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Showing 1-30 of 119
Journal Article
Lindemann, Stefan.
Just Another Change of Guard? Broad-based Politics and Civil War in Museveni's Uganda
(2011) African Affairs.
Journal Article
Makanyeza, Charles, and Francois Du Toit.
Examining the measurement and dimensionality of the construct of consumer awareness in a developing and transition economy
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 41, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Bargain, Olivier, and Prudence Kwenda.
Earnings structures, informal employment and self-employment: New evidence from Brazil, Mexico and South Africa
The Review of Income and Wealth: Special Issue - The Informal Economy in Developing Countries: Analysis and Measurement 57, no. supplement s1 (2011): s100-s122.
Journal Article
Bargain, Olivier, Mathias Dolls, Dirk Neumann, Andreas Peichl, and Sebastian Siegloch.
Tax-benefit systems in Europe and the US: between equity and efficiency
(2011) EUROMOD Working Paper.
Working Paper
Bargain, Olivier, and Jinan Zeidan.
The direct effect of obesity on emotional well-being: Evidence from Mexico
Aix Marseille universite , no. 32 (2014).
Working Paper
Bargain, Olivier, Prudence Kwenda, and Miracle Ntuli.
Gender bias and the intrahousehold distribution of resources
(2017) WIDER Working Paper.
Journal Article
Leauthaud, Crystele, Stephanie Duvail, Olivier Hamerlynck, Jean-Luc Paul, Hubert Cochet, Judith Nyunja, Jean Albergel, and Olivier Grunberger.
Floods and livelihoods: The impact of changing water resources on wetland agro-ecological production systems in the Tana River Delta, Kenya
Global Environmental Change 23, no. 1 (2012): 252-263.
Journal Article
Mbouemboue, Olivier Pancha, Jacques Olivier Ngoufack, Adonis Koona Koona, Falmata Maha, and Samuel Kingue.
Place et Profil Évolutif des Maladies Cardiovasculaires en Milieu Hospitalier Nord Camerounais: Le Cas de L'Hôpital Régional de Ngaoundere
The journal of medicine and health science 16, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Yount M, Kathryn.
The patriarchal bargain and intergenerational coresidence in Egypt
Sociological quarterly 46, no. 1 (2005): 137-164.
Journal Article
Assaad, Ragui.
Making sense of Arab labor markets: the enduring legacy of dualism
IZA Journal of Labor & Development 3, no. 1 (2014): 1-25.
Conference Paper
Abenakyo, Annet, Pascal Sanginga, Jemimah Njuki, Susan Kaaria, and Robert Delve.
Relationship between Social Capital and Livelihood Enhancing Capitals among Smallholder Farmers in Uganda
AAAE Conference Proceedings.
Journal Article
Bertho, Béatrice.
Trajectoires et revendications féminines dans le règlement des différends conjugaux autour de deux études de cas en milieu mossi (Burkina Faso)
Autrepart , no. 2 (2012).
Journal Article
Kindiki, Moses Mpuria.
International regime governance and apparel labour upgrading in export processing zones in urban Kenya
African Review of Economics and Finance 3, no. 1 (2011): 26-40.
Conference Paper
Fukuda, Yuko.
Bangsa Malaysia and Corporatisation of Ethno-religious identity – exploring the limits of Najib?s “moderation agenda”
Second International Conference on Asian Studies.
Colombo, Sri Lanka, July 14-15, 2014.
Journal Article
Wojcicki, Janet Maia, and Josephine Malala.
Condom use, power and HIV/AIDS risk: sex-workers bargain for survival in Hillbrow/Joubert Park/Berea, Johannesburg
Social science & medicine 53, no. 1 (2001): 99-121.
Abokede, Aderonke Funmi Kolade.
The Gender Agenda: Bargaining with Political Parties in Osun State, Nigeria
: Erasmus University, 2008.
Journal Article
Nsoso, SJ, M Monkhei, and BE Tlhwaafalo.
A survey of traditional small stock farmers in Molelopole North, Kweneng district, Botswana: Demographic parameters, market practices and marketing channels
Livestock Research for rural development 16, no. 12 (2004).
Thesis or Dissertation
Musandirire, Bridget.
Is marriage a haven or a risk for women in Zimbabwe in the era of HIV/AIDS: Interrogating womens reproductive rights in marriage
Master in Women`s Law, University of Zimbabwe, 2016.
Khawaja, Idrees, and Sajawal Khan.
Growth Diagnostics: Pakistan
Journal Article
Boateng, Godfred Odei, Daniel Mumba, Yvonne Asare-Bediako, and Mavis Odei Boateng.
Examining the correlates of gender equality and the empowerment of married women in Zambia
African Geographical Review 33, no. 1 (2014): 1-18.
Working Paper
Rodriguez, Liliana Narvaez.
More than Formal Institutions?: An Analysis of the Stabilizing and De-Stabilizing Effect of Patronage Networks in the South of Thailand 1980-2003.
Working Paper
Guha-Sapir, Debarati, and Olivier Degomme.
Estimating mortality in civil conflicts: lessons from Iraq
Guha-Sapir, Debarati, and Olivier Degomme.
Darfur: counting the deaths. Mortality estimates from multiple survey data
: 1 CRED Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, 2005.
Journal Article
Nambei, Wilfrid S, Antoine Doui-Doumgba, Gustave Bobossi, Marcelle D Siadoua, Nestor Madji, Rose Folokete, Max Koula, and Olivier Garraud.
Efficacy of artemether in the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children aged 6-60 months of age in Bangui (Central African Republic)
Sante (Montrouge, France) 18, no. 1 (2008): 49.
Working Paper
Guha-Sapir, Debarati, and Olivier Degomme.
Counting the deaths in Darfur: Estimating mortality from multiple survey data
(2006) Households in Conflict Network .
Thesis or Dissertation
Degomme, Olivier.
Mortality in the Darfur conflict: A study of large-scale patterns based on a meta-analysis of small-scale surveys
PhD, Medical Sciences, Académie universitaire ‘Louvain’, 2011.
Belbéoch, Olivier, Yves Charbit, and Souraya H Houssein.
La population de Djibouti: recherches sociodémographiques
Paris, France: L'Harmattan, 2008.
Journal Article
Victora, Cesar, Jennifer Bryce, Olivier Fontaine, and Roland Monasch.
Reducing deaths from diarrhoea through oral rehydration therapy
BULLETIN-WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 78, no. 10 (2000): 1246-1255.
Journal Article
Ngnie-Teta, Ismael, Olivier Receveur, and Barthelemy Kuate-Defo.
Risk factors for moderate to severe anemia among children in Benin and Mali: Insights from a multilevel analysis
Food and Nutrition Bulletin 28, no. 1 (2007): 76-89.
Journal Article
Ngnie-Teta, Ismael, Barthelemy Kuate-Defo, and Olivier Receveur.
Multilevel modelling of sociodemographic predictors of various levels of anaemia among women in Mali
Public health nutrition 12, no. 09 (2008): 1462-1469.
Showing 1-30 of 119