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Showing 721-750 of 820
Journal Article
Evans, Martin, and Susan Harkness.
Social protection in Vietnam and obstacles to progressivity
Asian Social Work and Policy Review 2, no. 1 (2008): 30-52.
Journal Article
Mundo-Molina, Martín.
Supplying System for Drinking Water to Small Rural Communities with Zero Greenhouse Gasses: Sixteen Years of Experiences in Mexico
Journal of Water Resource and Protection 8, no. 12 (2016): 1044-1052.
Journal Article
Alvial, Pilar, Maria Jose Espinoza, Alvaro V Moyano, Fresia F Solis, and Pamela P San Martin.
Prevalencia de inserción laboral en la adultez de pacientes amputados antes de los 18 años de edad y factores clínico-demográficos asociados.
Rehabilitacion Integral 9, no. 1 (2014): 35-43.
Spaull, Nicholas, Servaas Berg, Gabrielle Wills, Martin Gustafsson, and Janeli Kotze.
Laying Firm foundations: Getting reading right
Evans, Martin, Ian Gough, Susan Harkness, Andrew McKay, Huyen Dao Thanh, and NDL Thu.
How progressive is social security in Viet Nam
Journal Article
Noltze, Martin.
Backyard living: integrative policies towards migrant workers; housing microfinance in greater Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies 1, no. 2 (2008): 19-33.
Working Paper
Brown, Caitlin, Martin Ravallion, and Dominique Walle.
Most of Africa's Nutritionally Vulnerable Women and Children Are Not Found in Poor Households
Working Paper
Brown, Caitlin, Martin Ravallion, and Dominique Van De Walle.
Are Poor Individuals Mainly Found in Poor Households? Evidence Using Nutrition Data for Africa
Thesis or Dissertation
Acosta Amaya, Nelly Soledad.
El disenador grafico en el museo de hoy en tanto industria cultural
Magíster en Comunicación, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2015.
Journal Article
Gazimbi, Martin M, and Monica A Magadi.
A multilevel analysis of the determinants of HIV testing in Zimbabwe: Evidence from the demographic and health surveys
HIV/AIDS Research and Treatment 4, no. 1 (2017): 14-31.
Journal Article
Prieto, Victoria, Sofia Robaina, and Martin Koolhaas.
Integración de la inmigración reciente de origen extranjero al mercado laboral uruguayo
(2017) Anais.
Journal Article
Koolhaas, Martin.
Magnitud y selectividad de la migración de retorno en Uruguay (1986-2015)
Revista Latinoamericana de Población 10, no. 18 (2016): 107-133.
Journal Article
Prieto, Victoria, Sofia Robaina, and Martin Koolhaas.
Acceso y calidad del empleo de la inmigración reciente en Uruguay
REMHU-Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana 24, no. 48 (2016): 121-144.
Thesis or Dissertation
Martin, Omondi Dan.
Communication strategies and leadership development among high school girls in rural Kenya
Master of Arts in Communication Studies, University of Nairobi, 2015.
Journal Article
Mudany, Mildred A, Martin Sirengo, George W Rutherford, Mary Mwangi, Lucy W Nganga, and Anthony Gichangi.
Enhancing Maternal and Child Health using a Combined Mother \& Child Health Booklet in Kenya
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 61, no. 6 (2015): 442-447.
Conference Paper
Koolhaas, Martin, and Adela Pellegrino.
Migración internacional de retorno en Uruguay y reinserción laboral en tiempos de crisis económica internacional (2011-2013)
XII Jornadas Argentinas de Estudios de Población, Salta, 16-18 de septiembre de 2015.
Journal Article
Harvey, Steven A, Yukyan Lam, Nina A Martin, and Maribel P Olórtegui.
Multiple entries and exits and other complex human patterns of insecticide-treated net use: a possible contributor to residual malaria transmission?
Malaria Journal 16, no. 1 (2017): 265.
Journal Article
Lalanne, Alvaro, and Martin Brun.
Los ingresos y egresos de los gobiernos departamentales entre 1990 y 2013
(2015) CEPAL - Serie Estudios y Perspectivas.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mena J, Martín Valdez.
Identificación de los principales estresores percibidos por los conductores de autobús de la compañía CATAR, ruta Carcelen Bajo - Eloy Alfaro - El Ejido, durante horas pico de la ciudad de Quito
Bachelor Thesis, Universidad De Las Américas, 2016.
Journal Article
Pratt, Abigail, Martin Dale, Elena Olivi, and Jane Miller.
Spatial distribution and deployment of community-based distributors implementing integrated community case management (iCCM): Geographic information system (GIS) mapping study in three South Sudan states
Journal of global health 4, no. 2 (2014).
Working Paper
Floreani, Vincent A, Gladys López-Acevedo, and Martín Rama.
Conflict and Poverty in Afghanistan's Transition
Policy Research WP , no. 7864 (2016).
Journal Article
Atuahene, Margaret Duah, Esther Oku Afari, Martin Adjuik, and Samuel Obed.
Health knowledge, attitudes and practices of family planning service providers and clients in Akwapim North District of Ghana
Contraception and Reproductive Medicine 1, no. 1 (2016): 5.
Book Section
Kiess, Lynnda, Natalie Aldern, Saskia Pee, and Martin W Bloem.
Nutrition and Health
(2017) Nutrition in Humanitarian Crises.
Working Paper
Iimi, Atsushi, Richard Martin Humphrey, and Sevara Melibaeva.
Firms' locational choice and infrastructure development in Rwanda
Journal Article
Tchoupou, Aurelien Douandji, Emmanuel Ngnikam, and Martin Yelkouni.
Contribution à l’amélioration de la gestion des déchets d’équipements électriques et électroniques ménagers au Cameroun : cas de la ville de Douala
(2017) Dechets Sciences & Techniques.
Journal Article
Dury, Sandrine, Noel Gautier, Eric Jazet, Martin Mba, Claude Tchamda, and Georges Tsafack.
La consommation alimentaire au Cameroun en 1996 : données de l'enquête camerounaise auprès des ménages (ECAM)
(2000) Agritrop.
Journal Article
Boidin, Bruno.
Capabilities et seuils de sante
Revue Tiers Monde , no. 2 (2009).
Journal Article
Kweku, Margaret, Michael Ofori, Wisdom Takramah, Wisdom Kudzo Axame, Richard Owusu, Phyllis Parbey, Martin Adjuik, and Elvis Tarkang.
Assessment of the Prevalence of Anaemia and Associated Risk Factors among Children Under Five Years in rural communities of the Hohoe Municipality, Ghana.
(2017) International Journal of Nursing Didactics.
Working Paper
Mfossa, Patrick-Herve Mbouombouo, Gregory Mvogo, and Martin Ndzana.
Performance sociale versus performance financière : quel objectif pour les microfinances Camerounaises?
Thesis or Dissertation
Mbida, Alain Martin Otsomotsi.
Les determinants sociodemographiques de la qualite du logement dans les metropoles camerounaises : cas de Douala et de Yaounde
Master en Demographie, Universite de Yaounde II, 2010.
Showing 721-750 of 820