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Showing 931-960 of 1077
Journal Article
Okyere, Eunice, Lillian Mwanri, and Paul Ward.
Is task-shifting a solution to the health workers’ shortage in Northern Ghana?
PloS One 12, no. 3 (2017): e0174631.
Thesis or Dissertation
Feidiib, Paul Jamani.
Assessing the effects of socio-cultural factors on maternal health care delivery in the East Mamprusi District of Northern Ghana
Master of Philosophy, University for Development Studies, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mengolo, Emmanuel.
Loeuvre catholique d'enseignement au Cameroun (1890-2014): une progression dans l'exigence de qualite. Approche en droit canonique et en droit camerounais
Docteur en droit, Université Paris – Saclay, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Odak, Paul.
An assesment of non-motorized and public transport challenges for people with disabilities in Nairobi city
Master of Arts, University of Nairobi, 2014.
Journal Article
Selten, Jean-Paul, Caroline Zeyl, Rudi Dwarkasing, Vincent Lumsden, Rene S Kahn, and Peter N Van Harten.
First-contact incidence of schizophrenia in Surinam
The British Journal of Psychiatry 186, no. 1 (2005): 74-75.
Journal Article
Essama-Nssah, B, Saumik Paul, and Leandre Bassole.
Accounting for heterogeneity in growth incidence in Cameroon using recentered influence function regression
Journal of African Economies 22, no. 5 (2013): 757-795.
Journal Article
Doocy, Shannon, Hannah Tappis, Amy Paul, Rolf Klemm, and Sonya Funna.
Preventing malnutrition in children under two (PM2A): a case study in the food insecure context of South Sudan.
World Health and Population 14, no. 4 (2013): 12-22.
Journal Article
Pettang, Chrispin, Paul Vermande, and Monique Zimmermann.
L'impact du secteur informel dans la production de l'habitat au Cameroun
Cahier des Sciences Humaines 31, no. 4 (1995): 883-903.
Journal Article
Tchawa, Paul.
Evolution des techniques traditionnelles de gestion des sols et developpement durable: enseignements tires de l'etude de deux terroirs bamileke (Ouest-Cameroun)
Cahiers d'outre-mer 50, no. 197 (1997): 69-86.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kossoumna Liba'a, Natali.
De la mobilite a la sedentarisation: gestion des ressources naturelles et des territoires par les eleveurs mbororo au Nord du Cameroun
Docteur en Geographie, University Paul-Valery, 2008.
Conference Paper
Njomaha, Charles, Bassala Jean-Paul Olina, Abba Abou, Oumarou Balarabe, and Maroua Irad.
Diffusion des systemes de cultures sur couverture vegetale au Nord-Cameroun : contraintes d’adoption et perspectives
Colloque « Quelle agriculture pour un développement durable de l’Afrique ? » Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - du 6 au 8 décembre 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Tatso, Renal Paul.
Intégration d’un observatoire urbain sur Google Maps : Cas des infrastructures de santé de la ville de Douala
Master II en Informatique Appliquée aux Systèmes d'Informations géographiques , Universite de Douala, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Olina Bassala, Jean-Paul.
Le semis direct sans labour et avec utilisation des herbicides dans la zone cotonnière au Nord Cameroun. Diffusion, impacts agronomiques et socio-économiques d'une innovation en pleine expansion
Doctor en Etudes Rurales, Universite de Toulouse, 2010.
Gough, Katherine V, James Esson, Manja H Andreasen, Aristide Yemmafouo, and Paul WK Yankson.
State of the Art Report for RurbanAfrica Work Package 3: City Dynamics
Journal Article
Bella, Nicole.
Cameroun : de l’encouragement des naissances a la maitrise de la fecondite causes et consequences de l’evolution observee
(2013) African Population Studies.
Journal Article
Fotsing, Eric, Peter H Verburg, Wouter T De Groot, Jean-Paul Cheylan, and Maurice Tchuente.
