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Thesis or Dissertation
Elizalde Villagran, Daniel Alejandro.
Estudio de la presencia de cadenas de farmacia y su incidencia en el desarrollo de las farmacias independientes en el sector de la Kennedy, año 2015
Universidad Internacional SEK, 2016.
Working Paper
Meneses Bernal, Betty Maritza, Sherly Milena Sanchez Diaz, Alejandro Beltran Forero, Gissel Viviana Mayorga, and Edelmira Gongora Gonzalez.
Miradas colectivas del departamento de Cundinamarca, municipio de Bogota
Gachanja, Grace.
Marital disharmony in a couple's marriage and its psychological effects on their children during the HIV disclosure process in Kenya
Journal Article
Cardona C, Juan.
Condiciones en la atención a mujeres víctimas de violencia. Reconociendo experiencias de las entidades públicas en la localidad de Kennedy, Bogotá
Dialogos de Saberes , no. 42 (2015).
Bowen, David, Nestor Shivute, Cheryle G Faye, Solomon Akpata, Suzanne M Konate, Patricia Kennedy, and Ron Mponda.
Common Country Assesment: The Gambia
: United Nations, 2005.
Journal Article
Francis, Joel Msafiri, Deodatus Kakoko, Edith AM Tarimo, Patricia Munseri, Muhammad Bakari, and Eric Sandstrom.
Key considerations in scaling up male circumcision in Tanzania: views of the urban residents in Tanzania
Tanzania Journal of Health Research 14, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Serrano Ruiz, Claudia Patricia, Carolina Ramirez Ramiez, Abril Miranda, Jheidy Patricia, Ramon Camargo, Lizeth Vivian, Linda Yulieth Guerra Urquijo, and Nathali Clavijo Gonzalez.
Barreras contextuales para la participación de las personas con discapacidad física
Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander 45, no. 1 (2013): 41-51.
Journal Article
Panneflex, Patricia Lapeira, Diana Patricia Acosta Salazar, and Mirith Vasquez Munive.
Conocimientos, creencias y practicas de los adolescentes de la cultura Caribe en anticoncepcion
Revista Cuidarte 7, no. 1 (2016): 1204-1209.
Journal Article
Panneflex, Patricia Lapeira, Diana Patricia Acosta Salazar, and Mirith Vásquez Munive.
Revista CUIDARTE Conocimientos, creencias y prácticas de los adolescentes de la cultura caribe en anticoncepción
(2016) Revista CUIDARTE.
Fonseca Ávila, Angélica, Patricia Patricia Rozo Lesmes, Diana Catalina Mesa Lopera, and José Ivo Montaño Caicedo.
Guía Metodológica Sistema Estándar de Indicadores Básicos en Salud-IBS Colombia
Bogota, Colombia: Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social , 2013.
Samoilys, Melita, Kennedy Osuka, and George W Maina.
Opportunities and Challenges of Current Legislation for Effective Conservation in the Tana Delta - Pate Island Coast of Kenya
Mombasa, Kenya: Obura DO & Samoilys MA, 2011.
Kennedy, Elissa, Sean Mackesy-Buckley, and Sumi Subramaniam.
The Case for Investing in Family Planning in Vanuatu: Estimated Costs and Benefits of Reducing Unmet Need
Mackesy-Buckley, Sean, Elissa Kennedy, and Sumi Subramaniam.
The Case for Investing in Family Planning in Solomon Islands: Estimated Costs and Benefits of Reducing Unmet Need
Working Paper
Kennedy H, Charles.
The politics of ethnicity in Sindh
Asian Survey 31, no. 10 (1991): 938-955.
Journal Article
O'Leary, Ann, May Kennedy, Katina A Pappas-DeLuca, Marlene Nkete, Vicki Beck, and Christine Galavotti.
Association between Exposure to an HIV Story Line in the Bold and the Beautiful and HIV-Related Stigma in Botswana
AIDS Education & Prevention 19, no. 3 (2007): 209-217.
Journal Article
Kennedy P, David.
Gender, Culture Change, and Fertility Decline in Honduras: An Investigation in anthropological demography
Working Paper
Kennedy C, Will.
Organizational activity and the military in disaster operations in Chile in a 1965 earthquake: A historical case study
University of Del aware, Disaster Research Center , no. 80 (1982).
Journal Article
Kennedy, Eileen, and Lawrence Haddad.
Are pre-schoolers from female-headed households less malnourished? A comparative analysis of results from Ghana and Kenya
Journal of Development Studies Volume 30, no. 3 (1994): 680-695.
Working Paper
Olken, Benjamin A, and Monica Singhal.
Informal taxation
Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working , no. 09-033 (2009).
Journal Article
Kennedy, Gina, Guy Nantel, Inge D Brouwer, and Frans J Kok.
Does living in an urban environment confer advantages for childhood nutritional status? Analysis of disparities in nutritional status by wealth and residence in Angola, Central African Republic and Senegal
Public health nutrition 9, no. 02 (2006): 187-193.
Journal Article
Kennedy, Elissa, Nathalie Gray, Peter Azzopardi, and Mick Creati.
Adolescent fertility and family planning in East Asia and the Pacific: a review of DHS reports
Reproductive Health 8, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Addai, Issac, and Frank Trovato.
Structural assimilation and ethnic fertility in Ghana
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 30, no. 3 (1999): 409-427.
Journal Article
Ondimu N, Kennedy.
Determinants of adolescent reproductive problems in Kenya: Evidence from health service data
(1997) African Population Studies.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kennedy M, Paul.
An analysis of the relationship between water accessibility, use and health in Muthara, Kenya
Masters , Michigan Technological University, 2006.
Book Section
Kennedy, Gina, Guy Nantel, and Prakash Shetty.
Globalization of food systems in developing countries: impact on food security and nutrition
(2004) Globalization of food systems in developing countries: a synthesis of country case studies .
Thesis or Dissertation
Mulenga C, Kennedy.
Changing risky behaviour through worldview transformation: a pastoral intervention to the spread of HIV/AIDS in Zambia
PhD, University of Pretoria, 2010.
Journal Article
Ecker, Olivier, Athur Mabiso, Adam Kennedy, and Xinshen Diao.
Making agriculture pro-nutrition: Opportunities in Tanzania
(2011) International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Thesis or Dissertation
Kennedy, Masingu.
Influence of Cultural Activities on Living Standards of Rural Dwellers of Ikolomani South Division of Kakamega South Sub-County, Kenya.
Master thesis, University of Nairobi, 2013.
Journal Article
Gray, Natalie, Peter Azzopardi, Elissa Kennedy, Elise Willersdorf, and Mick Creati.
Improving Adolescent Reproductive Health in Asia and the Pacific Do We Have the Data? A Review of DHS and MICS Surveys in Nine Countries
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 25, no. 2 (2013): 134-144.
Thesis or Dissertation
Díaz Montes, Pedro Gregorio.
Factores asociados al edentulismo en pacientes diagnosticados en la Clínica de la Facultad de Odontología UNMSM
TESIS para optar el título profesional de Cirujano Dentista, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos Facultad de OdontologíA E. A. P. de Odontología, 2009.
Showing 1-30 of 467