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Showing 1-30 of 45
Thesis or Dissertation
Bouklia-Hassane, Rachid.
Contribution à la gestion de l’eau dans la ville d’Oran
Diplome De Magister, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rebouha, Fafa.
Transport, mobilité, et accès aux services des populations défavorisées: Le cas des habitants des grandes périphéries d’Oran
Diplome De Doctorat, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran Mohamed Boudiaf, 2010.
Journal Article
Boudinar, Aines, and Saïd Belguidoum.
Dynamique marchande et renouveau urbain à Oran. Médina J'dida et Choupot, deux quartiers du commerce transnational
Les Cahiers d’EMAM , no. 26 (2015).
Journal Article
Mouaziz-Bouchentouf, Najet.
Les habitants d'Oran face à l'agence foncière. La lutte pour l'intégration urbaine
Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography , no. 798 (2016).
Hilber, Adriane M, Xavier Bosch-Capblanch, Christian Schindler, Lise Beck, Florence Sécula, Oran McKenzie, Sara Gari, Christina Stuckli, and Sonja Merten.
Gender and immunisation
Basel, Switzerland: Swiss Centre for International Health, 2010.
Journal Article
McKenzie, Jeffrey M, Donald I Siegel, William Patterson, and Jonathan D McKenzie.
A Geochemical Survey of Spring Water from the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley, Southern Ethiopia: Implications for Well-head Protection
(2001) Hydrogeology Journal.
Working Paper
Tuna Oran, Nazan, Aysegül Bilge, Hafize Ozturk Can, Yeliz Cakir Kocak, Mahide Demireloz, Serap Karsiloglu, and Neriman Sogukpinar.
Influence of prenatal risks of pregnant women on mental symptoms
Journal Article
Messahel, Abdellah.
Une périurbanisation officielle dans un site contraignant. Le cas de Nedjma dans l'agglomération oranaise
Espace populations societes. Space populations societies , no. 2008/1 (2008).
Journal Article
Smahi, Zakaria, Khadidja Remaoun, and Fatima Achouri.
The Urban Expansion Characterization of the Bir El Djir Municipality Using Remote Sensing and GIS
International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering 9, no. 4 (2015): 406-409.
Journal Article
Benbitat, Fella, and Mostefa Guendouz.
Une Urbanisation Linéaire, Dynamique démographique et mutations spatiales dans la périphérie littorale algéroise: cas de la commune de Heuraoua
Les cahiers du CREAD , no. 102 (2012).
Mckenzie, David, and Dilip Mookherjee.
The distributive impact of privatization in Latin America: evidence from four countries
Journal Article
Gibson, John, and David McKenzie.
Using global positioning systems in household surveys for better economics and better policy
World Bank Research Observer 22, no. 2 (2007): 217-241.
Working Paper
de Mel, Suresh, David McKenzie, and Christopher Woodruff.
The demand for, and consequences of, formalization among informal firms in Sri Lanka
Working Paper
Bierbaum, Mira, and Franziska Gassmann.
Chronic and Transitory Poverty in the Kyrgyz Republic: What Can Synthetic Panels Tell Us?
(2012) UNU-MERIT Series #2012-064 .
Working Paper
Clemens, Michael A, and David McKenzie.
Why don't remittances appear to affect growth?
(2014) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
Conference Paper
Gibson, John, David McKenzie, and Steven Stillman.
The Importance of Selectivity and Duration-Dependent Heterogeneity When Estimating the Impact of Emigration on Incomes and Poverty in Sending Areas: Evidence from the Samoan Quota Migration Lottery
Second International Conference on Migration and Development, Washington DC, Sept.
Journal Article
McKenzie, David, John Gibson, and Steven Stillman.
Moving to opportunity, leaving behind what? Evaluating the initial effects of a migration policy on incomes and poverty in source areas
New Zealand Economic Papers 41, no. 2 (2007): 197-223.
Working Paper
Groh, Matthew, and David McKenzie.
Macroinsurance for microenterprises: a randomized experiment in post-revolution Egypt
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7048 (2014).
Journal Article
Pesántez, Erika.
Análisis de Movilidad Social en el Ecuador (Analysis of Social Mobility in Ecuador)
(2014) Analitika.
Working Paper
Villasenor A, Luis.
Procedural Paper Draft. Asset Inequality Conceptual Framework and Measurement Methodology
Working Paper
Groh, Matthew, Nandini Krishnan, David J McKenzie, and Tara Vishwanath.
Soft skills or hard cash? The impact of training and wage subsidy programs on female youth employment in Jordan
Journal Article
McKenzie, David, and Yaye S Sakho.
Does it Pay Firms to Register for Taxes? The Impact of Formality on Firm Profitability
Journal of Development Economics 91, no. 1 (2010): 15-24.
Journal Article
Ontiveros U, Darwin.
The Impact of Formality on Frm Profitability in Bolivia: An Heterogeneous Assessment
Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico , no. 17 (2012).
Working Paper
Gorlich, Dennis, Toman Omar Mahmoud, and Christoph Trebesch.
Explaining labour market inactivity in migrant-sending families: Housework, hammock, or higher education?
(2007) Econstor.
Thesis or Dissertation
Duaibe, Katalaine.
Human activities and flood hazards and risks in the South West Pacific: A case study of the Navua Catchment area, Fiji Islands
Master in Science in Physical Geography , Victoria University of Wellington, 2008.
Journal Article
Kessaram, Tara, Jeanie McKenzie, Natalie Girin, Onofre Edwin A Merilles, Jessica Pullar, Adam Roth, Paul White, and Damian Hoy.
Overweight, obesity, physical activity and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in adolescents of Pacific islands: results from the Global School-Based Student Health Survey and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
BMC obesity 2, no. 1 (2015).
Matooane, Mamopeli, Amanda Botes, and Margaret McKenzie.
Durban Climate Change Strategy Health
Journal Article
Pak, N, AM McDonald, J McKenzie, and C Tukuitonga.
Soft drink consumption in Pacific Island countries and territories: a review of trade data
Pacific health dialog 20, no. 1 (2014): 59-66.
Journal Article
Kessaram, Tara, Jeanie McKenzie, Natalie Girin, Adam Roth, Paula Vivili, Gail Williams, and Damian Hoy.
Alcohol use in the Pacific region: Results from the STEPwise approach to surveillance, Global School-Based Student Health Survey and Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
(2015) Drug and Alcohol Review.
Thesis or Dissertation
Beam A, Emily.
Information and Labor Markets in the Philippines
PhD Thesis, The University of Michigan, 2013.
Showing 1-30 of 45