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Showing 271-300 of 974
Pélissier, Paul.
Les paysans du Sénégal: Les civilisations agraires du Cayor à la Casamance
Paul, Elisabeth.
Documenting Results of Efforts to Improve Health Aid Effectiveness . Mali Case Study
Working Paper
Paul, Elisabeth.
Etude de cas du MALI
Conference Paper
Lambert, Paul, Dave Griffiths, Erik Bihagen, and Richard Zijdeman.
Is Europe pulling apart? Findings from the analysis of social distance
Paper presented to the ISA RC28 Spring Meeting.
Budapest, Hungary, May 8-10, 2014.
Conference Paper
Lambert, Paul, and Dave Griffiths.
Introduction to the analysis of data on social connections
Historical Demography Scientific Research.
April 26, 2012.
Working Paper
Benjamin, Paul.
Assessing South Africa’s Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA)
(2013) GUE Assessing.
Glewwe, Paul W, and Oussama Kanaan.
Targeting assistance to the poor using household survey data
Journal Article
Dor, Avi, Paul Gertler, and Jacques Gaag.
Non-price rationing and the choice of medical care providers in rural Cote d'Ivoire
Journal of Health Economics 6, no. 4 (1987): 291 -.
Journal Article
Kandala, Ngianga-Bakwin, Jacques Emina, Paul D Nzita, and Francesco P Cappuccio.
Diarrhoea, acute respiratory infection, and fever among children in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Social Science & Medicine 68, no. 9 (2009): 1728-1736.
Working Paper
Allanson, Paul, and Jonathan Atkins.
Labour market reform and the evolution of the racial wage hierarchy in post-Apartheid South Africa
DPRU Working Paper , no. 01/59 (2001).
Journal Article
Madu, Paul TN.
Paediatric surgery in Nigeria: Past, present and future
African Journal of Paediatric Surgery 6, no. 2 (2009): 137.
Maggi, Jenny, Dame Sarr, Novita Amadei, Sandro Cattacin, Paul De Guchteneire, and Antoine Pecoud.
Louga, Sénégal : Représentations autour de la migration auprès d'une communauté d'origine
Working Paper
Acharya, Gopikesh, Bishnu Raj Upreti, Suman Babu Paudel, Annal Tandukar, and Paul Harvey.
The drinking water service and users’ perceptions of the state in Rolpa, Nepal
Journal Article
Robinson, Timothy Paul, William Wint, Giulia Conchedda, and Thomas Van Boeckel.
Mapping the global distribution of livestock-Supplementary Information
Working Paper
Dorosh, Paul, Steven Haggblade, Harivelo Rajemison, Bodo Ralantoarilolona, and Kenneth Simler.
Structure et Facteurs Déterminants de la Pauvreté à Madagascar
(1998) Institut National de Statistiques and Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program.
Working Paper
Allanson, Paul, and Jonathan Atkins.
The evolution of the racial wage hierarchy in post-Apartheid South Africa
DPRU Working Paper , no. 01/59 (2001).
Working Paper
Cichello L, Paul.
Hindrances to self-employment activity: Evidence from the 2000 Khayelitsha/Mitchell’s Plain Survey
CSSR Working Paper , no. 131 (2005).
Conference Paper
Odendaal, Nancy, James Duminy, and Paul Saunders.
Is digital technology urban?: Understanding intermetropolitan digital divides in South Africa
Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction: Designing for Habitus and Habitat .
Cairns, , Australia, 2008.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pronyk M, Paul.
Social capital and the HIV/AIDS epidemic in rural South Africa: The new magic bullet
PhD Upgrading Document, Unpublished manuscript, 2002.
Dorosh, Paul, Steven Haggblade , Tiaray Razafimanantena, and Zaza Randriamiarana.
Moteurs Economiques pour la Réduction de la Pauvreté à Madagascar
Rawle, Georgina, Nicola Ruddle, Gunilla P Gelander, Johanna Wallin, Michele Binci, Paul Jasper, Jana Harb, Madhumitha Hebbar, Jean Davis, and Alice Aldinucci.
EQUIP-Tanzania Impact Evaluation. Midline Technical Report, Volume II. Methods and Supplementary Evidence
Oxford, UK: Oxford Policy Management, 2017.
Journal Article
Boatbil, Christopher Sormiteyema, Daniel Ayoung Azerikatoa, and Paul Bomber Tanzubil.
Effects of Child Feeding Practices on Spatial Patterns of Stunting and Underweight in Ghana: A Study of Frafra Sub-Ethnic Groups in Upper East Region
International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies 3, no. 4 (2014).
Working Paper
Pronyk, Paul M, Linda A Morison, Rico Euripidou, Godfrey Phetla, James R Hargreaves, Julia C Kim, Charlotte Watts, and John D Porter.
The role of structural factors in explaining wide variations in community HIV prevalence: A study in rural South Africa
IMAGE Study Working Paper No.1 , no. 1 (2003).
Journal Article
Pronyk, Paul M, James R Hargreaves, Julia C Kim, Linda A Morison, Godfrey Phetla, Charlotte Watts, Joanna Busza, and John D Porter.
Effect of a structural intervention for the prevention of intimate-partner violence and HIV in rural South Africa: A cluster randomised trial
The Lancet 368, no. 9551 (2006): 1973-1983.
Kandala, Ngianga-Bakwin, Damaris Kinyoki, Ahmed Sarki, David Gathara, Paul Komba, and Bettina Shell-Duncan.
Modeling And Mapping Of Girls’ Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting In The Context Of Economic, Social, And Regional Disparities: Kenya Demographic And Health Surveys 1998 – 2014
: The Population Council, Inc., 2017.
Working Paper
Ningaye, Paul, Yemedjeu Tiomela, and Virginie Takoutio Feudjio.
Multi-Poverty in Cameroon: A Dimensional Scores-Approach
Journal Article
Migliani, Rene, Jean-Paul Louis, Andre Auduge, Arnaud Trebucq, and Henri Gelas.
Evaluation de la malvoyance et des cecites au Cameroun. Enquete en milieu rural forestier
Cahiers d'etudes et de recherches francophones/Sante 3, no. 1 (1993): 17-23.
Book Section
Behrman, Jere R, Lia Fernald, Paul Gertler, Lynnette M Neufeld, and Susan Parker.
Ten Years of Intervention. External Evaluation of Oportunidades 2008 in Rural Areas (1997-2007)
(2008) Long-term effects of Oportunidades on rural infant and toddler development, education and nutrition after almost a decade of exposure to the program.
Journal Article
Makdissi, Paul, and Quentin Wodon.
Consumption dominance curves: testing for the impact of indirect tax reforms on poverty
Economics letters 75, no. 2 (2002): 227-235.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pronyk M, Paul.
Development finance social capital and HIV/AIDS: The intervention with microfinance for AIDS & gender equity: The IMAGE Study
Doctoral Candidate, Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2006.
Showing 271-300 of 974