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Conference Paper
Ataguba, John E, William M Fonta, and Hyacinth E Ichoku. "Application of the capability approach to poverty in Nigeria: What can we learn from the missing dimensions of poverty?." the 2010 Conference of the Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) The University of Jordan, Amman.
Thesis or Dissertation
Fenton A, Jordan. "Take it to the streets: Performing Ekpe/Mgbe power in contemporary Calabar, Nigeria." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Florida, 2012.
Journal Article
Jayne, TS, Jordan Chamberlin, Lulama Traub, Nicholas Sitko, Milu Muyanga, Felix K Yeboah, Ward Anseeuw, Antony Chapoto, Ayala Wineman, and Chewe Nkonde. "Africa's changing farm size distribution patterns: the rise of medium-scale farms." Agricultural Economics 47, no. S1 (2016): 197-214.
Journal Article
Cubbins, Lisa A, Lucy P Jordan, and Stephen E Nsimba. "Tanzanian men’s gender attitudes, HIV knowledge, and risk behaviours." Etude de la population africaine= African population studies 28, no. 2 (2014): 1171-1181.
Journal Article
Jagannathan, Prasanna, Mary K Muhindo, Abel Kakuru, Emmanuel Arinaitwe, Bryan Greenhouse, Jordan Tappero, Philip J Rosenthal, Frank Kaharuza, Moses R Kamya, and Grant Dorsey. "Increasing incidence of malaria in children despite insecticide-treated bed nets and prompt anti-malarial therapy in Tororo, Uganda." Malaria Journal 11, no. 1 (2012): 435.
Journal Article
Cohen, Jessica, Gunther Fink, Katrina Berg, Flavia Aber, Matthew Jordan, Kathleen Maloney, and William Dickens. "Feasibility of distributing rapid diagnostic tests for malaria in the retail sector: evidence from an implementation study in Uganda." PloS one 7, no. 11 (2012).
Journal Article
Cohen, Jessica, Gunther Fink, Kathleen Maloney, Katrina Berg, Matthew Jordan, Theodore Svoronos, Flavia Aber, and William Dickens. "Introducing rapid diagnostic tests for malaria to drug shops in Uganda: a cluster-randomized controlled trial." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 93, no. 3 (2015): 142-151.
Working Paper
Al Hawarin, Ibrahim. "The Patterns of Early Retirement among Jordanian Men." (2012)
Working Paper
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Journal Article
Rosso, Francesca, Ummuhan Bardak, and Helmut Zelloth. "Youth transition from education to work in the Mediterranean region: the ETF experience with partner countries." Journal of International Cooperation in Education 15, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
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Conference Paper
Al-Ali, Hashim, and Orouba Sabbagh. "The Construction of the Jordanian Input-Output Tables for the Year 2010 And Their Applications and Uses." EcoMod 2014 Conference, Bali, July 16-18, 2014.
Working Paper
Alhawarin, Ibrahim, and Mamdouh Salamat. "Job Quality in Jordan: An Analysis Based on a Job Quality Index (JQI)." (2009)
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Jolliffe, Dean, and Umar Serajuddin. "Noncomparable Poverty Comparisons." (2017) The Journal of Development Studies.
Thesis or Dissertation
Jordan, Katrin. "Language use in Rwanda. Multilingualism in public and private contexts.." Master, University of Wien, 2013.
Journal Article
Kuchenbecker, Judith, Anika Reinbott, Beatrice Mtimuni, Michael B Krawinkel, and Irmgard Jordan. "Nutrition education improves dietary diversity of children 6-23 months at community-level: Results from a cluster randomized controlled trial in Malawi." PloS one 12, no. 4 (2017).
Book Section
Reinbott, Anika, and Irmgard Jordan. "Hidden Hunger: Malnutrition and the First 1,000 Days of Life: Causes, Consequences and Solutions." (2016) Determinants of Child Malnutrition and Infant and Young Child Feeding Approaches in Cambodia.
Journal Article
Reinbott, Anika, Anna Schelling, Judith Kuchenbecker, Theresa Jeremias, Iean Russell, Ou Kevanna, Michael B Krawinkel, and Irmgard Jordan. "Nutrition education linked to agricultural interventions improved child dietary diversity in rural Cambodia." British Journal of Nutrition 116, no. 8 (2016): 1457-1468.
Journal Article
Tarqui-Mamani, Carolina, José Sanchez-Abanto, Doris Alvarez-Dongo, Paula Espinoza-Oriundo, and Teresa Jordan-Lechuga. "Prevalence of anemia and associated factors in elderly residing in peruvian households." Revista peruana de medicina experimental y salud publica 32, no. 4 (2015): 687-692.
Journal Article
Manal Ibrahim, Al-Kloub, Al-Hassan Mousa Ali, and Froelicher Erika Sivarajan. "Predictors of obesity in school-aged Jordanian adolescents." International journal of nursing practice 16, no. 4 (2010): 397-405.
Conference Paper
Eyre, Max, Arman Hashemi, Heather Cruickshank, and Maxine Jordan. "Transition in housing design and thermal comfort in rural Tanzania." 5th International Conference on Zero Energy Mass Custom Home (ZEMCH 2016), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2016.
Journal Article
Abujilban, Sanaa, Jamila Abuidhail, Lina Mrayan, and Reem Hatamleh. "Characteristics of pregnant Jordanian women dissatisfied with life: A comparison between satisfied and dissatisfied women's demographics." Health Care for Women International 38, no. 6 (2017): 556-570.
Journal Article
Damra, Jalal K, Sanaa K Abujilban, Michael P Rock, Tawalbeh A Issra’a, Thaer A Ghbari, and Souad M Ghaith. "Pregnant women’s experiences of intimate partner violence and seeking help from health care professionals: a Jordanian qualitative study." Journal of family violence 30, no. 6 (2015): 807-816.
Journal Article
Kirsten, Inga, Julius Sewangi, Andrea Kunz, Festo Dugange, Judith Ziske, Brigitte Jordan-Harder, Gundel Harms, and Stefanie Theuring. "Adherence to combination prophylaxis for prevention of mother-to-child-transmission of HIV in Tanzania." PloS one 6, no. 6 (2011).
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