
Showing 1-30 of 6864
Thesis or Dissertation
Sanusi, Abdullah. "Analysis of non-market strategies implemented by SMEs in an emergent economy: the case of Indonesia." Doctor of Philosophy, Curtin University, 2016.
Working Paper
Bryson, Alex, Minghai Zhou, and Minghai Zhou. "What Do We Know about China's CEO's?: Evidence from Across the Whole Economy." The Centre for Economic Performance , no. 31 (2012).
Conference Paper
Zhou, Zhang-Yue, Weiming Tian, and Jun-Lin Zhou. "The emerging dairy economy in China: production, consumption and trade prospects." the 46th Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, 13-15 February 2002, Canberra, Australia. 2002.
Conference Paper
Zhou, Yingying. "Uncovering Children in Marginalization: Explaining Unregistered Children in China." IUSSP General Conference, Tours, France. 2005.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sandie, Arsène Brunelle. "Non scolarisation et abandon scolaire chez les enfants agés de 6-14 ans dans le grand-nord Cameroun : analyse statistique et recherche de modèles explicatifs.." Mémoire de Master de Statistique Appliquée., École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Cameroun, 2013.
Journal Article
Adelekan, Yinka Adetunji, and Abiodun Olusola Omotayo. "Linkage Between Rural Non-Farm Income and Agricultural Productivity in Nigeria: A Tobit-Two-Stage Least Square Regression Approach." The Journal of Developing Areas 51, no. 3 (2017): 317-333.
Journal Article
Olubukunmi, Obisesan Omobolaji, Salman Kabir Kayode, Daramola Adebukola Yewande, Rufai Adedoyin Mistura, and Ogunniyi Adebayo. "Food and Non-Food Expenditure Differential across Poor and Non-Poor Households in South-East Nigeria.." International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 7, no. 1 (2016): 15-160.
Journal Article
Prasad, Jang Bahadur, and Prahlad Kumar. "The Caste-Wealth Nexus and Child Nutrition: A Study of Empowered Action Group of States in India." International Journal of Science and Research 5, no. 6 (2013): 1226-1234.
Journal Article
Canagarajah, Sudarshan, C. Newman, and R. Bhattamishra. "Non-farm income, gender, and inequality: evidence from rural Ghana and Uganda." Food Policy 26, no. 4 (2001): 405-420.
Journal Article
Malek, Mohammad A, and Koichi Usami. "Do Non-Farm Incomes Really Matter for Poverty among Small Households in Rural Bangladesh? A Case of Advanced Villages." Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 2, no. 7 (2010): 250-267.
Clarke, Kaila, Mohamadou Sall, Babacar Mane, Nafissatou Diop, and Et Bocar Mamadou Daff. Comprendre les grossesses non désirées au Sénégal: Rapport du Profil Pays. 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Momanyi, Zipporan Kemunto. "Factors associated with the prevalence of non adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV positive patients in Kibra slums, Nairobi, Kenya." Master of Science, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wildsmith, Elizabeth Maxfield. "Female headship: Testing theories of linear assimilation, segmented assimilation, and familism among Mexican origin women." University of Texas at Austin, 2000.
Working Paper
Rola, Agnes C, John Paul A De Mesa, and Isidra B Bagares. "Do Non-farm Jobs Affect Soil Conservation Decisions? A ten-year (1996-2006) study in Bukidnon, Philippines." (2005) ISPPS Working Paper .
Journal Article
Obinna, LO. "Assessing the benefits of non- farm and farm activities among rural dwellers in Ohafia and Umuahia agricultural zones of Abia State, Nigeria." Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment 10, no. 4 (2014): 106-111.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kaija, Darlison. "Employment and income diversification in rural Uganda: evidence from the 1999." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cape Town, 2008.
Journal Article
Pinchoff, Jessie, Christopher B Boyer, Namuunda Mutombo, Rachna Nag Chowdhuri, and Thoai D Ngo. "Why don’t urban youth in Zambia use condoms? The influence of gender and marriage on non-use of male condoms among young adults." PloS one 12, no. 3 (2017): e0172062.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chanzu, Nadia Musimbi. "Secretor status, Fucosyltransferase 2 (fut2) gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to HIV infections among female sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Nairobi, 2014.
Journal Article
Belk, Russell W, and Non Zhou. "Learning to Want Things." (1987) Advances in Consumer Research.
Thesis or Dissertation
Musizvingoza, Ronald. "Risky sexual behaviour among youth: A case of Mufakose, Harare." Master of Science in Population Studies, University of Zimbabwe, 2016.
Journal Article
Schneidemesser, Erika, Jiabin Zhou, Elizabeth A Stone, James J Schauer, Radwan Qasrawi, Ziad Abdeen, Jacob Shpund, Arye Vanger, Geula Sharf, Tamar Moise, and others. "Seasonal and spatial trends in the sources of fine particle organic carbon in Israel, Jordan, and Palestine." Atmospheric Environment 44, no. 30 (2010): 3669-3678.
Journal Article
Amaratunga, Chanaki, Sokunthea Sreng, Seila Suon, Erika S Phelps, Kasia Stepniewska, Pharath Lim, Chongjun Zhou, Sivanna Mao, Jennifer M Anderson, and Niklas Lindegardh. "Artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Pursat province, western Cambodia: a parasite clearance rate study." The Lancet infectious diseases 12, no. 11 (2012): 851-858.
Thesis or Dissertation
Zhou, Ang. "Access to finance: The effect of financial constraints on private firms' performances in China." Master of Public Policy, Georgetown University, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Jiang, Leiwen. "Population and sustainable development in China: population and household scenarios for two regions." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam, 1999.
Working Paper
HU, Suyun, Zhen WANG, and Haiwang ZHOU. "Rural Migrants and China economic Transformation." (2001) The International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development, Kitakyushu.
Working Paper
Mussa, Richard. "Household economic status, schooling costs, and schooling bias against non-biological children in Malawi." Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 48 (2009).
Thesis or Dissertation
Donkoh M, Gifty. "Association between Facility Status – Baby Friendly and Non-Baby Friendly Hospitals and Infant Feeding Practices." Thesis, University of Ghana , 2013.
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