
Showing 31-52 of 52
Journal Article
White, Michael J, and Lori M Hunter. "Public Perception of Environmental Issues in a Developing Setting: Environmental Concern in Coastal Ghana*." Social Science Quarterly 90, no. 4 (2009): 960-982.
Journal Article
Hunter M, Lori. "Household strategies in the face of resource scarcity in coastal Ghana: are they associated with development priorities?." Population research and policy review 25, no. 2 (2006): 157-174.
Journal Article
Hunter, Susan S, Elizabeth Bulirwa, and Edward Kisseka. "AIDS and Agricultural Production: Report of a Land Utilization Survey, Masaka and Rakai Districts of Uganda." Land use policy 10, no. 3 (1993): 241-258.
Working Paper
Gupta, P, D W Sturdee, and M S Hunter. "Mid-age health in women from the Indian subcontinent (MAHWIS): general health and the experience of menopause in women." Climacteric 9, no. 1 (2006): 13-22.
Journal Article
Nawrotzki, Raphael J, Fernando Riosmena, and Lori M Hunter. "Do rainfall deficits predict US-bound migration from rural Mexico? Evidence from the Mexican census." Population research and policy review 32, no. 1 (2013): 129-158.
Journal Article
Bayer, Angela M, Gabrielle C Hunter, Robert H Gilman, Juan Cornejo G Del Carpio, Cesar Naquira, Caryn Bern, and Michael Z Levy. "Chagas Disease, Migration and Community Settlement Patterns in Arequipa, Peru." PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 3, no. 12 (2009).
Journal Article
Hunter, Mark, and Dorrit Posel. "Here to work: the socioeconomic characteristics of informal dwellers in post-apartheid South Africa." Environment and Urbanization 24, no. 1 (2012): 285-304.
Conference Paper
Krause, Danielle Christine. "Urbanization, Obesity, and the Protective Effect of Traditional Food Behaviors in Fiji." Bachelor’s of Science in Anthropology/Geography . 2011.
Conference Paper
Ainsworth, Martha, Kathleen Beegle, and Godlike Koda. "The impact of adult mortality on primary school enrollment in Northwestern Tanzania." UNAIDS Africa Development Forum Paper. 2000.
Working Paper
Riosmena, Fernando, Raphael J Nawrotzki, and Lori M Hunter. "Rainfall Trends, Variability and U.S. Migration from Rural Mexico: Evidence from the 2010 Mexican Census." Population Program , no. POP2013-02 (2013).
Journal Article
Hunter, Justin. "Native Title in Australia and South Africa: A Search for Something That Lasts." (2014) University of Miami Law School Institutional Repository.
Journal Article
Mataria, Awad, Rana Khatib, Cam Donaldson, Thomas Bossert, David J Hunter, Fahed Alsayed, and Jean-Paul Moatti. "The health-care system: an assessment and reform agenda." The Lancet 373, no. 9670 (2009): 1207-1217.
Journal Article
Hunter, Kirsty, and Eleanor Ross. "Stipend-paid volunteers in South Africa: A euphemism for low-paid work?." Development Southern Africa 30, no. 6 (2013): 743-759.
Working Paper
Runfola, Daniel M, Patricia Romero-Lankao, Leiwen Jiang, Lori M Hunter, Raphael Nawrotzki, and Landy Sanchez. "The Influence of Internal Migration on Exposure to Extreme Weather Events in Mexico." (2015) Society & Natural Resources.
Journal Article
Biffa, Demelash, Tone Bjordal Johansen, Jacques Godfroid, Adrian Muwonge, Eystein Skjerve, and Berit Djonne. "Multi-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) reveals heterogeneity of Mycobacterium bovis strains and multiple genotype infections of cattle in Ethiopia." (2014) Infection, Genetics and Evolution.
Journal Article
Willcox, Adam S, and Diangha Mercy Nambu. "Wildlife hunting practices and bushmeat dynamics of the Banyangi and Mbo people of Southwestern Cameroon." Biological Conservation 134, no. 2 (2007): 251-261.
Hopwood, Graham, Justine Hunter, and Doris Kellner. The impact of HIV/AIDS on the electoral process in Namibia. 2007.
Journal Article
Gucev, ZS, V Tasic, I Sinigerska, I Kremensky, R Tincheva, N Pop-Jordanova, D Danilovski, D Hofer, and E Paschke. "Hunter syndrome (Muccopolysaccharridosis Type II) in Macedonia and Bulgaria.." Contributions of Macedonian Academy of Sciences & Arts 32, no. 2 (2011): 187-198.
Journal Article
Mafwiri, Milka Madaha, Emma Jolley, Joanna Hunter, Clare Elizabeth Gilbert, and Elena Schmidt. "Mixed methods evaluation of a primary eye care training programme for primary health workers in Morogoro Tanzania." BMC Nursing 15, no. 1 (2016): 41.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lawy, Jenny. "Ethnography of San: minority recognition and voice in Botswana." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Edinburgh, 2016.
Book Section
Hunter, Nina, and Julian May. "Aging and Health in Africa." (2013) Ageing in Post-Apartheid South Africa: An Analysis of the “Nearly Old”.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mabulla, Ibrahim Audax. "Making sense of a fragmentry past." Master Erasmus Mundus, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, 2014.
Showing 31-52 of 52