Un modèle intégré pour explorer les trajectoires d’utilisation de l’espace
(2013) ARIMA Journal.
Thesis or Dissertation
Calvas Ojeda, Maria Elisa.
Parentalidad en familias reconstituidas.
Psicologo Clínico, Universidad Técnica de Machala., 2015.
Journal Article
Adamu, Aishatu L, Amelia Crampin, Ndoliwe Kayuni, Alemayehu Amberbir, Olivier Koole, Amos Phiri, Moffat Nyirenda, and Paul Fine.
Prevalence and risk factors for anemia severity and type in Malawian men and women: urban and rural differences
Population Health Metrics 15, no. 1 (2017): 12.
Working Paper
Nkoma, Paul Pouhe.
Itineraires therapeutiques des malades au Cameroun
Libite, Paul Roger, Anaclet Dzossa, Pascal Awono, Romain Wounang, Guy Ndeffo, and Eric Jazet.
Enquête mondiale sur le tabagisme chez les adultes (GATS, Global Adult Tobacco Survey): Cameroun 2013
Journal Article
Jiagho, Evaliste, Louis Zapfack, Louis Banoho, Moise Tsayem-Demaze, Jeannine Corbonnois, and Paul Tchawa.
Diversité de la flore ligneuse à la périphérie du Parc national de Waza (Cameroun)
[VertigO] La revue electronique en sciences de l’environnement 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Essono, Thomas.
Political Communication and the Media: from the Building of a Public Space to the Analysis of the Political Speeches of Political Parties for the Twin Elections of September 30th 2013 in Cameroon
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2, no. 11 (2016): 607-620.
Journal Article
Karafillakis, Emilie, Mohamed F Jalloh, Azizeh Nuriddin, Heidi J Larson, Jimmy Whitworth, Shelley Lees, Kathy M Hageman, Paul Sengeh, Mohammad B Jalloh, and Rebecca Bunnell.
‘Once there is life, there is hope’Ebola survivors9 experiences, behaviours and attitudes in Sierra Leone, 2015
BMJ global health 1, no. 3 (2016).
Journal Article
Gockowski, James, Mathurin Tchatat, Jean-Paul Dondjang, Gisele Hietet, and Terese Fouda.
An empirical analysis of the biodiversity and economic returns to cocoa agroforests in Southern Cameroon
Journal of Sustainable Forestry 29, no. 6-8 (2010): 638-670.
Ingram, Verina, Julius Chupezi Tieguhong, Eric Maturin Nkamgnia, Jean Paul Eyebe, and Mathew Ngawe.
The bamboo production to consumption system in Cameroon
Journal Article
Sano, Yujiro, Roger Antabe, Kilian Nasung Atuoye, Lucia Kafui Hussey, Jason Bayne, Sylvester Zackaria Galaa, Paul Mkandawire, and Isaac Luginaah.
Persistent misconceptions about HIV transmission among males and females in Malawi
BMC International Health and Human Rights 16, no. 1 (2016): 16.
Thesis or Dissertation
Golaszewski, Devon Cheney.
A Question of Fulbe Power: Social Change, the State and Ethnic Relations in Northern Cameroon
Bachelor of Arts , Wesleyan University, The Honors College, 2008.
Journal Article
Kouega, Jean-Paul.
The language situation in Cameroon
Current Issues in Language Planning 8, no. 1 (2007): 3-93.
Working Paper
Phiri, Esther, Paul Rowley, and Richard E Blanchard.
The feasibility of solar water-pumping in a rural village of Malawi
Journal Article
Kawale, Paul, Deborah Mindry, Stephanie Stramotas, Peter Chilikoh, Ann Phoya, Katherine Henry, David Elashoff, Perry Jansen, and Risa Hoffman.
Factors associated with desire for children among HIV-infected women and men: a quantitative and qualitative analysis from Malawi and implications for the delivery of safer conception counseling
AIDS Care 26, no. 6 (2014): 769-776.
Showing 931-960 of 1077