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Showing 3421-3450 of 4464
Journal Article
Elmi, Gholamreza, Mohammad Motamedi, and Mehdi Vatanparast.
Assesment of eco-turism attractions Gonbad City
Indian J. Sci. Res 5, no. 1 (2014): 1103-1109.
Journal Article
Fard, Seyed Moosa Moosavi, and Moslem Rostami.
The Role of Tourism in Urban Sustainable Development (A Case Study in City of Sahneh, Kermanshah, Iran)
MAGNT Research Report.
Journal Article
Fernandez-Dengo, Marcela, Nader Naderpajouh, and Makarand Hastak.
Risk assessment for the housing market in Mexico
Journal of Management in Engineering 29, no. 2 (2012): 122-132.
Journal Article
Mahdi Shirzad, MA.
Fertility Behaviour of Iranian Women: A Community-Based, Cross-Sectional Study
Archives of Iranian medicine 18, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Soltani, Mojtaba.
Analysis of Effective Factors on the Population Growth in the City of Damavand and their Environmental Outcomes on the City (during the years 2006-2011)
MAGNT Research Report.
Khosravi, Ardeshir, Mahtab Alizadeh, Mohammad Torkashvand, and Nazanin Aghaei.
Population Ageing in IR Iran
Journal Article
Yazdi-Feyzabadi, Vahid, Mozhgan Emami, and Mohammad Hossein Mehrolhassani.
Health Information System in Primary Health Care: The Challenges and Barriers from Local Providers’ Perspective of an Area in Iran
(2015) International journal of preventive medicine.
Journal Article
Taghvaei, Masoud, Neda Rahmani, and Mahtab Taghvaei.
Evaluation of Physical and Framework Condition of Administrative Buildings in Order to Crisis Management in 5th Sector Isfahan City
International Journal of Regional Development 3, no. 1 (2016): 18-30.
Journal Article
Ahmadi, Mohammad Azad, Amir Tayyebi, and Jahede Tekyehkhah.
Sustainable urban development through sustainable urban green spaces: The Case of Sanandaj City in Iran
Journal of American Science 8, no. 8 (2012): 195-201.
Journal Article
Smith, Richard C, Margarita Benavides, Mario Pariona, and Ermeto Tuesta.
Mapping the past and the future: Geomatics and indigenous territories in the Peruvian Amazon
Human Organization 62, no. 4 (2003): 357-368.
Book Section
Peters A, Paul.
Urban Segregation and Governance in the Americas
(2009) Urban Governance and Intra-Urban Population Differentials in Latin America: A Case Study of Metropolitan Lima, Peru.
Journal Article
Anderson, Weston, Seth Guikema, Ben Zaitchik, and William Pan.
Methods for Estimating Population Density in Data-Limited Areas: Evaluating Regression and Tree-Based Models in Peru
PloS one 9, no. 7 (2014).
Working Paper
Benamghar, Radia, and Atsushi Iimi.
Efficiency in public procurement in rural road projects of Nepal
(2011) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Aswani, Shankar.
Investigating coral reef ethnobiology in the western Solomon Islands for enhancing livelihood resilience
Journal of the Polynesian Society, The 123, no. 3 (2014): 237.
Journal Article
Tin, Si Thu Win, George Iro, Eva Gadabu, and Ruth Colagiuri.
Counting the Cost of Diabetes in the Solomon Islands and Nauru
PloS one 10, no. 12 (2015).
Book Section
Rugai, Dionis, and Gabriel R Kassenga.
Climate Change Vulnerability in Southern African Cities
(2014) Climate Change Impacts and Institutional Response Capacity in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Journal Article
R’Kha, Samia, E Crognier, Gilles Boetsch, and A Baali.
La pratique contraceptive dans la Wilaya de Marrakech (Maroc): niveau, but, evolution et relation avec la fecondite
Bulletins et memoires de la Societe d’Anthropologie de Paris , no. 18 (3-4) (2006).
Thesis or Dissertation
Nkuba, Abel.
Effects of urbanization on winds over Dar es Salaam
Postgraduate Diploma in Meteorology, University of Nairobi, 2013.
Journal Article
Cleland, Charles R, Matthew J Burton, Claudette Hall, Anthony Hall, Paul Courtright, William U Makupa, and Heiko Philippin.
Diabetic retinopathy in Tanzania: prevalence and risk factors at entry into a regional screening programme
(2016) Tropical Medicine & International Health.
Journal Article
Snoussi, Maria, Tachfine Ouchani, and Saida Niazi.
Vulnerability assessment of the impact of sea-level rise and flooding on the Moroccan coast: The case of the Mediterranean eastern zone
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 77, no. 2 (2008): 206-213.
Thesis or Dissertation
Musa, Samson Muganyizi.
Training on leafy vegetables processing by solar drying. A case study of Nzasa Women Food Processors group of Charambe Ward Temeke Municipality Dar es salaam Tanzania
Master of Community, The Open University Of Tanzania, 2013.
Journal Article
Snoussi, Maria, Tachfine Ouchani, Abdou Khouakhi, and Isabelle Niang-Diop.
Impacts of sea-level rise on the Moroccan coastal zone: quantifying coastal erosion and flooding in the Tangier Bay
Geomorphology 107, no. 1 (2009): 32-40.
Journal Article
Estelaji, AR, and H Barghi.
Relationship between Geographical Bases and Distribution of Rural Settlements in Arid Areas: A case study of the Khour-Biabanak District, Naein Township
Desert 18, no. 2 (2013): 127-134.
Working Paper
Karimova, Alfia.
Learning Through Experience: Evidence From Prenatal Ramadan Exposure
Journal Article
Abadi R, Mokhtari Malek.
Geographic analysis on the role of bicycles in sustainable transport system in Isfahan city
(2011) Urban -Regional Studies and Research Journal,.
Journal Article
Bakhtiari, Leily, and Zahra Barati.
Study of Effective on Urban Stability Development in New City of Pardis
Journal of Social Issues & Humanities 3, no. 7 (2015): 103-111.
Journal Article
Sarvar, Rahim, Asghar Rashidi Ebrahim Hesari, Mir Najaf Mousavi, and Hasan Orooji.
Optimum Location of Neighbourhood Parks in Bonab City Using Analytic Network Process (ANP)
Journal of Civil Engineering and Urbanism 2, no. 6 (2012): 226-234.
Journal Article
Kord, Edris, and Mehdi Khosravi Bonjar.
Evaluation the effects and consequences of tourism on rural development case study:Sangan district
Radix International Journal of Research in Social Science 4, no. 12 (2015): 1-12.
Journal Article
Ghazanfarpour, Hossein, Mohsen Pourkhosravani, and Elham S Mousavi.
Geomorphic systems affecting the Kerman
(2013) Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research.
Journal Article
Barati, Alireza, Morteza Karimi Kordabadi, Bahram Faraji, and Mohsen Abedi Dorgheh.
Examining the economic expansion of creating free-trade zones across coastal areas for the sustainable development of Mokran Coasts: A case study: Jaask zone
Cumhuriyet Science Journal 36, no. 6 (2015): 280-296.
Showing 3421-3450 of 4464