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Estela-Ayamamani, David, Jossué Espinoza-Figueroa, Mauricio Columbus-Morales, Fernando Runzer-Colmenares, José F Parodi, and Percy Mayta-Tristán. "Rendimiento Físico de Adultos Mayores Residentes en Zonas Rurales a Nivel del Mar y a Gran Altitud en Perú." Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología 50, no. 2 (2015): 56-61.
Working Paper
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Working Paper
Fernández Cárdenas, Juan Manuel, José Antonio Yáñez Figueroa, and Edgar Kyamill Muñoz Villarreal. "Prácticas morales y normas de netiqueta en las interacciones virtuales de los estudiantes de educación secundaria." (2015)
Conference Paper
Gill, Tracy Spears, Anna Tuck, Sat Gupta, Mary Crowe, and Jennifer Figueroa. "A Field Test of Optional Unrelated Question Randomized Response Models: Estimates of Risky Sexual Behaviors." the 8th Annual UNCG Regional Mathematics and Statistics Conference. 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Working Paper
Figueroa Miralles, Rocio Angeles, Felipe Sebastian Gonzalez Zapata, and Santiago Alfonso Wragg Fontova. "Envejecimiento de la fuerza laboral: implicancias sociales y empresariales." (2012)
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Conference Paper
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Mufunda, Jacob, Peter Mwaba, Elizabeth Chizema, James Teprey, Solomon Kagulula, Rufaro Chatora, Mbaulo Musumali, Peter Songolo, Davies Chimfwembe, and Evans Malikana. "Lessons learned from short-lived transfer of maternal and child health services from Ministry of Health to Ministry of Community Development in Zambia provides guidance for deepening of decentralization." International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health 3, no. 7 (2016).
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