, no. 2 (2010): 184-189.
Journal Article
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Working Paper
Munkhuu, Bayalag, Stefan Essig, Erdenesuvd Renchinnyam, Raoul Schmid, Corina Wilhelm, Julia Bohlius, Battulga Chuluunbaatar, Enkhtur Shonkhuuz, and Thomas Baumann. "Incidence and Treatment of Developmental Hip Dysplasia in Mongolia: A Prospective Cohort Study." (2013)
Working Paper
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Conference Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Bermejo III, Raoul, Sonja Firth, Andrew Hodge, Eliana Jimenez-Soto, and Willibald Zeck. "Overcoming Stagnation in the Levels and Distribution of Child Mortality: The Case of the Philippines." PloS one 10, no. 10 (2015).
Journal Article
Stephens, Lindsey L, Marcus A Bachhuber, Esther Seloilwe, Nontombi Gungqisa, Mpho Mmelesi, Hermann Bussmann, Richard G Marlink, and William C Wester. "HIV-Related knowledge, attitudes, and practice among educated young adults in Botswana." Journal of AIDS and HIV research (Online) 4, no. 6 (2012): 159-164.
Journal Article
Foti, Calogero, Yannick N Azeufack, Martin S Sobze, Caterina Albensi, Raoul W Guetiya, Rachel Mindjomo, Michelle Sipewo, Isabelle Djouana, Axel Mba, and Elisabeth Metomo. "Characterizing disability and perception of rehabilitation in the health District of Dschang, Cameroon." (2016) Edorium Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation.
Journal Article
Gouda, Hebe N, Andrew Hodge, Raoul Bermejo III, Willibald Zeck, and Eliana Jimenez-Soto. "The Impact of Healthcare Insurance on the Utilisation of Facility-Based Delivery for Childbirth in the Philippines." PloS one 11, no. 12 (2016).
Journal Article
Hodge, Andrew, Sonja Firth, Raoul Bermejo, Willibald Zeck, and Eliana Jimenez-Soto. "Utilisation of health services and the poor: deconstructing wealth-based differences in facility-based delivery in the Philippines." BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Novitsky, Vlad, Hermann Bussmann, Lillian Okui, Andrew Logan, Sikhulile Moyo, Erik Widenfelt, Mompati Mmalane, Quanhong Lei, Molly P Holme, and Joseph Makhema. "Estimated age and gender profile of individuals missed by a home-based HIV testing and counselling campaign in a Botswana community." Journal of the International AIDS Society 18, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Trivino, Sandra Patricia Hermann, Fernando Arles Pinzon Buitrago, Liliana Salazar Monsalve, and Adriana Mayor Barrera. "Mortalidad fetal temprana en una institucion de nivel III en Cali, Colombia. Estudio exploratorio." Revista Colombiana Salud Libre 11, no. 1 (2017): 40-47.
Journal Article
Mendo, Elvire, Bruno Boidin, and Hermann Pythagore Pierre Donfouet. "Le recours aux micro-unités de soins informelles à Yaoundé (Cameroun) : déterminants et perspectives." Journal de Gestion et d'Economie Medicales 33, no. 1 (2015): 73-90.
Journal Article
Billong, Serge-Clotaire, Joseph Fokam, Edson-Joan Billong, Georges Nguefack-Tsague, Marie-Josee Essi, Raoul Fodjo, Samuel-Martin Sosso, Armelle Gomba, Joseph Mosoko-Jembia, and Gabriel Loni-Ekali. "Epidemiological distribution of HIV infection among pregnant women in the ten regions of Cameroon and strategic implications for prevention programs." (2015) The Pan African Medical Journal.
Journal Article
Billong, Serge C, Jacob Dee, Joseph Fokam, Georges Nguefack-Tsague, Gabriel L Ekali, Raoul Fodjo, Edith S Temgoua, Edson-Joan Billong, Samuel M Sosso, and Jembia J Mosoko. "Feasibility Study of HIV Sentinel Surveillance using PMTCT data in Cameroon: from Scientific Success to Programmatic Failure." BMC Infectious Diseases 17, no. 1 (2017): 3.
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