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Showing 31-60 of 87
Journal Article
Bhandari, G P, K C Premarajan, N Jha, B K Yadav, I S Paudel, and S Nagesh.
Prevalence and determinants of unmet need for family planning in a district of eastern region of Nepal
Kathmandu University Medical Journal 4, no. 2 (2006): 203-210.
Journal Article
Uprety, S, N Jha, I S Poudel, P K Pokharel, M Poudel, and S R Niraula.
Impact and determinants of gender preference in Duhavi VDC of Eastern Nepal
Age 51, no. 181 (2011): 28-33.
Working Paper
Jha, Raghbendra, Raghav Gaiha, and Anurag Sharma.
Mean consumption, poverty and inequality in rural India in the Sixtieth Round of the National Sample Survey
(2006) Poverty and Inequality in Rural India in the Sixtieth Round of the National Sample Survey (October 2006).
Working Paper
Jha, Raghbendra.
The Indian economy: Current performance and short-term prospects
(2007) SSRN Working Paper Series.
Working Paper
Jha, Raghbendra, Katsushi S Imai, and Raghav Gaiha.
Poverty, undernutrition and vulnerability in rural India: public works versus food subsidy
Chronic Poverty Research Centre Working Paper , no. 135 (2009).
Jha, Veena, Sarika Gupta, and James Nedumpara.
The poverty impact of Doha: India
UK: Overseas Development Institute, 2009.
Jha, Raghbendra.
Reducing poverty and inequality in India: Has liberalization helped?
Journal Article
Jha, Raghbendra, K. V. Bhanu Murthy, Hari K Nagarajan, and Ashok K Seth.
Real consumption levels and the public distribution system in India
IIM Bangalore Research Paper , no. 107 (1998).
Working Paper
Jha, Raghbendra.
The political economy of recent economic growth in India
(2004) Social Science Research Network Working Papers.
Working Paper
Jha, Praveen.
The well-being of labour in contemporary Indian economy: What's active labour market policy got to do with it?
Journal Article
Jha, Raghbendra.
Rural poverty in India: Structure, determinants and suggestions for policy reform
(2002) Australian National University, Division of Economics Working Paper.
Working Paper
Jha, Brajesh.
Rural non-farm employment in India: Macro-trends, micro-evidences and policy options
(2006) Agricultural Economics Unit Institute of Economic Growth Working Paper.
Thesis or Dissertation
Jha, Bidya Nath.
Potential non-timber forest products for rural livelihood support in Tehrathum District of Nepal
Dissertion, Tribhuvan University Institute of Forestry, 2002.
Journal Article
Lundgren, Rebecka, Irit Sinai, Priya Jha, Marie Mukabatsinda, Luisa Sacieta, and Federico R Leon.
Assessing the effect of introducing a new method into family planning programs in India, Peru, and Rwanda
Reproductive health 9, no. 1 (2012): 17.
Working Paper
Raihan, Selim, Bazlul H Khondker, Guntur Sugiyarto, and Shikha Jha.
Remittances and Household Welfare: A Case Study of Bangladesh
(2009) ADB Economics WP Series No. 189.
Working Paper
Ang, Alvin P, Guntur Sugiyarto, and Shikha Jha.
Remittances and household behavior in the Philippines
(2009) ADB Economics .
Working Paper
Jha, Shikha, and Bharat Ramaswami.
How Can Food Subsidies Work Better?: Answers from India and the Philippines
(2010) ADB Economics.
Journal Article
Jha, Raghbendra, Tu Dang, and Krishna Lal Sharma.
Vulnerability to poverty in Fiji
International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies 6, no. 1 (2009): 51-68.
Journal Article
Jha, Reghubendra, MN Murty, Satya Paul, and Bhaskara Rao.
An analysis of technological change, factor substitution and economies of scale in manufacturing industries in India
Applied Economics 25, no. 10 (1993): 1337-1343.
Journal Article
Jha, Brajesh.
Policies for Increasing Non-Farm Employment for Farm Households in India
Journal Article
Jha, Shikha, Akiko Terada-Hagiwara, and Eswar S Prasad.
Saving in Asia: Issues for rebalancing growth
Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper , no. 162 (2009).
Working Paper
Mehta, Aashish, Shikha Jha, and Pilipinas Quising.
Subsidized food distribution with variable service quality: A revealed preference approach
Working Paper
Jha, Shikha, and Aashish Mehta.
Effectiveness of public spending: the case of rice subsidies in the Philippines
Working Paper
Jha, Munmun.
Child workers in India: Context and complexities
Human Rights Review 10, no. 2 (2009): 205-218.
Working Paper
Chaudhri, Dharam P, and Raghbendra Jha.
India’s Gender Bias in Child Population, Female Education and Growing Prosperity: 1951-2011 with Projections to 2026
Working Paper
Jha, Vibhash C, and Haraprasad Bairagya.
Environmental impact of flood and their sustainable management in deltaic region of West Bengal, India
Caminhos de Geografia 12, no. 39 (2011).
Working Paper
Chaudhri, Dharam Pal, and Raghbendra Jha.
Child Poverty, Demographic Transition and Gender Bias in Education in India: Household Data Analysis (1993-94 and 2004-05)
(2011) Demographic Transition and Gender Bias in Education in India: Household Data Analysis.
Working Paper
Jha, Hetukar.
Bihar: Blurred Vision, Mounting Aspirations
Social Change 43, no. 3 (2013): 461-470.
Working Paper
Jha K, P.
Health and social benefits from improving community hygiene and sanitation: an Indian experience
International journal of environmental health research 13, no. S1 (2003): S133-S140.
Working Paper
Pandey, Manoj K, and Abhay Kumar Jha.
Widowhood and health of elderly in India: examining the role of economic factors using structural equation modeling
International Review of Applied Economics 26, no. 1 (2012): 111-124.
Showing 31-60 of 87