
Showing 31-60 of 244
Shakya, Martina. Risk, vulnerability and tourism in developing countries: The case of Nepal. : Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, 2009.
Journal Article
Chikuwa, Assiati, Jeremy Haynes, Louisa Lippi, Sarina Cipriano, Tashi Shakya, Enrique Delamonica, Mark Johnson, and Alberto Minujin. "Contextualizing child Poverty in Tanzania: Legal framework, social services, and the state of HIV/AIDS and malaria." (2007) Graduate Program in International Affairs, The New School.
Journal Article
Shakya, Ganga, Sabitri Kishore, Cherry Bird, and Jennifer Barak. "Abortion law reform in Nepal: women's right to life and health." Reproductive Health Matters 12, no. 24 supplement (2004): 75-84.
Journal Article
Bhandari, A, M Gordon, and G Shakya. "Reducing maternal mortality in Nepal." (2011) BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
Journal Article
Rayamajhi, R B, S S Budhathoki, A Ghimire, S R Niraula, V K Khanal, B Neupane, B Shakya, and P K Pokharel. "A study on sanitary and hygiene practices in Chungwang VDC of Dhankuta District, Eastern Nepal." Journal of Chitwan Medical College 4, no. 2 (2014): 20-24.
Journal Article
Shakya, H S, S Adhikari, G Gurung, S Pant, S Aryal, A B Singh, and M G Sherpa. "Strengthening National Health Systems for Improving Efficiency of Health Service Delivery in Nepal." Journal of Nepal Health Research Council 10, no. 21 (2012).
Book Section
Shakya, Surya Man, and Bhushan Tuladhar. "Municipal Solid Waste Management in Asia and the Pacific Islands." (2014) State of Municipal Solid Waste Management in the Municipalities of Nepal.
Conference Paper
Joshi, KR, SK Shakya, CN Baidya, Nepal Yak, and Photo KR Joshi. "A Study on Yak Production in High Hills and Mountains of Nepal." Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development . Tropentag , October 6-8, 2009.
Conference Paper
Shakya, Martina. "The Impact of Non-Farm Economic Activities on Risk and Vulnera-bility in Remote Mountain Regions: The Case of Tourism." Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia. Hanoi, July 21-23, 2010.
Journal Article
Shakya, Kushum, and Bhakta Gubhaju. "Factors Contributing to Fertility Decline in Nepal." Journal of Population and Social Studies 24, no. 1 (2016): 13-29.
Journal Article
Labh, Shyam Narayan, and Shubha Ratna Shakya. "Medicinal importance of fruits of indigenous lapsi Choerospondias axillaris (Roxb.) in Nepal." Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 5, no. 5 (2016): 88-92.
Journal Article
Hayes, Bruce W, and Rabina Shakya. "Career choices and what influences Nepali medical students and young doctors: a cross-sectional study." Human resources for health 11, no. 1 (2013).
Book Section
Shakya, Kushum. "Population monograph of Nepal." (2014) Changing gender status: Achievements and challenges.
Thesis or Dissertation
Shakya, Malika. "Factors contributing to intimate partner violence and its consequences in Nepal." Master of Public Health, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016.
Journal Article
Shakya, Kabindra M, Maheswar Rupakheti, Krishna Aryal, and Richard E Peltier. "Respiratory effects of high levels of particulate exposure in a cohort of traffic police in Kathmandu, Nepal." Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 58, no. 6 (2016): e218-e225.
Journal Article
Shakya, Bhupendra, Anna Bruce, and Iain MacGill. "Micro Hydro Interconnected Mini Grids in Nepal: Potential and Pitfalls." (2015) Asis Pacific Solar Research Confernece, Brisbane Queensland.
Journal Article
Upadhyay, Shambhu Kumar, Pranil Man Singh Pradhan, Ram Kumar Mahato, Baburam Marasini, Bishnu Upadhyaya, Geeta Shakya, Gehanath Baral, and Kedar Prasad Baral. "Outbreak Investigation of Influenza in Pajura VDC of Jajarkot District of Nepal." Journal of Nepal Health Research Council 14, no. 3 (2017): 186-191.
Journal Article
Shakya, Dhana Ratna. "Psychiatric morbidities among mentally ill wives of Nepalese men working abroad." Industrial psychiatry journal 23, no. 1 (2014): 52-57.
Journal Article
Shakya, J Shrestha, and LK Kansakar. "Productive reuse of organic waste in rooftop farming: A case study from Kathmandu Metropolitan City." Journal of Environment and Public Health 1, no. 1 (2017): 40-44.
Journal Article
Shakya, Sunila, Unni Syversen, Bjorn O Asvold, Anna M Bofin, Guro Aune, Svein A Nordbo, Karishma M Vaidya, Biraj M Karmacharya, Jan E Afset, and Solveig Tingulstad. "Prevalence of human papillomavirus infection among women in rural Nepal." Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 96, no. 1 (2017): 29-38.
Journal Article
Shakya, Shishir, and Nabraj Lama. "Possible Decision Rules to Allocate Quotas and Reservations to Ensure Equity for Nepalese Poor." Economic Journal of Development Issues 17, no. 1-2 (2016): 149-162.
Thesis or Dissertation
Shakya, Rabin. "Shift Assessment of Upper Tree Species Limit and Tree Line Recruitments in Manaslu Area, Nepal." M.Sc. in Environment Science, Tribhuvan University, 2013.
Conference Paper
Shakya, Saurabha, Tri Ratna Bajracharya, and Sushil Bahadur Bajracharya. "Sustainable Building Rating (SBR) System for Nepal -– A Case of Kathmandu Valley." Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 2015. 2015.
Journal Article
Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T, Neena Chuni, Rajkumar Patil, Dela Singh, and Brishna Shakya. "Anthropometric surrogates to identify low birth weight Nepalese newborns: a hospital-based study." BMC pediatrics 8, no. 1 (2008).
Journal Article
Shakya, SR, S Bhandary, and PK Pokharel. "Nutritional status and morbidity pattern among governmental primary school children in the Eastern Nepal.." Kathmandu University Medical Journal 2, no. 4 (2004): 307-314.
Journal Article
Pokharel, Jiba Raj. "A policy study on urban housing In Nepal." (2006)
Journal Article
Regmi, Bimal Raj, Anil Pandit, Bandana Pradhan, Sari Kovats, and Pooja Lama. "Climate change and health in Nepal." (2008)
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